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How to Sail a Boat by Matt Vance
To sail a boat is a magical, and sometimes mystical, experience. The sailor is free from the cares of life on land, entirely absorbed in the enterprise of moving a craft across the water. For the uninitiated, though, this is madness. Whatever reason can there be for willingly putting yourself at the mercy of nature's unpredictable forces, winds, waves and weather? In this captivating book, Matt Vance takes you inside the mind of the sailor, from the first scary moment of handling a boat solo to the exhilaration of sailing across oceans and discovering new worlds. His stories and those of his fellow madmen will captivate sailors young and old - and if you're a landlubber you may just find yourself yearning for the blue horizon.
Howto Play a Video Game by Pippin Barr
Every day around the world millions of people enter virtual worlds through videogames. These games are now the fastest-growing form of entertainment - andbeing played by people of all ages. International communities are comingtogether to play, have fun and share ideas - without ever meeting. How toPlay a Video Game unlocks this amazing world, giving an insight into whatmakes video games so fascinating and entertaining to the people who play them.
Howto Watch a Bird by Steve Braunias
As prize-winning journalist Steve Braunias stands on an apartmentbalcony on a sultry summer evening, a black-backed gull flies so close he isinstantaneously bowled over with happiness: 'I thought: Birds, everywhere. Iwanted to know more about them.'
'A great book, original and captivating - compelling to the end'
Howto Catch a Cricket Match by Harry Ricketts
Finalist, Spectrum Print Book Design Awards
Rudyard Kipling called cricketers flannelled fools. Groucho Marx asked halfway through acricket match when it would begin. Alfred Hitchcock put two cricket fans in athriller as comic relief. Yet despite its famously odd practices, slow pace,strange language, eccentric umpires and frequent scandals - or perhaps becauseof them - cricket is today one of the world's most passionately followed andplayed sports.
Check out Awa's own interview with Harry here.
In New Zealand, watching a cricket match is the quintessence of summer. So whencricket-obsessed writer Harry Ricketts and his Australian friend Tony takethemselves to the second day of a test against the West Indies, things arebound to start happening...
Howto Look at a Painting by Justin Paton
Acclaimed art writer Justin Paton takes us on a journey of exploration through thecenturies and across the painted world. Whether you're a keen art collector, aserious student or just visit a gallery occasionally, this brilliant expositionof painting in all its forms will open your eyes to things you've never seenbefore.
Photographer MARTI FRIEDLANDER calls the book 'a masterpiece that will set yourimagination alight'
BILL MANHIRE, head of the International Institute ofModern Letters, says, 'Justin Paton is perfect company. Wonderfullyintelligent and well-informed, he makes baffling stuff accessible, and shows ushow great paintings can make the familiar world astonishing and new'
Artist MICHAEL SMITHER says, 'In this absorbing book,painting is revealed as food for the soul, a harbour of memories that sustainus'
How to Drink a Glass of Wine by John Saker
New Zealand has become one of the world's great wine-drinking and producingcountries. After six years as a top wine writer, John Saker has blended athousand impressions, delicious experiences and startled taste buds into anengrossing guide to the world's most loved - and debated - beverage.
'If you read only one book about wine, make it this one'
Check out our interview with John here.
How to Catch a Fish by Kevin Ireland
For award-winning writer and poet Kevin Ireland,fishing - especially for the elusive trout - is not an idle pastime but apassionate love affair with the natural world.
This fine, funny, beautiful bookshould be on the shelf of every fisherman - and woman - and theirlong-suffering friends and family.
'Ireland demystifies fishing. Howwelcome that is. He's informative but never omniscient, and often very cleverand amusing. It's brilliant and I loved it'
How to Listen to Pop Music by Nick Bollinger
It's the music that shook the world.'I don't sound like nobody,' Elvis Presley said in 1954. True. The truck driverfrom Memphis was about to set off the biggest musical cataclysm since Mozart.
'Good book! Like an Antipodean version of Nick Hornby's 31 Songs but more expansive and generous ... Thisother Nick experiences the primeval wonder at first exposure to pure pop, thewild enthusiasm for songs and records that leave others bemused and cold, theinsane need to track this music to its roots'
Howto Gaze at the Southern Stars by Richard Hall
There is no more beautiful or intriguing sight than the night sky. From the beginningof human civilisation people have wondered about the twinkling lights, and thestrange objects that occasionally fall to Earth. Come along with astronomerextraordinaire Richard Hall on a tour of the heavens as seen from the SouthernHemisphere.
'A legend brings the night sky to life.'
Howto Watch a Game of Rugby by Spiro Zavos
How to Watch a Game of Rugby will delight both fans and those keen to learn more about New Zealand's national passion. Spiro Zavos shares his love of the sport with wit and humour -and passes on some illuminating pointers.
'Thoughtful, passionate & entertaining'
'One for all rugby lovers ... Spiro Zavos's best book yet'
How to Hear Classical Music
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