Medical Dosage Calculations
by Dr. Richard W. Snyder, DO, and Barry Schoenborn
Medical Dosage Calculations
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About the Authors
Dr. Rich Snyder, DO, is an osteopathic physician who resides in Easton, Pennsylvania. Hes a kidney specialist, board certified in both internal medicine and nephrology. He did his Internal Medicine Residency at Abington Memorial Hospital and completed both clinical and research fellowships in nephrology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. He also has experience in graduate medical education. As a former associate program director and osteopathic program director at Easton Hospital, he was responsible for both the administration and education of medical residents and medical students.
In addition to maintaining a full time clinical practice at Lehigh Valley Nephrology Associates, he has authored and coauthored several articles in peer-reviewed journals, including the American Journal of Kidney Disease and Kidney International . He has also presented at national meetings, including the National Kidney Foundations Annual Meeting. In addition to being a coauthor of Medical Dosage Calculations For Dummies , he has written the book What You Must Know About Kidney Disease: A Practical Guide to Conventional and Complementary Treatments. Hes also been interviewed regionally and nationally on both radio and television about integrative medicine and kidney disease. Beginning in January 2011, he can be heard weekly on his show, Improve Your Kidney Health, on VoiceAmerica Radio Health and Wellness Channel.
Barry Schoenborn lives in Nevada City, California. Hes a longtime technical writer, with over 30 years experience. Hes written hundreds of user manuals, and (in the early days) worked dozens of part-time jobs that required practical and scientific math. Mathematics and engineering were among his college majors until he abandoned them to earn a degree in Liberal Arts.
He isnt a doctor and tries to avoid being hospitalized. However, hes spent many hours undergoing dental procedures, which sparked an ongoing interest in dentistry and medicine. Hes the author of the short stories, Doc Jones, Frontier Dentist, Doc Jones, Combat Dentist, and Murder, She Flossed.
In the past, Barrys technical writing company worked with the State of California agency CalRecycle to teach scientists and administrators how to write clearly. Barrys the coauthor of Technical Math For Dummies and Storage Area Networks: Designing and Implementing a Mass Storage System .
He was a movie reviewer for the Los Angeles Herald-Dispatch newspaper and wrote a monthly political newspaper column for The Union newspaper of Grass Valley, California, for seven years. Barrys publishing company, Willow Valley Press, published Dandelion Through the Crack , which won the William Saroyan International Prize for Writing.
Rich Snyder
This book I dedicate to my mother, Nancy Snyder, herself a registered nurse and constant source of inspiration and encouragement.
I also dedicate this book to every nurse, every healthcare provider, and every caregiver out there. You are the unsung heroes and the ones that inspire hope and healing.
I finally dedicate this book to Dr. Hatem Amer, MD, a kidney specialist and best friend who is himself a rarity: His empathy and compassion is as vast as his brilliance. I consider myself lucky to call him a friend.
Barry Schoenborn
Id like to dedicate this book to James H. Jones, DDS, my periodontist. Jim recently retired and has been an inspiration for more than 20 years. During that time, I underwent numerous periodontal procedures, fighting the ravages of oral pathogens. I learned a lot of Latin from Jim, and he always explained to me what he was doing and why. He also inspired me to write dental humor, a funny genre that nobody except a dentist would want to read.