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The inspiration for these circle afghans came during a creative meeting where we were discussing the look and feel we wanted to convey in the book. Someone said, We need them to be as beautiful and colorful as thread doilies. It was an Aha! moment for us. While we learned this idea worked in theory, there was some tweaking needed before the original doily instructions could be turned into afghans, but it was worth it. We hope you enjoy making them as much as we enjoyed creating this book.
Happy Stitching!
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
General Information
Design by Jo Ann Maxwell
Skill Level
Finished Measurement
Approximately 30 inches in diameter
Premier Yarns Deborah Norville Everyday Soft Worsted medium (worsted) weight acrylic yarn (4 oz/203 yds/113g per skein):
7 skeins #1030 glass
Size J/10/6mm crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge
Tapestry needle
Rnds 15: 6 inches in diameter
Pattern Notes
Weave in ends as work progresses.
Join with slip stitch as indicated unless otherwise stated.
Chain-6 at beginning of round counts as first treble crochet and chain-2 unless otherwise stated.
Chain-3 at beginning of round counts as first double crochet unless otherwise stated.
Special Stitches
Beginning shell (beg shell): Ch 3, (dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in same st.
Shell: (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in indicated st.
Beginning double shell (beg double shell): Ch 3, (dc, ch 2, 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in indicated st.
Double shell: (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in indicated st.
Picot: Ch 3, sl st in 3rd ch from hook.
Rnd 1 (RS): Ch 8, join(see Pattern Notes) in first ch to form ring, ch 1, 2 sc in each ch around, join in beg sc. (16 sc)
Rnd 2: Ch 6(see Pattern Notes), working in back lps(see Stitch Guide), [tr in next st, ch 2] around, join in 4th ch of beg ch-6. (16 tr, 16 ch-2 sps)
Rnd 3: Ch 3(see Pattern Notes), (dc, ch 2, dc) in same ch as beg ch-3, *dc dec(see Stitch Guide) in same tr and in next tr, (dc, ch 2, dc) in same tr as last leg of last dec made, rep from * 14 times, yo, insert hook in same tr, draw lp through, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, insert hook in 3rd ch of beg ch-3, yo and draw through all lps on hook. (48 tr, 16 ch-2 sps)
Rnd 4: Sl st to next ch-2 sp, ch 1, sc in same sp as beg ch-1, ch 5, [sc in next ch-2 sp, ch 5] around, join in beg sc. (16 sc, 16 ch-5 sps)
Rnd 5: *[Sc in next ch, 2 sc in next ch] twice, sc in next ch**, sk next sc, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in back lp of beg sc. (112 sc)
Rnd 6: Working in back lps, sl st in each of next 3 sc, beg shell(see Special Stitches) in same st, ch 2, *shell(see Special Stitches) in 4th sc of next 7-sc group, ch 2, rep from * around, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3. (16 shells, 16 ch-2 sps)
Rnd 7: Sl st to next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp, ch 3, [shell in ch-2 sp of next shell, ch 3] around, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3. (16 shells, 16 ch-3 sps)
Rnd 8: Sl st to next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp, *ch 2, dc in first dc of next shell, ch 1, dc in next dc, ch 1, [dc, ch 1] 3 times in next ch-2 sp, dc in next dc, ch 1, dc in next dc, ch 2**, shell in ch-2 sp of next shell, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3. (8 shells, 56 dc, 16 ch-2 sps, 48 ch-1 sps)
Rnd 9: Sl st to next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp, ch 3, *[sc in next dc, ch 3] 7 times, shell in ch-2 sp of next shell, ch 3, rep from * 6 times, [sc in next dc, ch 3] 7 times, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3. (8 shells, 56 sc, 64 ch-3 sps)
Rnd 10: Sl st to next ch-2 sp, beg double shell(see Special Stitches) in same sp, ch 3, *sk next ch-3 sp, [sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3] 6 times**, double shell(see Special Stitches) in ch-2 sp of next shell, ch 3, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in 3rd ch. (8 double shells, 48 sc, 56 ch-3 sps)
Rnd 11: Sl st to next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp, *ch 4, shell in next ch-2 sp, ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, [sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3] 5 times**, shell in next ch-2 sp, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3. (16 shells, 40 sc, 8 ch-4 sps, 48 ch-3 sps)
Rnd 12: Sl st to next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp, *ch 4, sc in next ch-4 sp, ch 4, shell in ch-2 sp of next shell, ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, [sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3] 4 times**, shell in ch-2 sp of next shell, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3. (16 shells, 40 sc, 16 ch-4 sps, 40 ch-3 sps)
Rnd 13: Sl st to next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp, *ch 5, [sc in next ch-4 sp, ch 5] twice, shell in ch-2 sp of next shell, ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, [sc in next lp, ch 3] 3 times**, shell in ch-2 sp of next shell, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3. (16 shells, 40 sc, 24 ch-5 sps, 32 ch-3 sps)
Rnd 14: Sl st to next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp, *ch 5, [sc in next lp, ch 5] 3 times, shell in shell, ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, [sc in next lp, ch 3] twice**, shell in ch-2 sp of next shell, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3. (16 shells, 40 sc, 32 ch-5 sps, 24 ch-3 sps)
Rnd 15: Sl st to next ch-2 sp, beg shell in ch-2 sp of shell, *ch 6, [sc in next lp, ch 6] 4 times, shell in ch-2 sp of next shell, ch 3, sc in center ch-3 sp, ch 3**, shell in ch-2 sp of next shell, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3. (16 shells, 40 sc, 40 ch-6 sps, 16 ch-3 sps)
Rnd 16: Sl st to next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp, *ch 6, [sc in next lp, ch 6] 5 times, shell in ch-2 sp of next shell**, shell in ch-2 sp of next shell, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3. (16 shells, 40 sc, 48 ch-6 sps)
Rnd 17: Sl st to next ch-2 sp, ch 1, sc in same sp, *ch 6, [sc in next lp, ch 6] 6 times**, sc in ch-2 sp of each of next 2 shells, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, sc in ch-2 sp of next shell, join in beg sc. (64 sc, 56 ch-6 sps)
Rnd 18: Ch 1, sc in same sc as beg ch-1, *ch 6, [sc in next ch-6 sp, ch 6] 7 times, sc in next sc, ch 6**, sc in next sc, rep from * around, ending last rep at **, join in beg sc. (72 sc, 72 ch-6 sps)
Rnd 19: Sl st to center of next ch-6 sp, ch 1, sc in same sp as beg ch-1, ch 6, [sc in next sp, ch 6] around, join in beg sc.