In Tantra, Ayurveda, &. Astrology
Density Books
Rochester, Vermont
We worship Agni, the fire god,
He who always does good to others
As lord of sacrifice
(He gives all gods their share)
And as progenitor of seasons
And beholder of gems.
Authors Note
I N THE YEAR 1974 my first book, entitled Dhanwantari, was published by Rams Head Inc., California. In it there was a chapter Why Jewelry for Health to explain the use of jewelry as a tool for balancing the psychophysiological system. This chapter dealt with gems, their relationship with planets, and their use in medicinal remedies, but the information was not enough to be of practical use. The necessity of writing a detailed description of gems and their cosmic power was always in my head. After almost fourteen years this wish is fulfilled. Here is a unique combination of information derived from three different sourcesastrology, Ayurveda, and Tantrato provide a methodology for using the power stored in gems.
According to Rig Veda, the oldest existing scripture, gems are produced by intense heat, that is, fire (known as Agni in Vedic language) and tectonic pressure within the earth. They are crystallizations of the ions of elements and elemental compounds formed in the process of purification and concentration of the most essential forms of matter. Gems have great potential to absorb, reflect, and radiate different frequencies of light and to transfer light in the form of ions to the lymphatic fluids and blood plasma, which contains electrolytes.
Man is a universe inside a universe. His bodylike the body of the universeis composed of cells connected with each other by an electromagnetic force, which works through electrolytes present in each cell. Individual consciousness is a product of Ego and Mind, and all pleasure and pain exists because of this Ego-Mind combination. It is because of this eternal pair of Ego and Mind that we have uncountable desires and we need an unlimited amount of energy to fulfill them. Unfulfilled desires cause illness and pain, and methods of curing disease and pain are always necessary. This book is written to help meet the human need for healing; its proper study will help in overcoming pain and bring happiness and inspiration to life.
Because the information comes from Ayurveda and Tantra it may be difficult for Western readers to understand Ayurvedic preparations of medicinal remedies or Tantric methods of invoking planetary energy through worship and rituals. But, as I wrote in the introduction of my book Dhanwantari,... man must make full use of whatever tools exist, drawing on all peoples and all cultures from the dawn of creation through the latest refinements of the present. He cannot alienate himself from Truth, wherever it exists, be it in laboratories, universities, tribal cultures, or in the homilies and folk sayings.
Some credit for the knowledge of gems also goes to my family name Johari, which literally means the one who knows about Jawharat (gems). I remember that when I was a very young boy, Maulvi Abul Hasan, my Urdu and Persian teacher, recited a Persian verse whenever and wherever he saw me:
Qadre Hira Shah vadanad
Ya vadanad Jauhari.
The value of a diamond is known to a king,
or the Jauhari knows it.
I always smiled and thought, Maybe one day I will really know it and will prove worthy of my family name and become a real Johari.
I am indebted to all those whose knowledge has benefited me, especially the sages and seers of ancient times who left behind them an inexhaustible treasure of knowledge. Their knowledge of the use of gems for physical, psychological, and spiritual benefits requires many lifetimes to understand.
I am thankful to Lamberta Stheeman for providing diapositives of my original paintings of Rahu and Ketu from her private art collection.
I am thankful to Heidegret Rauhut for her patience and labor in preparing the typed manuscript of the present edition.
I am thankful to all those Western friends who used gems, gem pendulums, and gem powders and pills and gave me positive feedback useful in preparing the present edition.
I am thankful to Peter my student for preparing illustrations for the gajput (gem oxide) talismans, and numerical yantras.
I am sure the knowledge contained in these pages will help those who will use it, as it has helped those who used it for many millennia.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
Harish Johari
Part I
I pay my homage to Lord Ganesha.
Gems and the Human Race
F ROM THE VERY DAWN of civilization man has been fascinated by brilliant, shiny, colorful shells, stones, and crystals. Their possession made him more important than others. Some of those who collected them also felt their power. Those who benefited by possessing gems prescribed them to others... and an oral tradition of sorts grew around their use. Archaeological excavations done around the world show that man collected gems everywhere and somehow knew their use. There is evidence of the systematic mining of gems in Egypt, and about seven thousand years ago gems were mined in the Oxus valley of Afghanistan. These mines still produce lapis lazuliworth millions of rupees every year.
The whole process of evolution is a constant interplay of the eternal pair of opposites, Sun and Moon, or Agni (fire) and Soma (water). The Vedic concept of Hiranyagarbha, the Golden Embryo on the eternal water, clearly indicates the formation of the phenomenal world by the twofire and waterrepresenting male and female principles.
Fire somehow seems to be the beginning of the world of names and forms. It flowed in the form of lava, carrying with it all the minerals and the elemental force of nature, which later developed into organic matter through the process of condensation. The condensation and crystallization of minerals produced colorful rocky crystals known as gems. All gems, with the exception of coral and pearls, are the purest and finest consolidation of minerals that were formed due to extreme heat and pressure inside the body of the molten Earth. All gems are therefore energy in crystalline form. They are highly sensitive and radioactive. They absorb and transmit energy as frequencies because they are composed of minerals that emit electrical charges in increased pressure, that radiate in low heat, and that glow from inside after the light source is removed and in the presence of ultraviolet light in darkness.
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