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Markovik - Method, Mystery & Mystery Method & Mystery & Project Hollywood & Mystery Corp

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Markovik Method, Mystery & Mystery Method & Mystery & Project Hollywood & Mystery Corp
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Overview: The Mystery Method is the leading routine based theory behind pickup lines.

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The Creed:

I make no excuses for my desires as a man.
I move through this world without apology.
I like to satisfy women.
I don't need any particular woman, I am not needy.
Women are abundant.
I do not supplicate to women because they find it unattractive. Rejection is a good thing. The more I get rejected, the more I will get laid. I learn something every time. Every rejection becomes a brick in my palace. I do not dwell in the past.
The past can not be relived, good or bad.
I have a wide range of options in how I choose to react to other people. The choice is mine.

Bait / Hook / Reel / Release (Mystery) HOW TO HIT ON A WOMAN

You cannot indicate your interest (IOI) to a woman until she has first indicated her interest to you. The ATTRACT STAGE has 3 phases: 1) OPEN - to get you into her group and in front of the girl 2) F2M female to male attract - to get her attracted to you and 3) M2F male to female attract to show that you have grown attracted to her for legitimized reasons.

Assuming you have completed phases 1 and 2, its time to move onto phase 3.

You may have already read about QUALIFYING principles. Many concepts about qualifying are incorporated into phase 3 of MM. The idea is to make a woman demonstrate a higher value to you (BAIT her into telling you INTERESTING THINGS about herself - not "What do you do?") so when she replies (HOOKing her to give you information) you can IOI her (REEL her in) only to push her off (RELEASE her from the pressure of being hit on). This occurs several times.

So the phase 3 sequence is: BAIT, HOOK, REEL, RELEASE.Here is an example for you to use in-field right away.

YOU: What nationality are you?
YOU: Seriously? No WAY!!! The girl I had the biggest crush on in high school was French! I can't even talk to you now.

Everytime she gives you a DHV (demonstration of higher value) you IOI her. This way she will believe your IOIs and when you fully SOI her, she will feel like she deserves it. This allows your attraction for her to letitimately GROW over several minutes instead of just IOIing her because she first IOI'd you.

Since an important aspect of MM is to restructure routines to be in context with YOUR IDENTITY in particular, take the time to write up some personalized phase 3 routines with this format. Afterall, I'm pretty sure YOU didn't have your first crush on a girl who was French right? Write 3 to 5 routines right now.

Here is one more example I used literally the night before writing this:ME: If you could be anything in the world with no chance of failure, what would you want to be? And don't say "Princess" haa.HER: Um, an actress.

ME: Really? When I was little I wanted to grow up and be a magician. And you know what I am now? A magician! So you want to be an actress. I'm living proof that our dreams can come true. It would be so cool if you were an actress. I LOVE THAT! We need to figure out how to make that happen. I bet you'd be an amazing actress. But what if you get more attention than I? I can't even hang out with you now.

Again, make yours congruent with your identity. You do not have to be a magician to do MM, but you do need a strong identity as I have.

I learned something from a good friend of mine yesterday. He said, "You are what you repeatedly do." Well, I performed some magic for the woman I later met (about 25 minutes after meeting her). I love to perform magic and find myself doing so many times every week. That makes me a magician. What do YOU do?

There are some F2M routines that are exceptions to the phase 3 format such as when you are complimenting a woman's beauty, but since that is potentially dangerous, I'll leave ANATOMICAL COMPLIMENTS for another time.
- Use backstory.

1) Past (childhood). "when i was a kid, i wanted to be..."
2) How you got from 1-3 "I did ...(relating to 1) when i was a teenager"
3) What you are now. "and now im..."

Conveys idea of "When i was a regular Joe..." ---> "Now, I'm ____ ."Things to say/use:

- "Can you believe it?"
-"isnt it interesting that if you apply yourself to something, you can do anything?" ********************************************************************************************************* ***************************************************************************************************

by Mystery
Mystery on Building an Identity
I read an article recently by my good buddy Thundercat that said:

"But what Mystery does, though teachable, is very much a style tailored to Mystery. He is successful at what he does because no one else can really imitate him. That's what makes Tyler so amazing to observe. Tyler does the same things as Mystery, but WITHOUT the magic tricks. Yet he is still able to create IMMENSE value for himself. How does he do this? Well, from what I've gathered, his method is more relatable to normal guys like me, because anyone with the proper skillset can use Tyler's methods to create value for themselves."

Thundercat's misunderstanding between a person's customized style and the game plan or method he uses to systematically convey his unique personality concerns me. This is because only a few days ago did we share a 3:00am meal at a diner after our visit to an exotic dance club together.

During our meal Thundercat himself admitted that he doesn't possess a strong identity as I do. I will attempt to resolve his misunderstanding between STYLE and METHOD as well as reveal some insights on how to specifically customize material to convey a unique identity (for both you and my friend Thundercat). Once you customize your material to fit your chosen "strong identity" will you no doubt make others who watch you work wrongfully assume it is your particular identity that gets you the girls and not the method that powers the conveying of it.

(Thundercat's complete article may be found here
)As those who have taken a Mystery Method seminar know, MM consists of three main areas:

PART 1. A format (or game plan) which has 3 stages, each with 3 phases.
PART 2. Mental tools to get you from phase to phase (isolation tactics, kiss tactics, extraction tactics, etc).
PART 3. Scripts and personality conveying material (content) to fill in each of the 9 phases.

While parts 1 and 2 (the MM format and it's tactics) don't change from person to person, part 3 (personality conveying material) does. We each possess a unique identity. You are not me. I am a magician. My wing Style is a writer. Tyler D. is a public speaker. Does this mean you have to be a magician, a writer, or a public speaker in order to attract women? Of course not! But what you DO need is what Style, Tyler D. and I share in common: we each possess a strong identity. Style, Tyler D. and I have each customized our material to convey our strong and unique personalities. That is, in fact, the PURPOSE of personality conveying material. It certainly would be counter-productive to convey that you are a magician if you aren't one. Nor a writer or public speaker for that matter.

Tyler D. and Style use the same game plan or method that I do. How do I know? Because we adapted my original (and now out-of-date) FMAC method into a powerful algorithm together (M3). Both are former students of mine, turned teachers. And yes they have both taught me as much about the game as I have them since we began. (Style lives in the same house as I, and Tyler D. is here too, visiting.) While we all use the same method, we have customized the material so that we each have a different style. In fact, Tyler D.'s style is still evolving. His identity has, for a long time, been one with few attractive qualities: a student. This may be the reason why Thundercat, in misunderstanding the difference between method and style, has concluded that Tyler D.'s material is more applicable to "normal guys" than mine. What this reveals please me: The identity I have chosen is strong enough to confuse even a close friend.

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