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Title Page
Author of A Diplomatists Wife in Japan,
A Diplomatists Wife in Many Lands,
Reminiscences of a Diplomatists Wife, etc.

Copyright, 1913, by
Published November, 1913

Saints of the Church
A Friend in RomeA Story of Two Ways of LovingAgla and BonifaceBecome ChristiansA New LifeBoniface Endures Terrible TorturesMartyrdomDeath of AglaChurch of St. BonifaceAlexis, the PilgrimHis TravelsReturn to RomeA Ragged BeggarHis Death and Burial in St. Bonifaces ChurchSt. Alexis MonasteryTrials of the Church After ConstantineRomes Lowest EbbGrowth of the Spiritual CityBenedict the Blessed, and Scholastica.
Founder of Monasticism
Norcia in the SabinesA MatronaThe Twins, Benedict and ScholasticaBenedict Goes to RomeConversion of PlacidusBenedicts Retirement to La MentorellaLife in a CaveTemptationsVisit of St. FrancisBenedicts MinisteringReal Founder of Monastic LifeGrowth of His OrderPlacidus and MaurusSt. Benedicts Personality and ConversionsHis Ideal of the Religious LifeHis Greatest MiraclesHis Sister, ScholasticaThe Last Day TogetherHis Ascension.
St. Gregory the Great
Birth and Lineage of St. GregoryPath from the World to the CloisterPrayer, Study, and CharityHis CatA ProphecyA Cardinal DeaconMission to ConstantinopleEutyches HeresyRome in PestilenceGregory Elected PopeHis Unbelievable AccomplishmentsHis Life as PopeChampionship of the OppressedBond with English-speaking PeopleThe Great Procession During the PestilenceGregorys Successors.
Memories of the Pantheon
The PantheonHadrians Best MonumentLong IdleConsecrated as St. Mary of the MartyrsThe Cathedral, the Symbol of the SoulIts PurificationContinuity of the ChurchA Priests VisitThe Alabaster SquareProcession of the Martyrs RelicsGiovanni Borgi, the WorkmanItalian GuildsGiovannis SelflessnessHis Rescue of the Forsaken ChildrenCare of ThemCrusade in Behalf of All the Waifs of RomeHis Work of LoveGiovannis Successor, Later Pius IX.
Early Life of Father Mastai
Birth in 1792A Happy FamilyHis YouthEpilepsyThe Church at the Time of NapoleonAbduction of Pius to AvignonNapoleons DownfallReturn of the Pope to RomeHis ReceptionProphecies Regarding Pius IXHis Journey to ChileOcean TripAcross the AndesFailure of MissionRounding Cape HornEnglish Settlement on the CapeLove-of-the-SoilThe Falkland Islands.
Pope Pius IX
Director of Ospizio di San MicheleA Splendid RecordArchbishop of SpoletoA Turbulent PopulaceOrder RestoredRevolution in EuropeSpoleto SavedThe Earthquake in UmbriaNew Post at ImolaSecret SocietiesA CardinalAttack upon the Three PrelatesThe Cardinals BraveryHow the Saints ForgivePope Pius IXHis Charity and JusticeDefenders of the PoorAnecdotes of the Cardinals Generosity.
Captivity of Pope Pius VII
Lebzeltern, the Ambassador of the Austrian EmperorOrigin of His MissionNapoleons Anger Against Pius VIIArrest of the PopeProtests from the ChurchNapoleon ExcommunicatedVain Efforts to Evade the BullInstructions for the MissionDo All, or Else, Do NothingPius VII in His Sixty-eighth YearThe InterviewThe Popes PositionHis GenerosityMessage to NapoleonContinued CaptivityReturn to RomeNapoleons Expiation.
In Sabina
Castel GandolfoIts GardensThe Sabine HillsThe ReverendoAn Expedition into the Hills-The Campagna in the Early MorningOur Lady of Good CounselAncient PrnesteItalys LandscapeStruggles of the ColonnaDestruction of PalestrinaBonifaces Revenge and ExpiationOlevano, the Haunt of ArtistsPicturesque UtilityThe Wrong TrainRomance of a PebbleThe Work of the Saints.
People of the Hills
The ApenninesView from a PeakReal HospitalityPolentaWoods of SabinaA Hill FamilyThe CookA Queer AdventurePeople of the SouthA Night Festival in the AbruzziThe JourneyThe Old OrganMarion Crawfords BoysJuvenile Theatricals.
A Story of Venice
A Follower of the CondottieriThe Raw RecruitDivision of the Dukedom of MilanCarmagnolas TurnGrowth in Wealth and PowerDisaffectionVenice Acquires His ServicesWar with MilanA Leisurely CampaignCarmagnola at the Height of His GloryFortune Turns Against the VenetiansStirrings of SuspicionReception in VeniceThe Senate ChamberGrowing DuskThe AttackEnd of His Part in the WorldAnother Story of the NorthSt. Raniero, the Patron of PisaThe Power of Temperance.
Queen Joan of Naples
A Conspicuous Feminine SinnerMarriage of StateHer BeautyHer Hungarian HusbandPetrarch and the MonkJoans Ascent to the ThroneThe Naples SuccessionHer FavouritesThe Churches of NaplesJoans LoversFactions of NaplesCharles of DurazzoA Bold ProposalCharles Ambitious PlotsWar of the FactionsDisappearance of MariaBecomes the Wife of CharlesJoans Horror.
A Medival Nightmare
Pact Between Charles and Andrew of HungaryJoans Homage to the Papal LegateAndrew IgnoredArrival of Andrews MotherAndrew Upheld by the PopeHis ReprisalsThe Man Must DieThe Queens ConspiracyLast Meeting of Charles and AndrewThe Hunting ExpeditionThe Banquet in the MonasteryThe MurderTempest Breaks over Joans HeadAn Evil Blow at CharlesTrial of Andrews MurderersA Nightmare of Cruelty and Fear.
The Vampire-Monarch from Hungary
Charles Further Acts as DictatorRise of the Favoured Louis of TarantoCivil WarA Scheme of the Empress of ConstantinopleInterference of the King of HungaryThe Empress Again to the RescueHungarys AdvanceDeath of the EmpressFlight of the Neapolitan NoblesJoan and Her Husband in ProvenceCharles Well-merited FateThe King of Hungarys VengeanceGovernment by Execution.
End of Joans Career
Joan Detained at AixGreeted as a QueenJoan Pronounced InnocentPlans to Regain NaplesSale of a CityReturn to NaplesIndecisive WarProposal for Personal ConflictFlight of the Royal FamilyMarias Narrow EscapeHungarians RepulsedPope Clement as IntermediaryDeparture of the King of HungaryFestivity in NaplesDeath of Louis and Joans Further Marital AdventuresJoan in TroubleHer Untimely End.
Naples under Murat
Beauty of NaplesFigures of Its HistorySt. JanuariusMurat, King of NaplesAchievements as KingThe CarbonariEnglands PromisesNapoleonic DiplomacyRise of the BourbonsAlliance with AustriaMurats IndecisionDistrust of the AlliesMurats StatesmanshipTalleyrands DiplomacyNaples, the GayConspiracy in the PalaceThe Escape from ElbaIdeal GovernmentWar Against MuratAdvance of the AustriansMurat Driven to NaplesInterview with His WifeLast Instructions to His MinistersEscape.
Murats Last Days
Naples in AnarchyEntrance of AustriansMurats Repulse by Napoleon and by LouisHis Demon of Ill-luckShip-wreckedAid in CorsicaEmperor of Austrias ProposalAttempt Against NaplesMurat Betrayed into Ferdinands HandsMurats TrialLetter to His WifeBefore His JudgesA Brave DeathFerdinand, the Butcher King.
Italian Seas
Our Moods and the SeasMemories in LandscapesThe Healing of the SeaA Vision in the Bay of NaplesMarion Crawfords Yacht ExpectedThe Family Together at LeghornLady PagetA Bathing SceneHugh FraserSpannocchi for DinnerThe Avenging BoatmanLivorno, An AnomalySunset on the Mare LigureBay of Spezia, a Splurge of Colour and LightA Hail Storm in VeniceThe Joy of a GondolaMoods of VeniceA Giorgione BeautyThe Nurseries of VeniceHer ShopsSaints and Heresies of the Thirteenth Century.
Southern Shores
Melancholy RavennaEarly Byzantine ArchitectureForests of Stone-pineSmiles and TearsThe Need of a Little MisfortuneMonte GarganoMillions of Spanish MerinosPrimval ForestA Forest MiracleChurch of the Apparition of St. MichaelOther Apparitions of the ArchangelThe Revelation to St. AubertThe Great Round ChurchOrder of the Knights of St. MichaelA Maiden Fortress of France.
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