C++ Programming
Made Simple
Second Edition
Conor Sexton
Made Simple
An imprint of Elsevier Science
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First published 2003
Copyright Conor Sexton 2003. All rights reserved
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ISBN 0 7506 5738 3
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C++ Programming Made Simple Second Edition is intended as an introduction to programming in the C++ language as codified by the 1998 ISO C++ Standard. It is not a reference book and does not pretend to be in any way comprehensive. The intention is to provide an accessible starting-point to people who:
- have no programming experience
- have programmed in some other high-level language
- know C or an earlier version of C++ and need an update
- in any case need a working, practical, knowledge of C++.
This book owes a good deal to its two 1997 predecessors C Programming Made Simple and C++ Programming Made Simple. At the time I wrote these, it was still customary to present C++ as an extension of C. Because C++ was then relatively new, many people were in a position of knowing C and needing an upgrade to C++. This situation has now changed. The distinction between C and C++ has blurred if not disappeared: in the ISO Standard, C++ incorporates C. It can no longer be assumed that people will have a knowledge of C before approaching C++. What is called for and, I hope, provided by this book is an integrated coverage of C++ including the parts of C that are not obsolete.
Achieving this has involved much more than simply merging the two previous texts. First, C++ had priority: where a C idiom is replaced by a newer C++ construct, the former is no longer covered. Second, a great deal has changed in C++ in the six years since the original two Made Simples. The language has been tweaked in a thousand details. The C++ Library and the Standard Template Library in particular are largely new. A complete revision was necessary; I hope that it is evident that this is a new book and not just a rehash of two old ones.
This book does not try to take a rigorous approach to C++. Coverage of the language aims to be adequate for practical needs, not complete. Many of the dark corners of C++ (and some not-so-dark ones) are not covered. Even with this selectiveness, the book still comes out at over 300 pages. I estimate that a completely comprehensive coverage of modern C++, including the Standard Library, would weigh in at more than 1,500 pages. The objective, then, is to get you up and running with useful C++ grounded in clear, practical, program examples.
The book has 14 chapters, which I don't list here: you can see them in the Table of Contents. I think of it as having four main parts:
- In time-honoured fashion, a lightning overview of C++ essentials (Chapter 1)
- The C-heavy part of the book, with C++ syntax integrated as appropriate (Chapters 2 to 7)
- Traditional C++, involving classes and inheritance (Chapters 8 to 10)
- Modern C++, including templates and the Standard Library (Chapters 11 to 14)
At those points where a topic could grow beyond the scope of a Made Simple book, I acknowledge the fact, and make suggestions for further reading.
I have enjoyed the various aspects of writing this book: using some material from the previous Made Simples; eliminating obsolete aspects of C; updating the C++ syntax and adding completely new sections. It may be optimistic of me to ask you to enjoy reading it; I hope at least that you find it useful.
Conor Sexton
Background to ISO C++ language
The C++ programming language is an object-oriented (OO) derivative of C. It is almost true to say that C is a subset of C++. In fact, every ISO C program written in the modern idiom (specifically, with new-style function headers) and avoiding certain C++ reserved words is also a C++ program, although it is not object-oriented.
This book owes a good deal to two of my previous publications in the Made Simple series, C Programming Made Simple (0-7506-3244-5) and C++ Programming Made Simple (0-7506-3243-7) both published by Butterworth-Heinemann in 1997. Since that time, and, particularly, since the September 1998 ratification of the ISO C++ Standard, C has been completely subsumed by C++. C as a language no longer exists in its own right; it is therefore no longer acceptable to take what was once the conventional approach and treat C and C++ separately. Accordingly, this book presents a fully-integrated treatment of the ISO C++ language incorporating C. Parts of the original C language and library are still valid but have been replaced by superior C++ facilities. Examples of such C constructs include void parameter lists and library functions including printf, malloc and others. This book does not deal with the (obsolescent) C mechanisms, but concentrates on the facilities provided by C++. Finally, from now on in this book, the simple term C++ should be taken to mean ISO C++.
It is the aim of this first chapter to get you up and running quickly with C++. The remaining chapters go into somewhat more depth on a variety of C++ constructs and programming techniques.
C++ is for technical computer programming and is suitable for development of techie software like operating systems, graphical interfaces, communications drivers and database managers. In the modern Web context, C++ is one of the three or four languages of choice for implementation of applications in the so-called