Job Description: measure intelligence in animals and teach them to communicate with humans
Requirements: advanced degree in psychology, experience with animals
Technology Used: computer, voice production software, voice
Salary: $20,000 to $100,000 per year
Hours: normal full-time or part-time working hours
If chimps could talk, what would they say to humans? Animal psychologists at zoosand university labs teach chimps and orangutans to use human language. Technologyplays an important part in this work.
Animals cant talk like humans do, so they use a voice synthesizer . It looks likea big-screen tablet with a touch screen and a special keyboard. Instead of letters,this keyboard uses symbols to stand for words the animal knows, such as tree, me,good, give, or help.
The animals learn to touch symbols in the right order to make sentences. When thesentences are in order, the synthesizer reads the message in a human voice. As theanimal learns new words, new picture symbols are programmed to appear.
At Georgia State University, one chimp named Panbanisha had a vocabulary of 3,000words. She could ask for iced coffee or talk about videos she t hed using a specialkeyboard with 400 keys.
synthesizer a computer-controlled device that creates and modifies sound
Job Description: lead a team that designs and animates computer games
Requirements: knowledge of graphic design and animation
Technology Used: computer, handheld gaming device, graphics and animation software
Salary Range: $30,000 to $100,000 per year
Hours: normal full-time working hours
Imagine playing video games for a living. Thats what game designers do, but theydont work alone. Its a team effort. Designers dream up the characters, settings,storylines, and rules for games. Then they work with graphic artists, engineers ,writers, and to produce the games. The designer keeps the team on track,often working on a tight deadline.
When a game is complete, the designer gets to play the game to see how it works.The designer fixes any problems before the game is sold in stores. The busiest timeis autumn, because new games must be sent to stores in time for the holiday shoppingseason.
The Disney Infinity Toy Box system uses characters from its Pixar movies. Using ToyBox, kids can create their own words or create games with their own rules.
engineer a person who uses science, math, or technology to plan, design, or build
programmer a person who creates computer programs
Job Description: oversee placement of equipment and balance the instruments and voices to make sure that the music sounds great
Requirements: knowledge of and electronics
Technology Used: microphones, , audio lines, mixing board
Salary Range: $20,000 to $81,000 per year
Hours: anytime the band rehearses, records, or plays a gig
The audience is excited for the show to begin. Behind the curtain the musicians taketheir places. But long before the curtain goes up, the sound has been hardat work setting up the stage and testing the equipment.
The might be in a concert hall, a nightclub, or a stadium. The band may be recordingat a studio. Wherever the band is playing, the sound engineer is there making surethat each member of the band sounds right. Acoustics make music sound different indifferent places. The sound engineer makes sure all audience members can hear themusic no matter how far away their seats are located.
An engineer mixes sound at a Bon Joviconcert at Hyde Park in London in 2011.
gig a live performance in front of an audience
acoustics the qualities of a room or building that make it easy or hard to hear sounds
Sound engineers work with microphones that pick up the sound. They work with audiocables that carry the sounds, and amplifiers that project the sound to the audience.They also work with monitors and mixing boards . With this equipment engineers canbalance the instruments and voices to create a pleasing effect. Engineers must alsoknow how to take care of equipment and what to do when there is an equipment problem.Sound engineers do whatever it takes to make sure that the musicians are pleasedwith their sound