Professional Cross-Platform Mobile Development in C#
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256
Copyright 2012 by Scott Olson, John Hunter, Ben Horgen, and Kenny Goers
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
Published simultaneously in Canada
ISBN: 978-1-118-15770-1
ISBN: 978-1-118-22603-2 (ebk)
ISBN: 978-1-118-23942-1 (ebk)
ISBN: 978-1-118-26400-3 (ebk)
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To my wife Michelle, for finding her way to love a geek like me.
Scott Olson
To my family and friends, for their support and dedication without which this wouldn't have been possible.
John Hunter
This book is dedicated to my wife Alisha Horgen whose support through my career, and this writing process, has been instrumental in helping me reach success often and rebound faster after failures. To a best friend, Ben Meister, who early in life taught me how to crack open a computer and dive into how it works. To my father Paul Horgen for teaching me the value in making reading a priority; and to my mother Betty Horgen who introduced me to Jesus Christ.
Ben Horgen
To my girlfriend Tricia, for putting up with late nights, offering encouragement and picking up my slack throughout the course of the book; to my parents, for giving me my work ethic and determination; and to my children for keeping me on my toes.
Kenny Goers
About the Technical Editors
Aric Aunehas worked in the consumer packaged goods and retail industries for the past 14 years, focusing primarily on marketing, web applications, and mobile systems. In addition to his work on application architecture and design, Aric actively works to evangelize Agile development principles in the organizations he works for. He has an MBA from the Carlson School of Management and is a Certified Scrum Master (CSM) and Certified Scrum Developer (CSD). When not playing with technology, Aric enjoys playing with his three children. He lives in Minnetonka, MN.
Peter Ericksenhas designed and developed enterprise systems in the education, communications, and healthcare industries for more than 16 years. When he is not developing mobile systems for Fortune 500 firms, he is a contributing writer for iPhone Life magazine and a consulting iOS and Android game developer. He lives in Saint Paul, MN, with his wife and two children.
About the Authors
Scott Olson has spent the past 18 years building software and advising clients on the potential of software and mobility. He is a contributing writer for iPhone Life magazine and technical editor of iPad in the Enterprise : Developing and Deploying Business Applications . He leads the development team at ITR Mobility. Throughout his career, Scott has worked with many of the Fortune 500 companies including Best Buy, Target Corporation, Medtronic, and Prudential Financial. He believes that what is happening in the mobile software industry today will change the way people write and use software. He lives in Hudson, WI, with his wife Michelle and his three children: Samantha, Trevor, and Soren.
John Hunter has spent the past 23 years building software and advising clients on software architecture and capabilities. He is a lead consulting architect for the development team at ITR Mobility, and throughout his career has worked with many of the Fortune 500 companies including 3M, Allianz, CHS, Medtronic, and Best Buy. He believes that to plan for the future people must keep their heads in the clouds and their feet firmly on the ground, and with mobility, people can do both. He lives in Bloomington, MN, way too close to the Mall of America.
Ben Horgen is the lead technical analyst for Mobile Applications at Ameriprise Financial. He has a decade of experience architecting software for a wide range of mobile platforms. A majority of his career has been spent writing firmware and SDK interfaces for emerging mobile devices. Ben has a passion for embedded hardware and the challenges that accompany software development for mobile computing platforms. You can contact him at