Battling Tornados
A Guide to Survival and Aid

Prepping and Survival Series
M. Usman
Smashwords Edition
Mendon Cottage Books

JD-Biz Publishing
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Table of Contents
Tornados are a havoc creating, damagewrecking, and windy revenge of nature on earth. Escaping the wrathof the tornado is no easy task. However, we simply cannot give upon our survival and hence we plan and work out our strategies tocombat it.
In this book we will try to start off byexplaining to you how these devilish things are created and showyou some of their signs. We will then show you how the system hasbeen established to provide you with watches and warnings andstress upon the importance of planning. Surely we will give youplans and various tips on how to face the tornado and we sum it allup by giving you the disaster kits and the supplies you require.Lastly, we will give you an insight into a crucial element which isthe first aid treatment for the basic wounds that you might sufferfrom.
Chapter1 Introduction
Tornados are one of the most dreaded naturaldisasters. Oblivious to anything along the path, it mercilesslydestroys everything and everyone without giving a moments notice.They do not have a fixed time for occurrences, but there frequencyof appearances increases in the spring and summer. They are mostexpected between 3 pm to 9 pm. However, there are no limitations totime, date, and locations. If the tornado gets its conditions, itwill appear. Unlike floods, where the areas prone to thatparticular disaster can be marked, the tornados are more of asurprise visitor. In the United States of America, over onethousand tornados are reported annually and they have not yet beenable to mark all possible localities where they can occur. As thetechnology is getting better, even more areas are now being addedto the constant watches and warning systems. Moreover, thesesystems are being upgraded for more timely information to aidsurvival.
How are these havoc creating monstersborn?
A giant air ball, a huge column of rotatingcolumn of air, etc. are the most acceptable depictions of atornado. It lowers from the heavens and brings the thunderstorm tothe earth. The most deadly of their kinds, have rotating winds ofas high as two hundred and fifty miles per hour. Imagine what thiscan do? This giant speeding angry wind formation can uproot treesand demolish any well-constructed building. Whats even moredangerous is that they can turn all these things as fatal missilesand hurl them towards the people and other places to create evenmore destructions.
Their sizes may vary and so can theirstrengths, ranging from a few yards wide, briefly touching theground, to being miles wide and sometimes traveling more than fiftymiles! They can confirm your deepest nightmares. These gigantictornados, although thankfully, only account for two percent of thetotal tornado occurrences, but they account for seventy percent ofthe total casualties.
The breeding conditions for tornados are thesevere thunderstorms that occur in warmer unstable and moist airand they head along the colder fronts. These thunderstorms also arethe cause for massive hailstorms and colossal winds. The stormsoccurring in spring time create the perfect conditions, area wise,for these storms to occur.

Hurricanes and tropical storms can alsobecome a cause for the creation of tornados. These are more commonto the center of the storm path, or to its right side, when thestorm arrives ashore. The famous hurricane of Beulah in 1967produced one hundred and forty eight tornados in the south ofTexas.
Even though we agree that the tornados arewildly damaging, still this catastrophe can be minimized if we takeprecautions beforehand. Timely information is priceless in anydisaster situation. Both lives and damages to properties can bereduced. A battery operated radio can increase your survivalchances. You should also keep in touch with your local nationalweather service office for all updated information regarding thebuilding of storms in your locality.
Chapter2 - The Aid of Awareness
You should be able to differentiate betweenthe watches and warnings put out by the national weather system.Mixing these two up can be playing with your life. A watchindicates that the conditions are building up that favor a tornado.It does not mean that a tornado is coming your way, but itindicates that the likelihood that you might be facing one soon isincreasing. For instance, a watch given out for a severethunderstorm means that you may expect it in approximately the nextsix hours. This is within an area covering 120 miles wide to 400miles long. The purpose of a watch is to warn you in advance sothat you can do all in your power to escape or prepare for a stormor a tornado, in advance, and be in a better position to fightit.
A warning, on the other hand, meansthat the planning period is over. You have approximately thirtyminutes of time before the disaster strikes you. The nationalweather service issues a warning on a county to county basis. Thisis basically the last signal to be prepared.
Do not be lured into a false sense ofsecurity. If you do not see a tornado making its way towards you,that does not mean you are safe. They are usually transparent untilthey pick up their ammunitions, which are the dust and debris. So,stay alert and on your toes if you are witnessing high speedwinds.
Check outside to see if its not raining.Well if it isnt, thats a bad sign because tornados occur inconditions that are NOT rainy. This rule is especially for all thesemiarid conditions. They are associated with a strong updraft ofwind, so rain does not appear next to a tornado. However, a verylarge size of hail is an indication of a tornado. In areas that arehumid, rain may wrap itself around the tornado making it difficultto spot.