The Lost Intruder
Peter M. Hunt
Praise for The Lost Intruder
The authors prose is always crystal-clear andsometimes moving, particularly when he discusses the ways in whichhis quest revitalized his life in the face of physical decline. Aninspiriting story related with journalistic rigor and disarmingfrankness.
- Kirkus Reviews
Peter Hunt has written a touching, well-crafted bookthat navigates geographical and human landscapes in his quest tofind a lost military aircraft underwater while also dealing withthe devastating challenges and uncertainties of his battle withParkinsons disease.
- Bernie Chowdhury, Author of TheLast Dive
Candor combines with a dry sense of humor to createa motivational and inspirational message that causes the reader tothink about their own commitments to life while looking forward toevery page. The Lost Intruder is a lessonfor all of us.
- Ken Waidelich, Editor of TheWindscreen, Journal of the IntruderAssociation
It is the fascinating story within the story thatmakes this unique tale a must-read and a testament to the capacityof the human spirit. As the pilot of 510 on that fateful day inNovember 1989, I thought I knew the whole story, but The Lost Intruder brings the account to its trueconclusion.
- Denby Starling, Vice Admiral (USN, retired) andformer 510 pilot.
Ejecting from 510 inspired me to take up scubadiving with the unrequited romantic notion that I might one daystumble across my old jets wreckage. Pete Hunt has turned thatdream into reality. From studying the Navys failed search throughthe adversity of a debilitating disease, Pete demonstrates that heis a contender in every sense of the word.
- Chris Eagle, Author/Professor of Computer Scienceat the Naval Post-Graduate School and former 510bombardier/navigator.
The Lost Intruder
The Search for a Missing Navy Jet
Peter M. Hunt
Copyright 2017 by Peter M. Hunt
Smashwords Edition
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be usedor reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission,except in the case of brief quotations embodied in criticalarticles or reviews. Please do not participate in or encourage thepiracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the authorsrights. Purchase only authorized editions.
Cover A-6 photo courtesy of David F. Brown
Sources, terms, and acknowledgments
General A-6 history and descriptions of aircraftcarrier and squadron operations come primarily from personalknowledge and Internet research. Medical explanations ofParkinsons disease and Deep Brain Stimulation surgery come almostentirely from my own experience. Although I am not a medicalprofessional, this is an accurate account of what I believed to betrue about Parkinsons disease at the time. The descriptions oftechnical aspects of the disease and treatment are a laypersonsbest understanding of how often complex neurologic interactionswork.
Certain Navy terms have been renamed for ease inremembering them, such as Flight MishapReport instead of Mishap IncidentReport . Use of the terms Salvor and Salvor report are not meant to singleout the Captain or crew of the Salvor asentirely responsible for the Navys search effort. The Salvor did not even arrive in Washington waters untilthe search was almost over. Salvors commanding officer, however, was the ranking member of the activesearch, and as such was responsible for the post-search report andits conclusions.
A great many friends and family reviewed themanuscript in various stages of completion and made valuablesuggestions. I am sincerely grateful; you know who you are. My deepappreciation to my wife, Laurie, daughter, Emily, and son Jared whoonce again put up with another of my hare-brained schemes. As Iimagine the three of you rolling collective eyes in amusedtolerance, I am filled with love and an appreciation for the Huntsense of humor.
In memory of Ron Akeson, Captain John Ayedelotte,and Eileen Brown.
Dedicated to Parkinsons warriors everywhere.
Peter Hunt
May 2017
Whidbey Island
Synchronicity: According topsychoanalyst Carl Jung, coincidences with no causal relationshipthat are meaningfully related; meaningful coincidences.
Dyskinesia: Impairment ofvoluntary movements resulting in fragmented or jerky motions (as inParkinsons disease). Merriam-Webster DictionaryOnline .
Fluid, rhythmic swaying of the torso, writhing oflimbs, strained facial expressions, and an inability to speakarticulately brought on by an overdose of Levodopa. The authors personal definition.
Dystonia: Any of variousconditions (as Parkinsons disease and torticollis) characterizedby abnormalities of movement and muscle tone. Merriam-Webster Dictionary Online .
Painful, continuous muscle contractions of the rightshoulder, wrist, and ankle due to insufficient Dopamine; brought onby an undermedication of Levodopa. The authorspersonal definition.
AIS : AutomaticIdentification System
DBS : Deep BrainStimulation
FOIA : Freedom of InformationAct
JAG : Judge AdvocateGeneral
MDS : Maritime DocumentationSociety
NATOPS : _Naval Air Trainingand Operating Procedures Standardization
ROV : Remotely OperatedVehicle
TACAN : Tactical AirNavigation
VTS : Vessel TrafficService
Parkinsons disease is at best a constant chore. Itcan also be a life-changing event for the positive. It is the humanequivalent of a run-on sentence, following a meandering andlistless course across unknown terrain, always searching forcontinuity and focus. Parkinsons is an existential challengevirtually every waking moment, and not just physically. Thepsychological impacts of the disease transcend the physical, bothgood and bad: the search for identity, the attempts to explainwithout advocating victimhood, the intrinsic confusion of waking atone in the morning unable to walk and then working out like amachine at the gym three hours later.
Learning to eat and drink with head carefullybowed to avoid aspirating food and water. The constant concern ofwondering if the rest of the world thinks you are drunk, and thennot caring as you shake and sway through the daily routine of work,chores, shopping, the kids sporting events. Driving home utilizingevery skill and ounce of discipline garnered over five decades tosatisfy your conscience that you are still maneuvering safely,stone-cold sober but in a rhythm of repeated flow that focuses themind, but threatens to allow the car to stray if inattentive.
And then appearing before some of the samebewildered onlookers ninety minutes later, apparently normal, butwith a spine-deep fatigue from the days earlier battles. Its aconstant drag that requires tremendous energy and imagination toadapt to utterly different physical states multiple times a day.Its hard. It can also be satisfying and even fun in a distortedway. I have always enjoyed laughter. Parkinsons demands laughter.How can that be all bad?
Washington State waters from the Pacific Ocean tothe San Juan Islands (NOAA chart adapted by the author).
Dawns patiently eager specter
August 14, 2014
The fog moves with inevitability, not with theweakness of a human trait like confidence, but with the knownoutcome of the preordained. Slithering into the boats joints, thefog slowly fills each void until it can no longer be seen. But itis there. Only visible to the minds eye, it tickles at my ankleswith the cold distance of a scythe, sending an icy squirm to thepit of my stomach.