PARA SITE A Graphic Nov el in Stor ybo ards BONG JOON HO NEW YO RK B OSTON

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FOREWORD Dear Reader , I know many fi ne film s are made without sto ryb oards. Ive heard that the great St even Spielber g doesnt of ten story board his fi lms.
This book in no way pur port s that stor ybo arding is an essent ial short cut to making good film s. I actuall y story board to quell my own anxiety . I only feel safe w hen I have all the shots of the da y stor ybo arded and in my palm . Whenever I go to set without stor ybo ards, I feel lik e I m s tanding i n the middle of Grand Central T er minal wearing only my underw ear. But it would be misleadi ng to say I only s tory board for my per sonal sani ty. The story boards show in gr eat detail how th e shots will be construc ted.
They can be shot exactl y as drawn and ser ve as valuable blueprints for the crew member s. The f in - ished fi lm never deviat es far from the sto ry boards, and th is allows the cre w to trust the process. Cr ew members who ha ve worke d with me in the past are especiall y aware of this. The entire crew loo ks for wa rd to receivi ng the day s st ory boards in the morn ing. Once they do, they are able to concentra te their energy into achievin g one specifi c goal. They are immediate ly able to tell what w e are shooting th at day and at which p oint in the story we are.
And at that moment , the stor ybo ards not only assuage my own fears but the crew s a s well. But then another fear beg ins to take shape inside me. I begin to fear that sh ooting the sto ry boards frame by f rame will resul t in mannerism. I fear that Ive failed to captur e the tiny spark s of spontaneit y t hat were fl oating in the air of the set that day . It would take a whole other book to explain this entire process in deta il. Thank you. Thank you.
Bong Joon Ho

CAST OF CH ARACTER S The Kims (o r ) Ki-ta ek (o r ) Chung-soo k (o r ) Ki-woo (o r ) Ki-jung The Parks (o r ) Dong-ik (o r ) Y eo n-ky o (o r ) Da-hye (o r ) Da-song (o r ) Moon-gwang (o r ) Geun-sae (o r and ) Min-hyuk (o r ) Driver Y oo n
Part A Graphic Novel in Sto ryb oards
#2 . W I- FI SEMI- BA SEMENT - DAY Outside the window An alley slightly OUT OF FOCUS. Pe destrians etc. White socks PA RASITE The title comes IN and OUT . Camera VERTICALL Y DESCENDS Ki-woo s face looking at his cellphone. CAMERA FIXED .
Ki-woo s POV: Wi-Fi signals.
TRACK OUT . TRACK OUT . KI-WOO Hey, Ki-jung! The lady upstairs put a password on iptime. Ki-jung comes out, having washed her face. KI-JUNG Did you try 123456789? Do it the other way .
Chung-sook is making a scourer . TRACK OUT + P AN LEFT . CHUNG-SOOK Our phones are shut of f. Now our Wi-Fi is shut off . (kicking) Whats your plan? KI-WOO I tried that too! CHUNG-SOOK Fuck, then we cant get WhatsApp? Hey , Kim Ki-taek . CHUNG-SOOK Dont fucking pretend t o sleep.
What do you think? KI-T AEK (wiping his drool) What?
Ki-taek opens the fridge, revealing a ba g of moldy bre ad. Bread > Ki-taeks face Right below the ceiling (to Chung-sook) KI-T AEK Ki-woo. For Wi-Fi, hold it high. KI-WOO Over here! I got it! KI-JUNG R eally ? Y ou got a signal? KI-JUNG Why cant I get it? KI-WOO Climb up here. KI-WOO Hold on. Here it is.
CHUNG-SOOK Pizza Generation said they d contact me. KI-WOO Y eah, see? This one, co ffeeland 2G. Did a new caf open? KI-WOO Yes , Dad. Ki-woos hand