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Glynis McCants - Glynis Has Your Number

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Glynis McCants Glynis Has Your Number
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Glynis Has Your Number: Discover What Life Has in Store for You Through the Power of Numerology!
by Glynis McCants
An accessible guide to everything the simple art of numerology can reveal about your friends, loved ones, colleagues, and--especially--yourself!
Glynis McCants has gained a huge following with her on-target celebrity predictions. Now shes set to help readers lead the life they want with her simple numerology system. Using an ancient but surprisingly easy system of numbers, Glynis will show readers how to recognize their strengths, break harmful patterns, and change their lives for the better.
In Glynis Has Your Number, Glynis shows us how to find the unique set of numbers that vibrate within each of us, and how these numbers affect every aspect of our lives. Glynis gives readers all the tools they need to test their compatibility with loved ones, better navigate the waters at work, and find success by choosing pursuits that are in sync with their numbers.
Ebook, 256 pagesPublished January 5th 2005 by Hachette Books

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Glynis Has Your Number

Discover What Life Has in Store for You Through the Power of Numerology!

Glynis McCants

Glynis Has Your Number - image 1

I want to dedicate this book to my mother, Gwen McCants. I have often thought that I am so lucky to call her Mom, but I would be honored just to know her. I have never met any woman in my life who has such a huge capacity to love so many people. Her love for her eleven children and their offspring is completely unconditional. Yet her love for the students she teaches art and English to is just as strong. I am also grateful to her for all the help she gave me in writing this new edition of Glynis Has Your Number . Thank you, Mother, and may God bless you always.

I also want to dedicate this book to Lynn Aase. As my schoolteacher and mentor, he taught me that with focus and determination, there was nothing I couldnt achieve. I thank you, Mr. Aase, for the profound impact that you have had on my life.


Introduction to Numerology

Discovering Your Numbers

The Life Path Number




Healing by the Numbers

The Soul Number

The Personality Number

The Power Name Number

The Birth Day Number

Harrison Ford and Alec Baldwin

The Attitude Number

Repeating Numbers

The Intensity Number

Finding Your Perfect Mate

Bill and Hillary Clinton

Gwyneth and Chris

Marion and David

The World Number

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Getting Personal: Your Personal Years, Months, and Days

the 31-Day Calendar

Naming by the Numbers

Location, Location, Location: Choosing Where to Live and Travel by the Numbers

Location Vibration Descriptions

Picking Other Important Numbers

When Numbers Follow Us Around


Special Numbers and Patterns

Using the Numbers to Attract Positive Energies

A Numerologists Philosophy for Living

Celebrity Life Path Numbers

Suggested Reading


Introduction to Numerology

The true spirit of delight, the exaltation, the sense of being more than man, which is the touchstone of the highest excellence, is to be found in mathematics as surely as poetry.


If you are reading this book, you are turning to Numerology in an effort to improve your life. Like most of us, you are seeking peace and serenity.

I have good news for youyouve come to the right place. Numerology will free you from the bonds of your past, and help you take an active role in determining your future. It answers the questions: What am I here to achieve? What will make me happy? What are my natural gifts?

After doing Numerology for nineteen years and having done well over 9,000 readings, I know you can do effective emotional and physical healing in your life by the numbers. Each time I break down the numbers, a story unfolds. I can look at my clients chart and instantly see the origin of the conflicts in their life. I tell them their strengths and their weaknesses, and show them how these characteristics interact to produce joy and painand what the client can do to improve their own experiences. Thats why Numerology is so healing. It helps you recognize what you really want; it can help you find your way to success. The purpose of this book is to help you know yourself. What is your Life Path Number? Soul Number? Personality Number? Power Name Number? Birth Day Number? And finally, what is your Destiny Number? Understanding what these numbers mean will give you the information needed to bring out your greatest good, and give you the understanding to avoid unnecessary conflict with others. I named this book Glynis Has Your Number because although the Pythagorean Number System is the one that I use, I also give you my own personal conclusions. I have had many breakthroughs in the science that Im passing on to you. My insights are sprinkled throughout this book in the hopes of making Numerology extremely easy for you to apply when looking at your personal life. Simplifying the Science of Numerology for everyday use makes this the ultimate self-help book.

Numerology is not new, and its not a fad. Since the dawn of human history, numbers have been a source of information and understanding about people and the world around them. Numerologythe science of divining information about life through numbershas been around for at least 2,500 years. Thats when Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician born in the sixth century B.C.E ., created the Pythagorean Number System.

Pythagoras was a mathematician, philosopher, and theorist whose research on numbers gave rise to the science of Numerology. A major influence in Western thought, he is regarded as the founder of the science of geometry, especially the Pythagorean theorem, the formula for a triangle. But most importantly, Pythagoras was the first person to realize that numbers are the very foundation of the universesomething modern physicists simply take for granted.

While Pythagoras is an authentic historical figure, many aspects of his life are shrouded in myth and mystery.

We are certain that Pythagoras was born in the sixth century B.C.E ., in Samos, Greece. Most reports agree that he lived a full 100 years. Early in his life his search for truth took him to Egypt, where he studied with the Chaldeans. It is believed he stayed there some twenty-two years, developing his influential mathematical theories.

Pythagoras started his own formal school of philosophy in Croton, Italy, around 525 B.C.E . The first tenet of the Pythagorean Society was that at its deepest level, reality is mathematical in nature. Pythagoras believed that the world was built on the power of numbers; everything that was seen and unseen could be reduced to numbers.

During his time, it was widely accepted that the universe was created from vibrating energy, something the modern scientist might call a wavelength or electromagnetic energy. The characteristics of this energy could be understood through numbers: Each number vibrated in a certain way, and at its core all matter is made up of this vibrating numerological energy. Since Pythagoras taught that each number had a numerical attribute that was unique, all it would take to understand the qualities of a person, place, or thing would be to know which numbers made up its vibrating energy.

Something of this theory has come down to us through the years, not just in Numerology, but in the thought of such disparate thinkers as Plato, who had carved over the door of his academy the words: Dont enter here if you dont know geometry . Plato, born in the following century, and widely known as Greeces greatest philosopher, openly acknowledged his debt to Pythagoras.

The astronomer Johannes Kepler (15711630) opined that God is geometry . Several hundred years later the abstract painter Paul Klee (18791940) explained to those who rejected modern art that it is not the forms we respond to in art, but the geometric shapes beneath the forms. As I write these words there is a show at the Los Angeles County Museum of the work of Jasper Johns, who for several years painted nothing but numbers. He was entranced by the idea that while the artist can represent everything else, you really cannot represent a number by anything but a number: It is the irreducible element, the building block. Understanding the unseen and underlying patternsor numbersof life is the secret to understanding life itself.

Pythagoras believed that the vibration or tone of the universe at the exact moment of birth has an influence over both a persons character and his/her destiny in life. This numerological blueprint places each human into a classification from Level 1 (characterized primarily by learning about the self) to Level 9 (characterized primarily by learning selflessness). Pythagoras understanding of the numerical vibrations as they apply to humans is only now beginning to be fully appreciated as a science. His greatest aim was to show the world that numbers have the power to bring all of life into unity and harmony. It is my privilege to share this science with you, in the hopes that you will be able to realize this same goal in your own life.

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