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Taman - JavaFX essentials : create amazing Java GUI applications with this hands-on, fast-paced guide

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Taman JavaFX essentials : create amazing Java GUI applications with this hands-on, fast-paced guide
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Create amazing Java GUI applications with this hands-on, fast-paced guide

About This Book
  • Develop amazing gestures based applications and an interactive JavaFX application powered by leap motion devices
  • Get in touch with the right tools to rapidly develop your JavaFX application and give you essential hands-on experience with JavaFX 8
  • A step-by-step guide with examples to help you develop applications
Who This Book Is For

If you are a Java developer, an experienced Java Swing, Flash/Flex, SWT, or web developer looking to take your client-side applications to the next level, this book is for you.

What You Will Learn
  • Deliver complex, compelling, and high performance JavaFX 8 applications with new impressive Java SE 8 core features and enhancements
  • Run JavaFX applications on embedded devices such as Raspberry Pi
  • Use Scene Builder to create and define UI screens graphically and save them as JavaFX FXML-formatted files
  • Develop amazing gesture-based applications and an interactive touchless JavaFX application with Leap motion devices
  • Get hands-on knowledge about mobile development and create native JavaFX applications for Apple iOS and Android platforms
  • Use JavaFX with an Arduino board to develop desktop applications to monitor data coming from the real world or control real devices
In Detail

JavaFX is a software platform to create and deliver rich Internet applications (RIAs) that can run across a wide variety of devices.

JavaFX Essentials will help you to design and build high performance JavaFX 8-based applications that run on a variety of devices.

Starting with the basics of the framework, it will take you all the way through creating your first working application to discovering the core and main JavaFX 8 features, then controlling and monitoring your outside world. The examples provided illustrate different JavaFX and Java SE 8 features.

This guide is an invaluable tutorial if you are planning to develop and create JavaFX 8 applications to run on a variety of devices and platforms.

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JavaFX Essentials

Table of Contents
JavaFX Essentials

JavaFX Essentials

Copyright 2015 Packt Publishing

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First published: June 2015

Production reference: 1250615

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

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Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-78439-802-6




Mohamed Taman


Sergey Grinev

Jos Pereda

Commissioning Editor

Amarabha Banerjee

Acquisition Editor

Aaron Lazar

Content Development Editor

Sumeet Sawant

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Shweta Birwatkar


Safis Editing


Hemangini Bari


Sheetal Aute

Production Coordinator

Nitesh Thakur

Cover Work

Nitesh Thakur

About the Author

Mohamed Taman , chief of architects and software development manager at e-finance, lives in Cairo, Egypt. He graduated in electrical engineering from Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. He is an experienced Java developer who has worked on the Web, mobile, and IoT for industries, including finance, banking, tourism, government, and healthcare. Before that, he worked with Pfizer, Intercom Enterprise (a Gold IBM partner), Silicon Expert, and Oracle using varied technologies, such as user-facing GUI frontends, backends, mid-tiers, and integrations of large-scale systems.

He enjoys speaking at many conferences evangelizing Java standards and his experience worldwide, as he is a strong Java community member and a Java Champion since 2015.

In addition, Mohamed is a member of Adopts Java EE 8, OpenJDK, and JavaFX programs. He was an executive member of Java Community Process Organisation, being the first African to join its board.

He is also a member of the expert group JSR 354, 363, and 373. He is also the leader of EGJUG and MoroccoJUG member, a board member of Oracle Egypt Architects Club. He won the 2014 Dukes choice and 11th annual JCP adopt 2013 awards.

You can read more about the author at http://about.me/mohamedtaman.

About the Reviewers

Sergey Grinev is an experienced software development and QA engineer focused on building reliable quality processes for Java platforms. He started to work in this area during his employment with Oracle, where he was responsible for JavaFX quality. Since the past few years, he has been working for Azul Systems on the quality of their custom JVMs.

Also, Sergey enjoys teaching people, presenting on various Java conferences, giving lessons, and answering Java-related questions on http://stackoverflow.com.

He graduated from St. Petersburg State University and currently resides in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Jos Pereda has done his PhD in structural engineering and works as an assistant professor in the School of Industrial Engineering at the University of Valladolid in Spain. His passion lies in applying programming to solve real problems. Working with Java since 1999, he is now a JavaFX advocate, developing commercial applications and open source projects (JFXtras, FXyz, https://github.com/jperedadnr), coauthoring a JavaFX book ( JavaFX 8 Introduction by Example ), blogging (http://jperedadnr.blogspot.com.es/), tweeting (@JPeredaDnr), and speaking at conferences (JavaOne, JAX, Jfokus, JavaLand, and so on). Jos lives with his wife and kids in Valladolid, Spain.

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This book, as its title ( JavaFX 8 Essentials ) suggests, is a pragmatic book that provides you with a robust set of essential skills that will guide you to become confident enough to rapidly build high-performance JavaFX 8 client applications. These applications take advantage of modern GPUs through hardware-accelerated graphics while delivering a compelling, complex, and fancy rich-client GUI for your customer, which will impress them quite a bit.

Learning the JavaFX 8 essentials is the first step to plunging into creating applications that most importantly run on any platform, from the desktop, Web, mobile, tablets , to embedded devices such as Arduino , Raspberry Pi , and multi-core development. Following Java's Write once, run anywhere paradigm, JavaFX also preserves the same. Because JavaFX 8 is written totally from scratch in the Java language, you will feel at home.

Most of the chapters are a fast-paced guide that will help you get a head start on Java GUI programming, leveraging JavaFX 8 and deploying and running on any platform.

While working through the book examples, you will find code is written with JavaFX 8 on Java 8 (yes, Java SE 8) so that the new APIs and language enhancements will help you become a more productive developer. Having said this, it will be handy (and I encourage you to go for this) to explore all of the new Java 8 capabilities.

Finally, yet importantly, you will be able to develop amazing touch-less interactive motion applications with JavaFX that interact with Leap motion devices.

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