for Beginner: 3 Mnurit:
The omlete Guide to Lerning ython rh oure, ython Mhine Lerning nd ython Dt iene in Week.
Andrew Lee
oyright 2021 Andrew Lee. ll right reerved. No rt of thi book my be rerodued, tored in retrievl ytem, or trnmitted in ny form or by ny men, eletroni, mehnil, hotooying, reording, nning, or otherwie, without the rior written ermiion of the ubliher.
rh oure
for Beginner
Andrew Lee
It i t lrn nd much more wrful thn thr lngug bu of t dnm ntur nd ml ntx, whh llw mll ln f d.
uh dvntg f thn mk t dffrnt frm thr lngug nd tht' wh thn rfrrd fr dvlmnt n lethor of mn. thn n b ud to roe nthng tht n b vd n mutr lk number, text, dt, mg, ttt t. It -t-u ftur wll k rgrmmr nggd nd exited th
bgn to lrn thn. It h bm fmu, wth t hrteriti lk ndnttn, nmng nvntn, mdulrt t. thn wdl ud n th dl rtn f Ggl, N, Nw Yrk tk Exhng nd even on ur fvrt vd hrng wbt, YuTub.
In ndutr, mhn lrnng ung thn h bm ulr. Th bu t h tndrd lbrr whh r ud fr ntf nd numrl lultn. l, t n be ued n Lnux, Wndw, M O nd UNIX. It' not ued jut by th ndutr bg ht, however thn xtnvl ud vn n bun, gvrnmnt nd nn-gvrnmnt orgniztion t. To be able to delve dr nt rgrmmng, n nd t hv b undrtndng f m t tht th n hieve mtr from the area.
thn rh ur For Bgnnr ontin rvn t nd trtg into lrn thn rgrmmng quikly nd l. It rvd ll ntl rgrmmng nt nd informtion u nd t trt dvlng ur wn thn rogrm. Th bk rovide mrhnv wlk-thrugh f thn rgrmmng n lr, trghtfrwrd mnnr tht vn bgnnr wll rt.
You n u th bk manual t hl u xlr, hrn, nd gn reition f th blt nd ftur f thn.
Let' get trted!
Undertnding The ython oding lnguge
Rdng nd wrtng d at thn muh lk rdng nd wrtng rgulr Englh ttmnt. Bu th r nt wrttn n mhn-rdbl lnguge, thn rgrm nd t b rd bfr mhn n conduct thm. Th mn tht vr tm rgrm conduct, t ntrrtr run thrugh th d nd trnlt t nt mhn-rdbl bt d.
Ur t mnge nd ntrl dt truture r bjt t rt nd conduct rgrm.
Lngug d nd bm blt whn th fl t lv u t xttn, nd r afterward reled nd urdd b lngug tht r
mr wrful. It m wth vrl nw ftur nd nhnmnt, long with amount f drtd ftur. But, th nw ftur of ython 3.0 md t mr contemporary nd ulr. Mn dvlr vn wthd into Vrn 3.0 f th rgrmmng lngug t vl themelve of th weome ftur. thn 3.0 rld rnt ttmnt together with.
That the bult-n rnt() funtn, whl llwng rogrmmer t u utom rtr btwn ln. In case th rnd r nt rgnzd n nturl nd mnngful rdr, th rdrng mrn rtr n nw r TErrr xtn.
Vrn 3 f that the rgrmmng lngug furthr u txt nd dt ntd f Und nd 8-bit trng.
Th instrument hghlght nmtblt nd r f nrn via omment nd wrnng. Th mmnt hl rgrmmr t mk hng t th ode, nd ugrde their xtng ltn t that the ltt vrn f
that the rgrmmng lngug. Ltt Vrn of all thn Vrn 3.7.3 or even 2.7.16 f ython. ython 2.7 enble dvlr t e mrvd numr hndlng nd nhnmnt fr that the tndrd lbrr.
Thi verion furthr mk t r fr dvlr t mgrt t thn 3. On th thr hnd, thn 3.7 m wth vrl nw ftur nd lbrr module, urt mrvmnt, nd thn mlmnttn mrvmnt. Hwvr, numbr f ftur r drtd n bth ython I nd rgrmmng lngug.
Dvlr n tll u thn 3.7 t vl themelve of urt n th lngr run. Vrn 4 f thn thn 4.0 xtd t b vlbl in 2023, ftr th rl f thn 3.9. It wll m wth ftur tht wll hl rogrmmer wth frm vrn 3 t 4 mll. l, th gn xrn, th xrt thn dvlr n tke dvntg f numbr f bkwrd mtbl ftur t modernize thr xtng ltn wthut uttng n xtr tm nd ffrt. But, th dvlr tll hv t wt mn r t gt lr tur f thn 4.0. Hwvr, th mut mntr that the ltt rl into eily mgrt t Vrn 4.0 f that the ulr dng lngug.
Vrn 2.x nd Vrn 3.0 f thn r mltl dffrnt frm h thr. h rgrmmr mut undrtnd th ftur f th dtnt vrn, nd mr thr funtionlity bd n f nd f th rjt. l, he or he nd t hk th vrn f thn tht h frmwrk uort. Hwvr, h dvlr mut tk dvntg f th ltet verion f thn t e nw ftur nd lng-trm urt.
Ftur f thn
qutn tht ome u i why mhn lrnng ung thn rfrrd vr thr lngug? Th beue thn h m feture vr thr rgrmmng lnguge. Hr r m b ftur f thn tht mke t bttr thn thr lngug:
thn Hgh-lvl lngug. It mn th ntxt f thn ur-frndl rthr thn mhn lnguge.
The ntrtv ntur f thn mk t ml nd ttrtv fr ur. Back in ntrtv md, ur r bl t hek th utut fr eh ttement.
n Objt Oriented rgrmmng lngug, t llw ru nd reyling f rgrm.
Th yntx f thn xtnbl thrugh mn lbrr. On f th hghlght f thn tht t i hghl xtnbl lnguge. Th mn tht vru funtnl element r not bult nt th r f th ltfrm. Rthr, u n u thrd rt ltn nd xtnd th ltfrm' funtnlt. ddtnll, u n l ntgrt thn d into n xtng rgrm nd rete n ntrf for rgrmmng. Th i lld Embedding nd Extndng. mntnd bv, the ntx f thn i ml. mltd ntx i rjtd nd th ltfrm mbr ode tht r l luttrd nd r. Hwvr, th d nt n n w nflun th rfrmn or funtnlt f rgrm. lo, unlk thr ulr rgrmmng lngug uh rl, thn d nt ffr unnr luttr b giving th rgrmmr multl w f hvng the m ur. thn' hiloohy t provide n wrful w f btnng that the deired rult. Th hlh i that the mn drvng
fr supporting th mlt f thn. o, f u wnt t bm dt n th lngug, u nd t hng ur mndt nd thnk n ml nd trghtfrwrd mnnr. Th rh twrd rgrmmng wrk bt wth thn.
Bnft f Uing th thn dng lngug
One f th mot rbut nd dnm
rgrmmng lngug bng ud td thn. It tr d rdblt, nd bu f t ntx nicely mlmnttn, rgrmmr re ble t wrt l omlex d if omred into Jv nd p +. Mmr mngmnt n thn dn utmtll, nd vrl tndrd lbrr r vlbl fr that the rogrmmer hr. ftr mltng rtftn ur at thn trnng, rgrmmr n frequently gn ntry into vru to IT omnie. thn rgrmmng urt numru tl uh funtionl rogrmming, mrtv nd bjt-rntd tl. Hr r th t fv rn wh mutr rgrmmr mut lrn th ython lnguge:
E f lrnng thn h bn rtd wth th nwmr n mnd. mltn f b tk rqur l d n thn, mrd t thr lngug. Th d re uull 3-5 tm hrtr thn Jv, nd 5-10 tm mllr thn p +. thn d r l rdbl nd, wth small bt f knwldg, nw dvlr n lrn lt b jut lkng t th d. thn rltvl t lrn. Mn fnd ython gd frt lngug fr lrnng rogrmming bu t u ml yntx nd hrtr d.
Rdblt thn rgrm u lr, ml, nd n ntrutn tht r t rd, vn b th wh hv n ubtntl rogrmming bkgrund. rgrm wrttn at thn r, thrfr, r t mntn, debug, r nhn. In rdr t d mlt, thn dng nd ntx u Englh wrd rther thn untution r mbl. Th nhn redbility nicely. m xml f ttement wrttn n thn nlud "f", "fr", "while", "tr", "l", "df", "wth", "ld", "mrt" nd mn thr. Mt f th mmnd ud re lf-xlntr.
Hghl rfrrd fr net dvlmnt thn onit f n rr f frmwrk tht r uful n dgnng wbt. mng th frmwrk, Djng th mt ulr a single fr thn dvlmnt. Du t th frmwrk, wb dgnng wth ython h mmn flxblt. Th numbr f webite nln td i l t 1 blln, nd wth th vr-nrng fr mr, t nturl tht thn rgrmmng will ntnu t b n mrtnt kill fr wb dvlr.
ndrd idel fr trt-u Tm nd budgt r vtl ntrnt fr n nw rdut r rv n mn, nd mr f it trtu. On n rt rdut tht dffrntt tlf frm th rt n n lngug. Hwvr, for quk dvlmnt, l d nd mller t, thn th dl lngug hr. thn n l l u n mlx ltn nd n l b hndld b mll tm. Nt nl d u v rur, however u l gt t dvl ltn n th rght drtn wth thn.
Unlmtd vlblt f rur nd ttng frmwrk vrl rur fr thn r vilble td, nd th r l ntntl bng udtd. rult, t vr rr tht thn develoer gt tuk. Th vt tndrd lbrr rvd built in funtnlt. It bult n ttng frmwrk enble d wrkflw nd l dbuggng tm.
Ft yheque Td, t IT mn uh Ggl, Yhoo, IBM, nd Nk mk u f thn. mng ll rgrmmng lngug, t h hd mzng expansion vr th lt fw r.
Hghr rodutivity d ud n thn re ndrbl. hrtr, imler, nd l vrb thn thr high end rgrmmng lngug, uh Jv nd p +. Back in ddtn, it h wll-dgnd bult-n ftur nd tndrd lbrr, wll t thrd rt mdul nd ur lbrr. Th ftur mk rgrmmng at thn much more ffnt.
Run r dffrnt ltfrm thn wrk n Window, Lnux/UNIX, M O X, thr rtng ytem, nd mllfrm dv. It l run n mrntrllr ud n ln, t, rmt ntrl, mbddd dv, nd thr mlr dv. It lr tht thn i vtl lngug fr wb-bd rgrmmr.