Lets Visit the
Jennifer Boothroyd
For my friends at
Lowry Nature Center
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Boothroyd, Jennifer, 1972 author.
Title: Let ' s visit the deciduous forest / Jennifer Boothroyd.
Description: Minneapolis : Lerner Publications, [ 2016 ] | Series: Lightning bolt books. Biome explorers |
Audience: Ages 58. | Audience: K to grade 3. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2015039638 | ISBN 9781512411898 (lb : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781512412260 (pb : alk.
paper) | ISBN 9781512411973 (eb pdf)
Subjects: LCSH: Forest ecologyJuvenile literature. | Forest animalsJuvenile literature. | Forest
plantsJuvenile literature.
Classification: LCC QH541.5.F6 B66 2016 | DDC 577.3dc23
LC record available at http: // lccn.loc.gov / 2015039638
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Table of Contents
A Journey to the
Deciduous F orest
People in the
Deciduous Forest
A Journey to
the Deciduous
Crunch, shwoosh, crunch.
The leaves make noise
under your feet.
How many colors do
you see in this forest?
The leaves have changed
colors. Red, orange, yellow,
and brown leaves fall gently
to the ground.
Welcome to fall in a deciduous
forest. This biome changes
each season.
A biome is a large area
with certain kinds of
plants and animals.
Deciduous forests are found
mostly in North America, Asia,
and Europe.
Deciduous forest
The trees lose their leaves in
the fall.
T his forest f loor has a
thick layer of leaves.
The trees stop growing during
the winter. Their bark protects
them from the cold and snow.
Leaf and flower buds grow in
the spring. In the summer, the
trees are full of leaves again.
This bud will grow
into a maple leaf.
Animals in t h e
Many animals rely on trees
for their food and homes.
A raccoon is in its den.
Squirrels make nests in the
high branches. Squirrels are
very good at climbing.
Squirrels use twigs and
leaves to make their nests.
T his chipmunk
is eating a nut.
Chipmunks eat
nuts and seeds.
Chipmunks live
underground in holes
and tunnels. They save
food in their homes to eat
during the winter.
Many birds also live in the
forest. Some birds stay in
deciduous forests only during
warmer weather. Some birds
stay all year long.
This bright red
bird is a cardinal.
Hoo, Hoo! An owl is watching
from high in the tree. Owls
hunt mice and shrews that
scurry along the forest floor.
Woodpeckers find bugs under
the bark of the trees. They
use their beaks to poke holes
in the bark and their long
tongues to pull out the bugs.
A red- bellied
hunts for bugs.
Red foxes hunt in the forest.
They live in dens and eat
small animals.
Red foxes live in many
habitats around the world.
White- tailed deer hide in
the forest. The color of their
fur blends into the colors of
the forest.
Plants in t h e
Trees are the biggest plants
of the forest. Oak trees grow
high in the sky. They grow
acorns. These nuts are seeds
that sprout new oak trees.
Squirrels and other animals
eat acorns from oak trees.