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Connor Dayton - Air

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Connor Dayton Air
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As important as air is, it is often taken for granted. Students will enjoy learning all about the science of air, including the atmosphere, heat conduction, airless environments, and more, with this whimsically illustrated presentation of important science concepts.

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Table of Contents
The Four Elements AIR Connor Dayton - photo 1
The Four Elements AIR
Connor Dayton
The Four El - photo 2
The Four Elements Air Connor Dayton Illustrations by Cecco - photo 3
The Four Elements Air Connor Dayton Illustrations by Cecco Mariniello - photo 4
The Four Elements Air Connor Dayton Illustrations by Cecco Mariniello New - photo 5
The Four Elements
Connor Dayton Illustrations by Cecco Mariniello
New York
Published in 2015 by Windmill Books An Imprint of Rosen Publishing East 21st - photo 6
Published in 2015 by Windmill Books, An Imprint of Rosen Publishing East 21st Street, New York, NY 10010
Copyright 2015 by Windmill Books, An Imprint of Rosen Publishing
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer.
Illustrations by Cecco Mariniello Computer graphics by Roberto Simoni
Photo Credits: pp. 1011 Dorling Kindersley/Thinkstock; p. Dr. Morley Read/Shutterstock. com; p. NASA; p. Michael Sewell/Photolibrary/Getty Images; p. Heath Patterson/Getty Images; p. Jezperklauzen/iStock/Thinkstock.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Dayton, Connor. Air / by Connor Dayton.
pages cm. ( The four elements) Includes index. ISBN 978-1-4777-9261-2 ( library binding) ISBN 978-1-4777-9262-9 ( pbk. ) ISBN 978-1-4777-9263-6 ( 6-pack) Air Juvenile literature. I. Title. QC161. D39 2015 dc23
Manufactured in the United States of America
CPSIA Compliance Information: Batch # BW14WM: For Further Information contact Windmill Books, New York, New York at 1-866-478-0556 Windmill Books wishes to thank AD Books for original creation of content in this book.
Contents Introduction Just P lain Air Flying Air to Breathe - photo 7
Just P lain Air
Air to Breathe
Without Air
Hot Air, Cold air
Rising H igh Above
M oving Air
Using the Airs Energy
The Colors of Air
Colored Light
Keep the Air Clean
Further Reading
The Four Elements Several ancient civilizations thought of air water earth - photo 8
The Four Elements
Several ancient civilizations thought of air, water, earth, and re as the four elements upon which everything in the world was built.
Now we know that the list of elements is much longer The periodic table has - photo 9
Now we know that the list of elements is much longer. The periodic table has elements on it.
In this series, well learn about the four classical elements through modern science. Air, water, earth, and re all still play large parts in the natural world. Lets learn more!
Just Plain Air It is easy to forget that air is there After all you cant - photo 10
Just Plain Air?
It is easy to forget that air is there. After all, you cant exactly see it. No life on Earth could exist without it, though!
Air is the mix of gases around Earth. It is also called the
atmosphere It has the gases we breathe and that plants need too The - photo 11
atmosphere. It has the gases we breathe and that plants need, too. The atmosphere also keeps us from being harmed by the rays of the Sun. It holds in just the right amount of heat from the Sun, too.
Flying Peoples bodies unlike birds are not made for ying through the air - photo 12
Peoples bodies, unlike birds, are not made for ying through the air. Throughout time, people have watched ying animals and wished that they too could y.
Eventually, people invented ways to use wings to y. The shape of wings gives birds, butteries, airplanes, and hang gliders lift. This force allows a ying object to overcome the force of gravity, which pulls us down.
Air to Breathe Air is percent nitrogen percent oxygen and small - photo 13
Air to Breathe Air is percent nitrogen percent oxygen and small amounts of - photo 14
Air to Breathe
Air is percent nitrogen, percent oxygen, and small amounts of other gases. The balls in the drawing below represent what makes up air. The red balls are the nitrogen, the blue are oxygen, and the black ball represents the other gases.
All animals breathe oxygen They breathe out carbon dioxide Plants use - photo 15
All animals breathe oxygen. They breathe out carbon dioxide. Plants use carbon dioxide to make food. Doing this releases oxygen. This is why plants are so important to our planet.
Without Air People cannot go very long without breathing This means that if - photo 16
Without Air
People cannot go very long without breathing. This means that if you go somewhere without air, you need to bring it with you in a tank. This is what astronauts and scuba divers do.
Our bodies depend on air in other ways, too. We need air for some of our senses to work. Sound travels on waves through air.
Without air we could not hear sounds Through our sense of smell we smell - photo 17
Without air, we could not hear sounds. Through our sense of smell, we smell tiny particles in the air.
Hot Air Cold Air Do you know why summers are warmer than winters There are - photo 18
Hot Air, Cold Air
Do you know why summers are warmer than winters? There are
times when half of Earth gets more of the Suns rays and times when it gets less. More sunlight means more heat. The time with the most sunlight is summer. The time with the least is winter.
In winter we bundle up in coats hats and gloves In summer we might wear - photo 19
In winter, we bundle up in coats, hats, and gloves. In summer, we might wear shorts, T-shirts, and sandals. Do you go to the beach in winter? Probably not!
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