Fact.![Fact Fact Bullsht Learn the Truth and Spot the Lie on Everything from Tequila-Made Diamonds to Tetriss Soviet Roots - Plus Tons of Other Totally Random Facts from Science History and Beyond - image 2](/uploads/posts/book/38514/images/i-1.png)
The giraffe was originally called a cameleopard because fourteenth-century Romans thought the animal looked like a cross between a camel and a leopard.
Fact.![Fact Fact Bullsht Learn the Truth and Spot the Lie on Everything from Tequila-Made Diamonds to Tetriss Soviet Roots - Plus Tons of Other Totally Random Facts from Science History and Beyond - image 3](/uploads/posts/book/38514/images/i-2.png)
Giraffes need a serious ticker to get blood up those long necks to their brains: A giraffe heart often weighs up to 25 pounds, and can be more than 2 feet long.
on Everything from Tequila-Made Diamonds to Tetriss Soviet Roots
Plus Tons of Other Totally Random Facts from Science, History, and Beyond!
Bullsh*t!![Fact Fact Bullsht Learn the Truth and Spot the Lie on Everything from Tequila-Made Diamonds to Tetriss Soviet Roots - Plus Tons of Other Totally Random Facts from Science History and Beyond - image 4](/uploads/posts/book/38514/images/i-3.png)
Giraffes are one of the sleepiest mammals around; they average a whopping fifteen hours of sleep per twenty-four-hour period. Theyre great at hiding it, however: They only sleep standing up.
Neil Patrick Stewart
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Kingdom Animalia
The Unicorn!
Pop Culture!
Everything Edible
Famous Dead People
Weird Science
Sports and Other
Wastes of Time
Strange Sports!
and Gallimaufry
How Good Is Your Bullshit Detector?
Everyones an expert. As kids, we breathlessly informed each other that swallowed chewing gum takes seven years to digest. My best friend likes to point out that we need eight glasses of water a day to be healthy. My uncle taught me that the alcohol burns away when you cook with wine, and a pet store cashier recently remarked to me that goldfish have a memory span of just a few seconds. A barber once instructed me that shaving causes hair to grow back even thicker, and a college classmate smugly pointed out to a group of us that glass is actually a liquid that moves very, very slowly. A tour guide once told the group that water drains out of a toilet according to the Coriolis effect, and a particular public speaker seemed to be looking at me when she said that men think about sex every seven seconds.
All of these things, however, are bullshit. Conventional wisdom is quite often not wisdom at all, just a series of old wives tales that we repeat to each other endlessly in a brainless worldwide game of Bullshit Telephone. Ive always thought people are capable of believing just about anything they hear, and I intend to prove it. I bet I can make up complete fabrications about topics youre familiar with, and that youll buy ithook, line, and sinker. At least, some of the time you will.
Care to prove me wrong? Ive collected a mountain of data on a plethora of topics, ranging from Elvis Presley to the duck-billed platypus, added a healthy dose of bullshit to the mix, then stirred it all up.
On every page, youll find three statements about a particular topic, of which two are true and one is a lie. Make your call, then turn the page to find out if youre right. My wager is that more often than not, youll be surprised at what you find.
![Fact Fact Bullsht Learn the Truth and Spot the Lie on Everything from Tequila-Made Diamonds to Tetriss Soviet Roots - Plus Tons of Other Totally Random Facts from Science History and Beyond - image 5](/uploads/posts/book/38514/images/1-1.png)
Kingdom Animalia
Currently, there are about 2 million species on the planet (that we know about), and scientists figure there are probably at least twice that manyperhaps even fifteen times that manyliving and dying around us every day. Any biologist worth her salt will tell you that shes learned enough to know just how much she doesnt know about animals. Which is a lot.
We do know enough, however, to help preserve endangered species, to improve a sick or injured animals condition, and to take excellent care of our pets. We ought to know something: We humans are animals too.
But were more than just animals, right? We have culture, language, tools, personality, emotions, and morals, after all. That makes us something more. Thats what makes us human.
Bullshit. Different species of animals have been proven to possess each one of those things, in turn, and scientists continue to be surprised on a regular basis by what animals turn out to be capable of accomplishing.
If you doubt the fact that you know far fewer things about animals than you think you do, turn the page, spot the bullshit, and prove me wrong.
- Lugging around that long neck is tiring! Giraffes are one of the sleepiest mammals around; they average a whopping fifteen hours of sleep per twenty-four-hour period. Theyre great at hiding it, however: They only sleep standing up.
- The giraffe was originally called a cameleopard. Fourteenth-century Romans came up with the name because they thought the beast looked like a cross between a camel and a leopard. The Afrikaans language still takes its cues from the Romans, calling the giraffe the