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David A. Adler - Cam Jansen and the Mystery Writer Mystery

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Table of Contents Click Can Cam find a missing car What about my car - photo 1
Table of Contents

Click! Can Cam find a missing car?
What about my car? Dannys father asked again.
I solved that mystery, Jim E. Winter said as he walked into room 17. I know what happened to your car. Now I have to sign more books.
Jim E. Winter took a hanger from the coatrack. He took off his raincoat and hat and hung them up. Then he turned and faced Dannys father.
Your car was stolen, Jim E. Winter said. Thats what happened to it. Now you must call the police. And I have to sign more books.
Jim E. Winter quickly left the room.
Hey, Mr. Pace said. He didnt solve this mystery. If he did, I would have my car.
Danny turned to Cam. Now its up to you, he said. Its up to you to find my dads car.
For Tzvi Lewisohn my neighbor with the great story ideas DA To my grandson - photo 2
For Tzvi Lewisohn my neighbor with the great story ideas DA To my grandson - photo 3
For Tzvi Lewisohn, my neighbor with the great story ideas

To my grandson Curt, a great reader and friend, who takes me on many adventurous trails and mysteries
Chapter One I can solve it Barry Blake says at the start of each book I can - photo 4
Chapter One I can solve it Barry Blake says at the start of each book I can - photo 5
Chapter One I can solve it Barry Blake says at the start of each book I can - photo 6
Chapter One
I can solve it! Barry Blake says at the start of each book. I can solve any mystery. Hes so smart, Cam Jansen told her mother. Hes strong, too. He once lifted the front of a truck just to find a clue.
Yes, Mrs. Jansen said. But do you remember what else he always says? I can solve any mystery and be home in time to help Mom with dinner. Hes a very good son.
It was a cold, rainy December night. Cam and her mother were on their way to school. It was the night of the yearly book fair. Jim E. Winter, the author of Cams favorite books, the My Name Is Blake Mysteries, would be there.
Its so difficult to drive in this weather, Mrs. Jansen said, and leaned forward. With all this rain and the cold, its hard to see out. The car windows are all fogged up.
Cams mother was stopped at a traffic light She took a tissue and wiped the - photo 7
Cams mother was stopped at a traffic light. She took a tissue and wiped the inside of the front window.
Did you ever see a picture of Jim E. Winter? she asked Cam.
Yes. Theres one on the back of each of his books.
I bet theres no fog on your memory, Mrs. Jansen said. Tell me what he looks like.
Cam closed her eyes. She said, Click! Then Cam said, Im looking at a picture of Jim E. Winter. Hes really young. He has a dark bushy mustache and lots of dark wavy hair.
The light changed to green.
Mrs. Jansen drove slowly.
Cam said, In the picture hes wearing a polka-dotted bow tie and a striped shirt.
Cam has what people call a photographic memory. She remembers just about everything shes seen. Its as if she has a camera and a file of pictures in her head.
Cam said, Click! again.
On the cover beneath the picture, Cam said with her eyes still closed, is lots of information. It says, Jim E. Winter was once a police detective. Hes written more than one hundred books. He lives near a forest and has a dog named Jake.
When Cam wants to remember something shes seen, she closes her eyes and says, Click! Cam says its the sound her mental camera makes.
Cams real name is Jennifer, but when people found out about her amazing memory, they called her The Camera. Soon The Camera became just Cam.
Mrs. Jansen was just about to turn onto the schools front drive. Were finally here! Mrs. Jansen said. And Im glad. Its not easy driving in this rain.
Cam opened her eyes.
Mom! Be careful! Cam said. Someone is walking just ahead.
Mrs. Jansen stepped on the cars brakes. She waited for the man to cross the road. Then she drove past the front of the school to the side parking lot.
Button your coat, Mrs. Jansen told Cam when she stopped the car. Put on your rain hat.
Mrs. Jansen took an umbrella from the backseat. She opened it. Then she and Cam hurried into the school.
There was a large mat by the door. Cam and her mother wiped their shoes.
A sign directed them to hang their coats in room 17. Mrs. Jansen closed her umbrella. She and Cam hung their coats, hats, and umbrella in room 17.
Beth Kane and her father were in the room, too.
Hi, Cam, Beth said.
Hello, Beths father said, and shook Cams hand. Its nice to see you again.
Cam smiled. Thanks.
Mr. Kane shook Mrs. Jansens hand.
Your daughter is amazing, he said. You must be so proud of her.
Mrs. Jansen smiled. And Cam has told me how nice and smart Beth is.
Then, as they were about to leave room 17, Danny and his parents entered the school.
Hey theres Cam Jansen Danny told his parents Shes the clicking girl And - photo 8
Hey, theres Cam Jansen, Danny told his parents. Shes the clicking girl. And theres Beth. Shes the girl who never likes my jokes.
Beth told Danny, No one likes your jokes.
Hey, Dannys father said. Im Mr. Pace, and youll like my jokes. Heres one: What do you get from nervous hens?
I know that one, Danny said, and laughed. The answer is scrambled eggs. Then Danny asked his father, Do you know Snow Whites fathers name? Its Egg White. Now the yolk is on you, Dad. Do you get it? The yolk is on you.
Thats enough jokes, Dannys mother said. Lets just hang up our coats.
Wow, Beth said as she, Cam, and their parents walked into the hall. Dannys father tells bad jokes, too.
Welcome, Dr. Prell, the schools principal, said. We have books for everyone. The book fair is in the gym.
The doors to the gym were open. Cam, Beth, and their parents went in. They stood there for a moment and looked at the many tables. On each was a pile of books and a sign so people would know what kind of books were on the table.
Im looking for history books, Mrs. Jansen told Cam. You can look by yourself, but please dont leave this room.
I want to meet Jim E. Winter, Cam said.
Beth said, Me, too. I love his mysteries.
Stay with Cam, Mr. Kane told his daughter. Im going to look at the biographies.
Children and their parents were looking at books. There were small children, too, running between and under the tables.
There he is, Beth said, and pointed. Hes in the back of the gym, right by the wall.
Cam looked across the gym. An old bald man with a white bushy mustache was sitting by a table at the far end of the gym. A long line of children were waiting for him to sign their books.
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