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Some words are shown in bold, like this .
You can find them in the glossary on page
Table of
Meet the Animals
What has a mane and a
loud roar?
Its the African lion .
What has striped fur and a long tail?
Its the
tiger .
Would a lion or a tiger win in a fight?
Lets find out!
Size and Strength
A lion has powerful shoulder
for grabbing its prey. A male lions mane
makes him look bigger than he really is.
This is how tall a lion
is next to a human.
This is how tall a tiger is
next to a human.
A tiger weighs as much as house
cats! It uses its huge body to knock
down animals up to twice its size.
A lion can only for a short time.
It will give up if its prey gets ahead.
Buffalos are but slow. They are
easier to catch than speedy gazelles.
A Bengal tiger is not as fast as an African
lion. It also cannot run for long. But
strong leg muscles make a tiger good at
jumping and climbing.
Coats A lion needs to hide to get close to its
prey before it attacks. Its sandy- colored
coat in perfectly with the pale
African grass.
The bright orange coat of a tiger may
look easy to spot. But its prey cant see
bright colors. The stripes make it harder
to see.
Survival Skills
Lions are often called lazy. They rest
between meals to save energy. A lion
mostly hunts at night, when its not as hot.
A tiger may have to walk a long way to
find food. Tough pads protect its paws
from cuts and scratches. It loves to cool
off by taking a swim.
Super Senses
A lion has fantastic eyesight. It can spot
prey far across the African plains. A lion
can see six times better than a human in
the dark.
A tiger can twist its ears to hear all
around. A tigers whiskers come in handy
at night. They feel tiny air movements that
show something is moving nearby.
Deadly Weapons
A lions bite is times stronger than the
bite of a house cat. With its strong jaw
and razor- sharp teeth, a lion can kill with
a single bite.
A tiger has super- sharp hooked claws that
help it catch its prey. When the tiger isnt
using them, it hides them in its paws, like a
house cat.
Fighting Skills
A male lion will fight to scare off other
males or to stop other animals from
stealing food. Male lions will often fight
to the death.
Lions live in groups, but tigers live alone.
A tiger that cant hunt will starve, so it tries
to avoid risky fights. Male tigers to
scare the weaker one away.
Who Wins?
What would happen if a lion faced off
against a tiger? The animals would
snarl and roar. They would wrestle
and try to bite each other.
But who
would win?