![Numerology With Tantra Ayurveda and Astrology - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/55577/images/pg2.jpg)
With Tantra, Ayurveda, and Astrology
Illustrated by Pieter Weltevrede
![Numerology With Tantra Ayurveda and Astrology - image 2](/uploads/posts/book/55577/images/logo.jpg)
Destiny Books
Rochester, Vermont
Numerology uses numbers as a key to human behavior. It is an easy-to-learn method that exercises the minds intuitive faculty to fathom the depths of human personality.
Numerologists have to forget their own identities and devote themselves totally to exploring the personalities of others. They must learn to become calm and empty before they are able to use their intuition. Practicing the art of numerology creates endurance, patience, and pointedness. Experience teaches numerologists more than books can teach. The information contained in books only opens the windows of the mind. One then has to work with ones personal understanding of that information. Information alone is not knowledge; direct experience must be added before information becomes knowledge. Numerology is simple to learn and very engaging, like the creative arts. It teaches one sympathy toward others.
I advise my readers not simply to accept blindly the information that follows. By observing their three numbers (psychic, destiny, and name) and the relationship of these to the numbers of other people, they should formulate their own language to explain what they understand. They should remember: All numbers are both good and bad. No one number is superior to any other. All numbers work differently through different human bodies, each with its own genetic behavioral pattern. All numbers are influenced by the unique qualities of their environment and by the collective unconscious. We can try to understand them, but we have no right to judge and categorize them.
Numerology is a method of linking the microcosm with the macrocosm. With practice, a numerologist starts to comprehend the influence of celestial bodies on human understanding and conduct. All objects of the material world are related to the nine planets.
For a numerologist the planets become embodied in a human form, and he or she can closely observe them as a part of the cosmic play.
Those people who do not allow themselves the freedom of seeing the influence of the celestial and astral bodies cannot observe this play. Planets for them are objects in outer space that have no influence on their physical and mental make-up. To them all predictive sciences are useless. People who have time, faith, and enough patience, however, can watch this play and learn from it the lessons that will guide the consciousness of coming generations.
Numerology is not a complete science. It is just one branch of the predictive sciences. To be a good numerologist one must become a good observer and a patient listener. Study of physiognomy and astrology is very necessary. Numerology is much simpler than astrology and does not require complicated mathematical calculations. There are just three things a numerologist needs to know: the day of the month a person was born, the numerological value of his or her popular name, and the persons total birth information (date, month, and year). From astrology, the numerologist needs to know about all the zodiac signs, and a persons day of birth, sun sign, and moon sign. In India, the season during which a person was born also has to be known, since that has an effect on ones temperament. Certain information from physiognomy needs to be learned as well, such as how the shape and form of the various body parts correlate with an individuals thinking process. (It is known, for example, that the perceptual world of tall people is different from that of short people.)
The purpose of working with numbers is to save energy. People who act without a proper understanding of the right moment to start a job waste a lot of energy by making the wrong moves. Numerology provides the knowledge for such things as how to select the right moment, the right relationship, the right dwelling placethereby saving energy.
Numerology must not be used to gain power and control over others. Also, money should not be earned with this knowledge. Using ones mind to explore the personality of others for money alone will result in stress. Through the selfless use of numerology, one earns good karma.
Simply guessing what number a stranger is could be fun, but it is more fun to know how to practice numerology. By asking someone his or her date of birth, one can then find out what sort of person he or she could be. This exercise is also a good mind game. On one hand, it makes students of numerology use their memory (their numerological information bank) and their intuition; on the other, it makes them stay in the present and pay proper attention to the person in question. The student becomes free from his or her little world and launches an adventurous trip into a new personality.
Through numerology, all the aspects of life in various forms are explored. The student sees how planets act differently within different people. The study of this science requires that one have the alertness and openness of an explorerit also brings with it the joy that follows a successful exploration.
Having knowledge of the numbers and a good memory can save much energy and time. A keen interest in numerology can work to enhance memory and pointedness; it can also promote the intuitive faculty of the mind.
The advice that accompanies the discussion of each number regarding fasting or gemstones is based on Ayurvedic and Tantric knowledge. Following the prescriptions given will help to create a better environment for the microorganisms living in our bodies. As receptors of cosmic energy, they serve to create harmony in our lives.
Thus, numerology can provide:
- a better understanding of both our good and bad sides
- a method of accepting our weaknesses, and those of others
- a vehicle for discussing these weaknesses
- a joyful way of passing time
- freedom and escape from our own personal worries
- a good focal point, or method of paying attention and getting attention
- popularity and respect
- a tool for entering into the unknown
- friendly interactions.
To practice numerology, we develop:
- the mind of a scholar researching life
- the alertness of an explorer
- a good memory and pointedness
- an intuitive mind
- good conversational skills.
For a numerologist there are only nine numbers from which all calculations of the material world are made. All numbers beyond 9 are repetitions. By a simple method of addition, they can be reduced to single whole numbers. The number 10 is not a whole number; it is simply a 1 with a zero.
Zero is not a number and has no numerological value. In the Western occult tradition, zero is regarded as a symbol of eternity. It is surprising to learn that the zero made its first entrance into the Western hemisphere only a few hundred years ago. Its introduction helped considerably in the development of mathematics, science, and modern technology. In the East, where it was known from the dawn of civilization, the zero is known as Sunya (shoonya) or the Void, which is the foundation stone of Buddhism. Zero has no value when it is alone, because it is abstract and numbers are concrete. When zero combines with a number, it gives birth to arithmetical progressions and the series of double, triple, and multiple numbers, such as 10, 100, and 1000. When you do not know about zero, you cannot play with numbers beyond 9 (that is, beyond the material world). When you do know about it, its mystic nature leads you towards eternity and impairs your material progress. Zero is considered unfortunate. When a zero appears in a date of birth, it brings misfortune. Even the tenth month of the year (October), being a 10, brings misfortune, although to a lesser degree. The appearance of a zero in the year of birth brings the least misfortune. The combination of zero with any number reduces the influence of that number. People with a zero in their birthdate numbers generally have to struggle harder than those without. The presence of more than one zeroOctober (tenth month) 10, 1950makes one have to work even more in life. All numbers from 1 to 9 are present in zero, and when zero combines with these numbers, a whole series of numbers evolves. For example, when zero combines with number 1, the numbers 11 through 19 that belong to that series evolve. The introduction of zero aided the development of math, science, and the modern technology that brought mankind to the computer age, but it does not exist.
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