Professional Windows Embedded Compact 7
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ISBN: 978-1-118-05046-0
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ISBN: 978-1-118-16747-2
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SAMUEL PHUNG has worked in the technology field for more than 20 years. In the early 1990s, he led a financial database software development team, developing software for the banking industry. Later he led a software team developing Windows-Based telephony applications for a venture capital-funded startup. He started to work in the embedded computing field in the late 1990s and engaged with the Windows Embedded product team, starting with Windows NT 4.0 Embedded. He has been working with Windows Embedded Compact since version 2.12 was introduced.
As the VP of sales and marketing for ICOP Technology, a hardware manufacturer headquartered in Taiwan with a branch office in the United States and a manufacturing facility in China, Samuel is responsible for strategic business development for ICOP in the North America region. In 2003, he created the Vortex86 branding and started an initiative focused on developing business around Windows Embedded technology for ICOP.
In 2009, he wrote Professional Microsoft Windows Embedded CE 6.0.
Samuel enjoys working with technology, actively engages with the academic community, and received the Windows Embedded MVP recognition from Microsoft since 2005. As part of his involvement in the academic community, Samuel actively works with university teaching professionals in the United States, China, and Taiwan and other regions to adopt Windows Embedded technology as part of their teaching curriculum.
As part of his Windows Embedded community activities, Samuel maintains a personal website: , to provide information resources related to Windows Embedded. In 2010, he initiated the Embedded101 Windows Embedded community portal, .
DAVID JONES has a Master of Engineering degree from RMIT University and BSc(Hon) from Melbourne University. David has been actively engaged in Embedded Systems and Computing Technologies for more than twenty years. From 1990 to 2006, he was a University Lecturer in Computer Engineering at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. After leaving his university teaching role in late 2006, he joined the Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing ( ) to provide embedded system training, consulting, and development services with a focus on modern Embedded-system technologies. VPAC is a non-profit research agency established in 2000 by a consortium of Victorian Universities to provide advanced computing expertise, training, and support to academia, industry, and government.
While teaching at RMIT, he mentored student teams participating in the Windows Embedded Student Challenge competition sponsored by Microsoft. One of the student teams he mentored won first place during the 2005 worldwide final competition. David actively engages in the Windows Embedded community. He has delivered presentations on behalf of Microsoft in the Asia Pacific region, covering Windows Embedded and .NET technologies. In 2010, he initiated the effort to develop a Device-Driver Wizard and a Component Wizard, both for Windows Embedded CE 6.0 and Windows Embedded Compact 7. He released community versions for both. David is a certified Windows Embedded trainer.
THIERRY JOUBERT is the CTO and co-founder for THEORIS, a technology company in France that provides project management, software consulting, outsourcing, and training services with focus on modern embedded technology. He graduated from the Ecole Centrale de Nantes in France with an engineering degree in computer science. Thierry has been actively engaged in Embedded-system design and real-time application development for over 25 years.