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V. Rajsushila - Healing Power of Gems and Stones

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V. Rajsushila Healing Power of Gems and Stones
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In this book, the reader may find descriptions of selection of gems and stones through various easy and useful methods. Wearing appropriate gems and stones creates wonders in solving day-to-day problems and offers protection from the evil influences of planets to enhance their beneficial effects.

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Healing Power of




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F rom time immemorial gems have been used by people in different ways. It has curative power as well as the power to pour in fortune and drive away the evil of our planetary position. Certain gems and stones have magical powers of healing and changing the fortune. Gems have made lives of many individuals happier and more successful. They are widely used to get benefit from the planets as these little gems serve as a never-ending source of the rays of the planet and continue even after years. According to astrology and numerology, gems counteract the bad effects of planets and bring us luck, fortune, prosperity, status, knowledge, concentration, good health, name and fame.

In this book, I have tried to give a detailed description of various gems and their qualities, including not only Nav Ratnas, the nine precious gems, but also many substitute gems, that do wonders when they are worn.

Appropriate care should be taken while choosing a particular gem. In this book, I have discussed in detail the various methods of selecting gems. Gems can be selected on the basis of our Zodiac or the star we are born under. Gems can also be chosen according to our names first letter, date and month of birth.

It will be interesting to note that some gems have with them the perennial power to push us forward in an occupation. Many professionals, businessmen and service persons have benefited by wearing the gem which helps them go up in their respective occupations, multiple profits. Gems also lessen the scope of loss and protect them from all adversaries. A person aspiring to join films can wear Cats Eye or Garnet by selecting it according to his date of birth or star and get to the top position. Similarly, there is a gem for every occupation.

I have also discussed the effects of gems on health. How efficiently our health problems can be minimised by imputing a particular colour in our body and adjusting the colour rays by wearing the correct gems, has been clearly explained.

Gems work magically and do wonders when we make the ring at the appropriate period of the transit of planets, and after doing the necessary rituals.

I have tried to give detailed description of selection and benefits of gems in this book to derive maximum results for better life and prosperity.


Influence of Gems

G ems are found in almost all parts of the world. India has been very rich in terms of gem stones. They are found in abundant quantities in the country, especially in Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Bihar, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and Karnataka.

Gem stones are useful for our health, longevity, name, fame, prosperity and fortunes. In ancient times, kings and princes used to keep gem stones in their treasury to ensure prosperity. They would also set these gem stones in jewellery and wear them with pride.

Gem stones have different effects on different people. There have been instances where childless women after wearing a particular gem began conceiving. Some kings got victorious in the battles by wearing some prescribed gems. Certain gem stones are known to have cured people of some dreaded diseases. As a result of these beneficial effects, some ancient scholars began conducting research about these stones. Their experiments proved the beneficial effects of gems and stones. This inspired different types of studies about gems, which were developed as Science of Gemology. Thus, Varaha Mihira, one of the greatest ancient scholars, wrote a book about gems called Ratna Dipika.

Our ancient scholars also used gem stones in the medicines in the form of Bhasmas to cure many diseases.

Wearing correct gem stones at suitable times has proved very helpful in achieving success in wealth, health and succeeding in other matters. There are so many gem stones, but only nine gem stones are considered as Precious Gems.

These are called the Nav Ratnas. Although there are many gem stones in the world, these nine gem stones have been given great importance by our ancient scholars. These are powerful gems, which reflect the strength of planets, and also produce changes in our body. Their corresponding planets are listed on page 12.

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