JJ Smiths
10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse
By Readers Companion
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HE 10-DAY GREEN SMOOTHIE Cleanse was published by Adiva Publishing for the first time on February 9th, 2014. The book was written by J.J. Smith, who is a certified specialist on weight management and nutrition. The book was originally written in English language and its paperback version consists of 190 pages, and an electronic version is also available on Kindle as well.
If you want to lose weight, boost up your energy, clear your mind, have effective digestion and good sleep, or no bloating, then all you need is the 10-DayGreenSmoothieCleanse for your bodys detoxification and to fulfill your goals. Most of us might mistake J.J. Smiths 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse for a diet plan but actually about changing lifestyle over a detox purification process. However the books motif clearly states that in 10 days you may lose up to 15 pounds. Nonetheless, the author wants this detox book to be a source of improved health and happiness. In the book Smith gives you all the strategies by which you can transform your bodies into better shape in a very little period of time.
The most important thing about this cleanse/detox is that one doesnt have to starve. According to the author one can go through the process of bodys detoxification by simply taking three green smoothies per day and can also eat apples, carrots, un-salted nuts, seed and even hard-boiled eggs as snacks. This one is called the Full cleanse and one is not allowed to stay on the full cleanse for more than two weeks straight. Other detox options include The modified cleanse. It requires a green smoothie for breakfast and one for lunch plus a high protein meal as dinner. For example, a grilled skinless chicken breast with a side salad plus you can have small snacks throughout the day. J.J. Smith provides a list of items and a variety of recipes for each green smoothie for 10-day period. After the detox process, if one wants to continue drinking smoothies for a healthier lifestyle, Smith has offered approximately 50 pages of additional recipes. They are named according to the needs of stress reduction, kid friendly smoothies, and fat-burner smoothies. The book also offers smoothie recipes for diabetic patients trying to have a healthier lifestyle.
Before beginning this book, one must keep in mind that it is not a diet in which one usually puts the weight back on once you finish. Whats the benefit in that? No one wants to put on weight again that took a lot of effort to lose. This cleanse is simply a change of lifestyle for happier and healthier living with an additional benefit of losing weight. Since it provides detoxification of bodys cells, if one sticks to it, the results are promising. 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse offers an online experience for users, as well answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs), extra cleanse information, and delicious high protein recipes are provided. The first half of the book comprises of all the information that one needs to start the cleanse. J.J. Smiths book is easy to read and with the repetition of certain advice, the author tries to convey the message as promptly as possible. Her positive and encouraging approach makes it easy for a reader to follow her 10 day-detox plan. It solves a lot of lifes daily problems like repeated acne, insomnia, headaches, sweet, sugary food cravings, bloating, depression and indigestion.
The book begins by giving the reason behind the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse. According to the book, detoxification is the foremost step in losing weight. Detoxification is the removal of toxic compounds from the cells of our body. Through all the processed foods we eat and pollution exposure including smoking, loads our fat cells with toxins that are not easily removed by dieting alone. So if you want to lose excess weight, you need to detoxify your body first. Hence, current dieting books should concentrate on both fat burning and detoxification. The author explains that raw green vegetables have excellent power to heal our bodies of toxin damage. By following this 10 day cleanse you will be able to detoxify your body by avoiding certain foods and re-set your taste buds to crave for organic, natural, nutrient-rich healthy foods. According to J.J. Smith after you finish you detox, you will never have to follow expensive meal plans or count calories of the food you take, as your body will naturally desire only healthy foods.
All of the ingredients for a green smoothie recipe are raw; only green leafy veggies, fruits and water. Use dark green leafy vegetables such as beet greens, bok choy, kale, parsley, spinach, etc. and fruits such as grapes, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, frozen mango chunks, frozen peaches, apples, etc. If one is doing hard exercise, then the author suggest that they can add one scoop of protein powder in their smoothies since only 40% of a green smoothie contains proteins. J.J Smith suggests Sun Warrior protein blend and Raw Protein by Garden of Life among others as non-dairy, plant based protein powders.
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.J. SMITH IS A CERTIFIED WEIGHT LOSS specialist, nutritionist and health coach, a motivational speaker, writer and #1 New York Times bestselling author of 6 Ways to Lose Belly Fat Without Exercise, Why I love The Joys Of Dating Men and 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse. She has starred on The Jamie Foxx Show, The Steve Harvey Show, The Better TV Show, The Montel Williams Show, The Michael Baisden Show and The View. She has appeared on the pages of Essence, Ladies Home Journal, Glamour and Heart and Soul. J.J. Smith has also made appearances on FOX News, CW , NBC and CNBC Network TV stations.
In 2013, J.J. Smith was diagnosed with Mercury poisoning, supposed to be from her silver dental fillings that dissolved over time. An extensive bedridden recovery provoked her to search for ways to get her energy and health back on track and to lose the extra 20 pounds she had put on during her bed rest. She wrote a 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse detox book, after understanding the wisdom of raw vegetables and fruits as body healers. She started using her own detox plan and also asked for support of her friends and family members to do with her. She also made a Facebook page and asked everyone to update their results. News spread fast and within two months, over 15,000 people also decided to follow J.J.s cleanse. J.J. Smith is a source of inspiration for all those individuals who want to lose weight, eat healthy and become sexy like they use to be. J.J. offers lifestyle changing solutions, relationship advice, and weight-loss methods that make you look younger.
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