Copyright 2012 by William P. Mitchell All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information contact: W. P.
Mitchell 8135 Bunkum Road Caseyville, IL. 62232 618-698-1948 Inspiring Voices books may be ordered through booksellers or by contacting: Inspiring Voices 1663 Liberty Drive Bloomington, IN 47403 1-(866) 697-5313 Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them. Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only. Certain stock imagery Thinkstock. date: 8/23/2012 Contents This concordance covers the portion of the Big Book starting with the chapter called The Doctors Opinion beginning on page xxii.
It continues through the next 164 pages, and takes in the first story titled Doctor Bobs Nightmare. date: 8/23/2012 Contents This concordance covers the portion of the Big Book starting with the chapter called The Doctors Opinion beginning on page xxii.
It continues through the next 164 pages, and takes in the first story titled Doctor Bobs Nightmare.
In the back of the book are teachings from the Big Book. And on the last page is a poem that tells who we are. Dedicated, in memory of the three sponsors I outlived, who loved me through all my craziness and never got to see the finished book. Cowboy Jim, Emmet E. and Roy B. And to my daughter Lisa, who stood by me, and encouraged me through the whole process from inception to publishing.
How To Use The Concordance The concordance is the most basic tool for study. It enables the user to quickly locate any line in the Big Book even when you just know one key word in that phrase. Every significant word in the first 164 pages is arranged alphabetically in the concordance followed by the phrase reference where it can be found. For example, if you were looking for the phrase. Abnormal action of alcohol, you would look under A and scroll down to abnormal where that is listed. It will have the chapter title, page number and line number.
Like this: Abnormal To Emp 140-31 abnormal action of alcohol on his mind You would then turn to page 140 in the chapter To Employers and scroll down to line number 31. Unfortunately, to have the lines numbered on each page of your Big Book, you have to mark it yourself. As yet no one has printed the Big Book with the page lines already numbered. Perhaps now that we have our own concordance someone will do that. I numbered each page by hand in my book. I skipped the first line and started at line 2 with the number two and counted by twos on every other line all the way down on each page.
Takes 10 or 15 minutes, works like a charm. Knowledge is Power The more you learn and understand the Big Book and how this program works, the more powerful it becomes in your life. Abandon Ho It Wo 63-22 abandon ourselves utterly to Him. A Vi Fo You 164-21 Abandon yourself to God Abandoned We Ag 48-5 This sort of thinking had to be abandoned. Aberrations To Emp 140-25 understand the aberrations of the alcoholic. Ability We Ag 54-2 have confidence in our ability to think? To Emp 143-24 confidence in his ability to recover? Abnormal Docs Op xxiv-13 body of the alcoholic is quite as abnormal as Th Is A Sol 23-28 these drinkers are abnormal To Wives 114-11 mental condition too abnormal or Th Fam Af 122-21 a highly strained, abnormal condition.
To Emp 140-31 abnormal action of alcohol on his mind. A Vi Fo You 155-11 aware of being somehow abnormal, Above -board To Emp 140-29 a seemingly above-board chap Absence A Vi Fo You 160-30 the absence of intolerance of any kind, Absolutely Docs Op xxiv-4 You may rely absolutely on anything they say To Wives 120-26 Make him feel absolutely free Abstainer To Emp 139-16 than a total abstainer would be. Abstinence Docs Op xxviii-31 have to suggest is entire abstinence. Dr Bob Ni 181-9 two and one half years of abstinence. Absurd Mo Ab Al 37-28 Our behavior is as absurd and Absurdities To Emp 140-16 Can his past absurdities be forgotten? Abundantly Th Fam Af 133-20 God has abundantly supplied Abused Dr Bob Ni 181-14 I had abused it so frightfully that it Accept Th Is A Sol 25-32 to accept spiritual help. We Ag 47-28 But I cannot accept as surely true We Ag 47-32 inability to accept much on faith, Wo Wi Ot 97-28 Should they accept and practice Accepted To Emp 139-5 he accepted the principles and procedure To Emp 145-8 if he has accepted our solution Acceptance We Ag 48-23 Why this ready acceptance? Accepted Docs Op xxvi-25 we have accepted and encouraged We Ag 47-24 unless we accepted many things on faith Accepting Docs Op xxv-1 accepting what we have to offer.
Accomplished To Wives 118-30 has accomplished in a few weeks Th Fam Af 128-20 that God has accomplished the miracle Acquaintance A Vi Fo You 161-2 for some stricken acquaintance Act To Wives 112-20 If you act upon these principles To Wives 113-12 stumbling convinces him he must act, Action Docs Op xxvi-5 the action of alcohol on these chronic Bills Story 9-30 a practical program of action Th Is A Sol 17-24 brotherly and harmonious action Mo Ab Al 42-22 and program of action Mo Ab Al 42-25 program of action though entirely sensible Ho It Wo 63-32 on a course of vigorous action, Into Ac 72-8 This requires action on our part, Into Ac 76-15 Now we need more action, Into Ac 80-1 Before taking drastic action Into Ac 80-28 His action met widespread approval, Into Ac 85-13 the spiritual program of action Into Ac 85-31 and that means more action. Into Ac 87-32 ask for the right thought or action. Wo Wi Ot 93-26 unselfish, constructive action. Wo Wi Ot 94-4 Outline the program of action. Wo Wi Ot 94-31 had you not taken action. Wo Wi Ot 98-5,6 when such action is warranted.
Wo Wi Ot 98-28 principles into action at home. To Wives 113-25 They can urge action without arousing To Emp 140-18 action of alcohol on his brain? To Emp 140-31 abnormal action of alcohol on his mind. To Emp 142-32 you may suggest a definite course of action. A Vi Fo You 157-31 the course of action they carried out. Actions Ho It Wo 61-24 And do not his actions make Into Ac 83-7 our own actions are partly responsible. Into Ac 87-6 in all sorts of absurd actions Active A Vi Fo You 156-18 they must keep spiritually active.
Activities To Wives 120-14 he must redouble his spiritual activities Activity Th Fam Af 131-16 developing new channels of activity Th Fam Af 131-23 but this activity should be balanced. Actor Ho It Wo 60-30 Each person is like an actor who wants to run Into Ac 73-12 He is very much the actor. Ho It wo 61-28 Our actor is self-centered-ego-centric, Acute poisoning A Vi Fo Yo 157-18 was told of the acute poisoning Acutely To Emp 144-14 while acutely depressed, Addiction Docs Op xxiii-9 alcoholic and drug addiction Docs Op xxv-6 those afflicted with alcoholic addiction. Docs Op xxv-9 treating alcoholic and drug addiction. Admire Th Fam Af 123-25 But the wise family will admire him Admit Docs Op xxvii-26 must admit we have made little Docs Op xxviii-13 who is unwilling to admit that he cannot Mo Ab Al 37-22 to admit that our justification for a spree Mo Ab Al 38-27 We admit we have some of these symptoms Into Ac 81-22 we should admit our fault. Wo Wi Ot 93-28 Admit that he probably knows more Wo Wi Ot 99-6 may see their own defects and admit them.
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