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T. M. Rao - Astrology For Layman: The most comprehensible book to learn astrology

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T. M. Rao Astrology For Layman: The most comprehensible book to learn astrology
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Astrology today is universally recognised to be a science, based on sound mathematical principles and calculations. But while it is easy to agree with this promise, It is difficult to find a well-researched comprehensible book to guide the general reader. Answering this need,Astrology for Layman is designed to bring home to the reader the fundamentals of the discipline along with the predictive aspect. One who reads this book will not only be able to make fairly correct predictions, but also will be encouraged to take to the study of more advanced works.

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Astrology for Layman Dr TM Rao BSc Hons MSc Research - photo 1




Dr. T.M. Rao

B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Research), D.Sc. (Colombo)

Astrology For Layman The most comprehensible book to learn astrology - image 2

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ISBN 978-935-05721-5-3


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This work is dedicated respectfully to the memory of my late parents Shri - photo 12

This work is dedicated respectfully to the memory of
my late parents Shri Turaga Ramayya (Father) and
Smt. Turaga Sriranganaiki Devi (Mother)


The title of the book itself speaks that it is intended for the Laymen who are not conversant with much of Mathematical study.

Astrology is a portion of Veda. The ancient sages brought out wonderful thoughts regarding planets and their significance. Many do not know past Karma. Then what is the analysis for one person who is rich and powerful and the other who is poor and downtrodden. Man is born again and again to reap his Karma only till he attains Atma Gyana. The previous Karma is determined by the part played at the time of birth.

Several astrologers give several kinds of opinions for a horoscope. Each feels he is right in his own way. This kind of too many opinions are not peculiar to this branch alone. Swamy Sivananda used to say, when there is one Doctor there is one prescription, when two there is consultation and when three it is cremation. In medical field, Vedanta, in scientific theories, in literature there are many schools of thought.

Basic factors do not change. This book is for the Layman who is to be guided to understand the fundamentals of astrology. In order to meet this need and to enable the readers to understand the scope and extend their talents to research and investigation the benefits have been described.

All the necessary and useful information has been treated with great care and study. This book is intended for the Layman as all the details needed for scientifically deciphering the future have been fully described with emphasis on elementary portions so essential for the Layman.

One who reads this book carefully and dispassionately will understand the principles incorporated, will not only be able to make fairly correct predictions but will be encouraged to take to the study of more advanced works and thus help the cause of this science.

As a science astrology has discovered correct methods and knowledge about the influence of planets on the human mind and on the day to day activities of the human beings.

In the pages that follow, I have in my own humble way attempted to bring to the fore not only the rationality of astrology but also the nature and structure of the correct knowledge that our forefathers possessed regarding the predictable influences of planets on human beings, and to give a spiritual bias to astrology. The reader is led step by step in this work, from the rudiments to the final stage of reading the brighter and darker side of the subject life, his chances of success and failure.

The aim of astrology is to dispel the fear of the unknown and to give scope for the fair play of the human system. This treatise is not complete by any means. The subject is vast, yet I have gathered information and culled the relevant portions from the acknowledged sources. I am sure this information will be of great use to the common-man, with the help of this book, he would be able to exercise his own judgement.

I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to M/s. Pustak Mahal for their suggestion on writing this book.

If the reader should be enabled, by study of this book to acquire a working knowledge of astrology, my labours will have been amply rewarded.

T.M. Rao

1. General Principles

Nobody need be ashamed of entertaining a desire to learn the ancient subject of astrology. The thirst for knowledge is a legitimate ambition of human beings. Astrology is not a forbidden fruit. To Hindus especially, it is one of their Sacred Sciences or Sastras. For it is reckoned as one of the limbs of the Vedas. The predictive part of astrology is as scientific as the mathematical one, as the former is directly based upon the latter. Moreover, ancient sages had discovered the truth of predictive astrology through their meditation or penance and intuitional perception. All the authors of Dharma Sastras and host of other poets and seers like Vyasa, Valmiki, Kalidasa have cherished and developed this science of astrology which is one of the cornerstones of Indian Culture. So, if you have any regard for culture as such, you must necessarily pay your homage to this science. In ancient India astrologers were held in high esteem, as they combined both a scientific bent of mind and a spiritual outlook on life as well as a pure life of high moral standard. They practised this lore not for amassing wealth, but for giving guidance to the needy and distressed. Their aim was to remove the cause of suffering among the people and to turn their minds towards Dharma and God. Hence, a reverential attitude is expected of the students of astrology.

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