Web- Spinning
by Laura Hamilton Waxman
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Waxman, Laura Hamilton, author.
Title: Web-spinning spiders / by Laura Hamilton Waxman.
Description: Minneapolis, MN : Lerner Publications, [2016] | Series: First step nonfiction. Backyard
critters | Audience: Ages 58. | Audience: K to grade 3. | Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2015039106| ISBN 9781512408843 (lb : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781512412239
(pb : alk. paper) | ISBN 9781512410044 (eb pdf)
Subjects: LCSH: SpidersJuvenile literature.
Classification: LCC QL458.4 .W39 2016 | DDC 595.4/4dc23
LC record available at http://lccn.loc.gov/2015039106
Manufactured in the United States of America
1 CG 7/15/16
Table of Contents
Spider Bodies
A spiders body is made of
two soft parts.
Eight long legs come out of
the front part.
Each leg has six joints for
Spiders feel and smell
with their leg hairs.
The legs are covered with
tiny hairs.
Where to Find Spiders
Spiders live in almost every
part of the world.
Some spiders
can float!
They live in hot, cold, wet,
and dry places.
They live wherever there is
enough food to eat.
Spiders mostly eat insects.
Spiders bite their food with
two fangs.
Most spider venom
does not harm people.
Venom comes out of the
The venom paralyzes the
food first. Then the food
turns into mush.
The spider sucks up its
mushy meal.
What Spiders Do
Spiders make silk.
It shoots out the back of
their bodies.
Webs can be
shaped like circles,
balls, lines, or tubes.
Spiders use silk to spin webs.
Have you ever run
into a spiderweb?
The webs are sticky and
hard to see.
Not all spiders make
webs. Some chase
their food on fast legs.
Insects fly into a web and
get trapped.
Then the spider has a new