Public Speaking For Dummies, 2nd Edition
by Malcolm Kushner
Public Speaking For Dummies, 2nd Edition
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About the Author
Malcolm Kushner, Americas Favorite Humor Consultant, is an internationally acclaimed expert on humor and communication and a professional speaker. Since 1982, he has trained thousands of managers, executives and professionals how to gain a competitive edge with humor. His clients include IBM, Hewlett-Packard, AT&T, Chevron, Aetna, Motorola, and Bank of America.
A popular speaker, his Leading With Laughter presentation features rare video clips of U.S. presidents using humor intentionally and successfully. He has performed the speech at many corporate and association meetings, as well as at the Smithsonian Institution.
A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of Buffalo, Kushner holds a BA in Speech-Communication. His MA in Speech-Communication is from the University of Southern California, where he taught freshman speech. He also has a JD from the University of California Hastings College of the Law. Prior to becoming a humor consultant, he practiced law with a major San Francisco law firm.
Kushner is the author of The Light Touch: How to Use Humor for Business Success and Vintage Humor for Wine Lovers. He is also a co-creator of the humor exhibit at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.
Frequently interviewed by the media, Kushner has been profiled in Time Magazine, USA Today, The New York Times, and numerous other publications. His television and radio appearances include CNN, National Public Radio, CNBC, Voice of America, and The Larry King Show. His annual Cost of Laughing Index has been featured on The Tonight Show and the front page of The Wall Street Journal.
Need a great speaker for your next meeting or event? Contact Malcolm at P.O. Box 7509, Santa Cruz, CA 95061, call 831-425-4839, or e-mail him at Visit his Web site at
This book is dedicated to my parents Pauline, Hank and Helen. Thank you for all of your love and support
Authors Acknowledgments
Lets start with the people at Wiley. My thanks go to Marc Mikulich for talking me into writing this book and to Kathy Cox for making this edition happen. And to Jennifer Connolly who provided superb editing and listened to me kvetch.
Speaking of special thanks, I must shower praise upon my wife Christine Griger who looked at the pages as they came out of the printer. (Jennifer, if you think your job was tough, you should have seen what the stuff looked like before Chriss corrections!) And I must thank my son Sam for his encouragement.
Special thanks go to the late San Francisco comedy coach John Cantu. He was a good friend and teacher. And he is greatly missed by everyone who knew him. Loyd Auerbach, Allatia Harris and N.R. Mitgang also received repeated calls to tap into their expertise and came through every time.
I also want to thank all the other people who were interviewed for this book. They include John Austin, Neil Baron, Donna Bedford, J.E. Aeliot Boswell, Rachael Brune, Joe DiNucci, Steve Fraticelli, James Harris III, Barbara Howard, Joyce Lekas, Marcia Lemmons, Jim Luckaszewski, Chuck McCann, Jeff Raleigh, Steve Resnick, Jackie Roach, Zack Rss, David Schmidt, Ken Sereno, Allen Weiner, Bill Zachmeier, Patty White, Russell Feingold, David Bartlett, Scott Fivash, Kare Anderson, Shawn Whalen, Rich Johnson, and Martin Gonzales Bravo.
Thanks for support and encouragement go to Rich Herzfeld, Bob Reed, Jack Burkett, Stu Silverstein, Linda Mead, Debra DeCuir, Karen Kushner, Barbara Nash, Corwin and Tyler Sparks, and Arthur, Karen, Heather and Amy Tamarkin. Special thanks go to Tom Daly IV at Vital Speeches for granting permission to use so many of the quotes contained in the book.
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