

Presented by Celebrated Wholistic SexualityTeacher
Whether youre a Woman or a Person who Lovesto Love Women
If You Want to Give or Receive MORE PLEASURE
An excerpt from the novel The Unraveling, byCarl Frankel
(Volume One of The Erotopian Chronicles)
Find out what happens when three Earthlingsvisit a civilization that has a healthy relationship with sex andpleasure!
NINA HARTLEY is a pioneering feministsex worker who is using her body in service to promoting a sexuallysane and literate society.
Active as a performer since 1982, herrock-solid commitment to the importance of sexual autonomy hasfueled Ms. Hartleys career in adult entertainment. As a performer,director, writer, educator, public speaker, and feminist thinkerfor all, no matter their orientation, shes traveled the world todeliver her message. She believes that sexual freedom is afundamental human right and welcomes the new social mediaopportunities for spreading her message of knowledge andempowerment to the widest number of people. Shes the author ofNina Hartleys Guide to Total Sex (Avery Press). Putting touse her B.S. degree in nursing, she and her ex-husband ErnestGreene produced the million-selling sex-ed video seriescollectively known as The Nina Hartley Guides from Adam &Eve, currently in its 38th episode. She lives in Los Angeles.
ERNEST GREENE has participated in theproduction of adult video for three decades as a performer, writer,director and producer. His body of work comprises over five hundredtitles and includes some of the biggest selling X-rated featuretitles in recent years.
Greene is particularly well known for hisgroundbreaking approach to the presentation of unconventionalsexuality related to consensual domination and submission. He hasbeen active in the BDSM community for nearly thirty years,conducting workshops and seminars and serving as an officer ofcommunity groups.
He is the author of a novel for DaedalusPublishing, Master of O, which reinvents the BDSM classicStory of O set in modern Los Angeles and is told from themasters point of view. Sexy, decadent, powerful and funexactlywhat you want in a date and in a book! (Margaret Cho Author,Im the One I Want).
CARL FRANKEL is an award-winningwriter. His book Secrets of the Sex Masters won the 2015 AASECT(American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists)national prize for sex-ed book of the year. His novel TheUnraveling is the first volume of a trilogy (The ErotopianChronicles) about what happens when three Earthlings encounterlife on a planet where people have a healthy relationship with sex,pleasure, connection and celebration. He is married to SheriWinston, author of the award-winning Womens Anatomy of Arousal.For more information: CarlFrankel.com .
MangoGarden Press is the publishing arm of the Intimate ArtsCenter, which helps adults develop great sex and relationshipskills.
Introduction to Kink (e-book): 2019 CarlFrankel. All rights reserved.
Cover Art by Erin Papa (The Turning MillGraphic Art Studio)
Table of Contents
Introduction to Kink
by Nina Hartley and Ernest Greene with CarlFrankel
EDITORS NOTE: WITH THE STAGGERING SUCCESSOF 50 SHADES OF GREY, power exchange (also known as power play,BDSM or kink) has crossed over from the wrong side of the tracksand become an approved game for respectable people to play.
Historically, BDSM is associated with theinfamous Marquis de Sade, whose name gave us the word sadist. Formany, kink connotes a brute in a basement with an unwilling womanand a whip.
This is not what power play is about. Aspracticed by knowledgeable people, its profoundly consensual andegalitarian. And, because of its legacy, its also territory thatneeds de-mystifying.
No people are better equipped to do this thanErnest Greene and Nina Hartley. Ernest is a dominant by orientationwho has spent decades developing his craft and teaching it toothers. Nina, in addition to being perhaps the most famous pornactress ever (and a fine teacher in her own right), is an outsubmissive, a direction inspired in no small measure by hermarriage to Ernest, which has since ended.
Defining PowerExchange
ERNEST: Power exchange is a form ofsex play between consenting adults where, by negotiated agreement,one partner takes the dominant role and the other takes thesubmissive role. Once rules and roles have been agreed upon and theencounter begins, the dominant decides what will happen next andthe submissive basically obeys.
NINA: Someone agrees to be Fred andsomeone agrees to be Ginger.
ERNEST: The keyword here is notpower. It is exchange, because all the parameters arenegotiated in advance and nothing outside the agreed-uponparameters is permissible, while everything is permissible withinthose parameters.
NINA: This doesnt mean the submissivecant speak up if something isnt working or if there was somemisunderstanding about the fine print. If the submissive okayedflogging but neglected to mention that single-tail flogging is offlimits, its okay for that person to speak up during their session.They dont have to just wince and bear it.
ERNEST: Refinement can occur duringsessions, but the basic agreement is arrived at before the funbegins. The key point here is that, for all the talk about tops andbottomsabout power inequalitythis is truly an egalitarianexchange. The partners meet as equals and agree on the rules of agame theyll be playing, Tops and Bottoms, the way kids in lesspolitically correct days agreed to play Cowboys and Indians.
BDSM is done for mutual pleasure. Theobjective is for both the dominant and submissive to have anenjoyable sexual encounter that leaves both parties feeling happy,satisfied and tired in a good way when its over.
NINA: Thats not to say it cant bechallenging emotionally or physically, or intense and profound, orpersonal and romantic. But the goal is still is for people to feelexhausted and happy at the end.
ERNEST: Now, some people say that kinkis about acting out power roles and that it doesnt need to involvesex at all. With all due respect, I think this is bullshit. Thisbehavior is sex-driven.
NINA: Whether or not its sexuallyexpressed at that moment, BDSM comes out of a deep loinal need toexpress something. Its fundamentally erotic.
ERNEST: If you say that power exchangedoesnt always end with conventional intercourse, thats a fairpoint. Its usually part of it, though. Im pretty sure that inprivate, the overwhelming majority of people who engage in thisbehavior see it as an extended form of foreplay leading toconventional sexual acts that may or may not have some kinkyaccents. I suspect that those who say their BDSM is not sexual areeither not telling the truth or engaging in some kind of strangedo-it-yourself therapy.
A remarkable guy named Bob Flanagan was animportant figure in the early years of BDSMs cultural emergence.He once said, referring to people who masochistically hang fromhooks in quest of a spiritually transcendent experience, If itgets too far away from what makes my dick hard, Imsuspicious.
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