Copyright 2013 byMargaret Gregory
All RightsReserved
This book is awork of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, orplaces,
events or localesare purely coincidental. The characters are productions of theauthors imagination and used fictitiously.
I use Australianspelling throughout. You will see ous (colour) and
ise not ize(realise) as well as a few other differences to Americanspelling.
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Table of Contents
Otherworks by Margaret Gregory
Prophecy spokenby High King Governor Tymoros
to the Great Ones- Tymos, Kryslie and Llaimos
Final year of theSeventh Great Age Tymorean calendar
Children will come at the beginning of the NewAge.
Chapter 1 - Great Ones
The three GreatOnes were something more than human; they were a Living Force,capable of wielding the life energy of their world. In thisbodiless form, they roamed above the land and water. They causedthe air temperature to rise and the surface water to evaporate.Hurricanes formed from multiple individual whirlwinds, the power ofthe Living Force fed the winds, whirling them faster so that theydrew in air, water, and the surface soil. Every molecule andparticle that was above the glowing protective layer, andeverything that was not attached to the ground, fed thevortices.
Day becamenight, and after some unmeasured time, darkness blanketed the wholeplanet. The clouds, heavy with moisture that would not fall, werefull of trapped dust, poisons and radioactive particles spun up bythe vortices. They began to glow.
No structures,except those of metal, stone, or protected by Tymorean power,survived. Anything still alive outside of the protected places died. The hurricanes grew and grew until there was no longeranything to sustain them. Near the planet surface, there was analmost perfect vacuum.
Needing no airto breathe, the Living Force moved over the planets surface,seeking any remaining traces of poison.
The heavy blackclouds reached up high into the stratosphere, all over the planet.They began to swirl and mix, but still did not dissolve into rain.Lightning flickered from point to point in the clouds. At theplanets surface, the temperature began dropping to well belowfreezing point.
The Living Forcebecame part of the dark clouds aware of the potential energywaiting to be directed. Lightning forked from the clouds not inrandom surges, but in accurately directed strikes. Some hit thealien aircraft where they lay after being thrown around by thewinds. The craft exploded; the remaining fuel igniting and burninguntil all the dreadful weapons remaining in the craft reachedcritical point. One of the horrifying weapons was Burnfire and oncefreed, the pyrophoric substance spattered in all directions. Itbecame a creeping and insatiable red glow that moved inever-expanding circles. The low temperature and scarcity of aircontrolled its virulence, but not its voracious hunger for organicfuel.
More lightningstruck the myriad places where the Great Ones had cached canistersof Burnfire stolen from the alien ships and garrisons. These tooexploded and began to burn in expanding circles. Fire burned thesurface soil, cleansing it of poisons. It could not burn past thedeeper soil layer protected by Tymorean power.
Occasionallythere was a fiery flare as the Burnfire found fuel or pockets ofpoisons, but the slow onward creeping continued relentlessly overland and the frozen ocean surface. It took time - days, years,decades or centuries there was no way to know and when the wholeplanet glowed with the redness that was Burnfire, it finally beganto rain.
When thewater/dirt/air falling as frozen drops landed on the glowingsurface it flared into brilliance. The Living Force waited, slowlycircling the planet. They sensed a protected place, rich withpower, high above the rest of the land.
There theyhovered, half way between energy and human flesh, needing neitherfood, nor water nor air aware now of their separate parts. Theymerged with, and passed through, the protective shield of the highmountain forest and separated into their originalselves.
They stoodabsorbing the sense of life around them. Here, protected under theshimmering mauve barrier, plant life thrived and the animalsreproduced. How many generations had passed, there was no way ofknowing.
The Great Ones -Tymos, Kryslie and Llaimos - felt no need to speak aloud. Theirminds were fully open to each other.
In time, whenthe land outside was once again fit to support life, the plants andanimals in the protected places would be able to spread far andwide.
For now, theGreat Ones could rest and remember what it meant to be entities ofmere flesh and blood.
They ate, theyslepttime passed.
The forest wasfull of life, burgeoning like springtime in multicoloured shades ofgreen, and smelling of the shy blossoms flowering on the lowbushes. Tymos lay awake, relishing the sense of vibrant life untilhe realized that the shimmering barrier was no longer over theforest. He was looking up through a gap in the leafy canopy, at apure azure sky, with no clouds. He leant over and shook his brotherand sister awake. With the same thought in mind, they all stood andran to the edge of the forest and looked outover a completelybarren landscape.
The barrier,placed around the forest to protect animals and plants within, wasindeed gone. There was no further need for it, but all threeremembered what the land had been like, poisoned and glowing withradioactivity from the deadly bombs the alien invaders haddetonated.
Llaimos knelt atthe edge of the green covered ground, lifted a handful of theblack, ashy dirt and let it trickle through his fingers.
Theland is waiting to be reborn, he told his siblings, thoughtfully.The dirt felt dead, a stark contrast to the sense of life in thearea behind him.
Theanimals can leave the forest, Tymos noted. The plants can startspreading.
Krysliedisagreed. No! Not yet! There is no wind or weather cycle; nothingcan live out there!
There must be a catalyst, Llaimos considered. We drew powerfrom the aura to preserve the seeds in the ground for the rebirthand to seal the cities. The power of all our Royal cousins wasfreed for us to use when the Temple of Dira wasdestroyed
Thenwe must return there to Dira to bind the power again and findthe catalyst for life to start, Tymos completed thethought.
The three GreatOnes joined hands and merged their consciousness so as a singleforce they teleported into the Temple of Dira, materializingamongst the wreckage where the great meeting hall had oncebeen.
They arrived onrubble and needed to adjust their balance, or fall onto the stones.The picture of the Temple as it had been was in their minds whenthey looked around them. The basic structure remained, though thebalcony walls that had been along the upper level walkway, hadcollapsed and fallen down to the meeting area. Adding to the debrisand overlying all the other rubble, was the shattered glass andtile shards from the Temple roof.
Instead ofhaving the white tones of the marble stone or the clearness ofglass, both walls and rubble were dusted with ashy black. TheBurnfire had burnt through the Temple, finding fuel there too, butnot as the terrible weapon it had been designed to be, instead itwas the means to purify the place that was sacred to the Guardiansof Peace.
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