![Android for Programmers An App-Driven Approach - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/39366/images/00009.jpg)
Android for Programmers: An App-Driven Approach Deitel Developer Series
Paul Deitel
Harvey Deitel
Abbey Deitel
Deitel & Associates, Inc.
Michael Morgano
![Android for Programmers An App-Driven Approach - image 2](/uploads/posts/book/39366/images/00010.jpg)
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In memory of Daniel McCracken. Computer science has lost one of its greatest educators.
Paul, Harvey, Abbey and Michael
Dive-Into Eclipse and the ADT Plugin
Building an Android App with Java
, Button
s, Nested Layouts, Intent
s, AlertDialog
s, Inflating XML Layouts and the Manifest File
Assets, AssetManager
, Tweened Animations, Handler
, Menus and Logging Error Messages
Listening for Touches and Gestures, Manual Frame-By-Frame Animation, Graphics, Sound, Threading, SurfaceView
and SurfaceHolder
Property Animation, ViewPropertyAnimator
, AnimatorListener
, Thread-Safe Collections, Default SharedPreferences
for an Activity
Two-Dimensional Graphics, SensorManager
, Multitouch Events and Toast
, AdapterView
s, Adapter
s, Multiple Activities, SQLite, GUI Styles, Menu Resources and MenuInflater
Google Maps API, GPS, LocationManager
, MapActivity
, MapView
and Overlay
Gallery and Media Library Access, Built-In Content Providers, MediaPlayer
, Image Transitions, Custom ListActivity
Layouts and the View-Holder Pattern
Serializing Data, Taking Pictures with the Camera and Playing Video in a VideoView
Web Services, JSON, Fragment
, ListFragment
, DialogFragment
, ActionBar
, Tabbed Navigation, App Widgets, Broadcast Intent
s and BroadcastReceiver
Chapters on the Web
See the Online Chapters section of the Preface for information on downloading these chapters.
15 PHABs Pizza App
Text-to-Speech, Speech-to-Text and Telephony
16 Voice Recorder App
Audio Recording and Playback
17 Enhanced Address Book App
18 3D Art App
OpenGL ES 3D Rendering
19 HTML5 Favorite Twitter Searches App
Bonus Chapter: HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript for Experienced Web Developers
Welcome to the dynamic world of Android smartphone and tablet app development with the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) 2.3.x and 3.x, the Java programming language and the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE).
This book presents leading-edge mobile computing technologies for professional software developers. At the heart of the book is our app-driven approach. We present concepts in the context of 17 complete working Android apps16 developed in the native Android environment and one developed in HTML5 for the portable world of the webrather than using code snippets..
Sales of Android devices and app downloads have been growing exponentially. The first-generation Android phones were released in October 2008. A study by comScore showed that by July 2011, Android had 41.8% of the U.S. smartphone market share, compared to 27% for Apples iPhone and 21.7% for Blackberry. Billions of apps have been downloaded from Android Market. More than 500,000 Android devices are being activated daily. The opportunities for Android app developers are enormous.
The demand for mobile devices is increasing as more people rely on smartphones and tablets to stay connected and be productive while away from their personal computers. According to comScore, 234 million Americans used mobile devices in a three-month period ending in July 2011. Of those subscribers, 40.6% used apps.
Fierce competition among popular mobile platforms (Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, Palm, Symbian, Windows Phone 7 and others) and among mobile carriers is leading to rapid innovation and falling prices. Competition among the dozens of Android device manufacturers is driving hardware and software innovation within the Android community. There are now over 300 different Android devices.
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