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David Lipsky - Although Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Road Trip with David Foster Wallace

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David Lipsky Although Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Road Trip with David Foster Wallace
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If you can think of times in your life that youve treated people with extraordinary decency and love, and pure uninterested concern, just because they were valuable as human beings. The ability to do that with ourselves. To treat ourselves the way we would treat a really good, precious friend. Or a tiny child of ours that we absolutely loved more than life itself. And I think its probably possible to achieve that. I think part of the job were here for is to learn how to do it. I know that sounds a little pious.-- David Foster Wallace An indelible portrait of David Foster Wallace, by turns funny and inspiring, based on a five-day trip with award-winning writer David Lipsky during Wallaces Infinite Jest tour In David Lipskys view, David Foster Wallace was the best young writer in America. Wallaces pieces for Harpers magazine in the 90s were, according to Lipsky, like hearing for the first time the brain voice of everybody I knew: Here was how we all talked, experienced, thought. It was like smelling the damp in the air, seeing the first flash from a storm a mile away. You knew something gigantic was coming.Then Rolling Stone sent Lipsky to join Wallace on the last leg of his book tour for Infinite Jest, the novel that made him internationally famous. They lose to each other at chess. They get iced-in at an airport. They dash to Chicago to catch a make-up flight. They endure a terrible readers escort in Minneapolis. Wallace does a reading, a signing, an NPR appearance. Wallace gives in and imbibes titanic amounts of hotel television (what he calls an orgy of spectation). They fly back to Illinois, drive home, walk Wallaces dogs. Amid these everyday events, Wallace tells Lipsky remarkable thingseverything he can about his life, how he feels, what he thinks, what terrifies and fascinates and confounds himin the writing voice Lipsky had come to love. Lipsky took notes, stopped envying him, and came to feel about himthat grateful, awake feelingthe same way he felt about Infinite Jest. Then Lipsky heads to the airport, and Wallace goes to a dance at a Baptist church.A biography in five days, Although Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself is David Foster Wallace as few experienced this great American writer. Told in his own words, here is Wallaces own story, and his astonishing, humane, alert way of looking at the world; here are stories of being a young writerof being young generallytrying to knit together your ideas of who you should be and who other people expect you to be, and of being young in March of 1996. And of what it was like to be with andas he tells itwhat it was like to become David Foster Wallace. David Lipsky is a contributing editor at Rolling Stone magazine. His fiction and nonfiction have appeared in The New Yorker, Harpers Magazine, The Best American Short Stories, The Best American Magazine Writing, The New York Times, The New York Times Book Review, and many other publications. He contributes as an essayist to NPRs All Things Considered, and is the recipient of a Lambert Fellowship, a Media Award from GLAAD, and a National Magazine Award. Hes the author of the novel The Art Fair, a collection of stories, Three Thousand Dollars, and the bestselling nonfiction book Absolutely American, which was a Time magazine Best Book of the Year.

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Also by David Lipsky:

Three Thousand Dollars
The Art Fair
Absolutely American

For Lydia and Sally James And for their mother and grandparents introduction - photo 1

For Lydia and Sally James
And for their mother and grandparents


If writing had a logo, itd be the anchor, the quicksand easy chair, but from the minute I shook Davids hand we didnt stop. We hit his class, then rolled into the car keys, sodas, strangers, and hotel rooms of a road-trip movie. Airports and taxis and the eerie sensation of knowing your feet have stood in different cities in the morning and afternoon.

This introduction is the Commentary trackwhich nobody goes in for until theyve loved the DVDso Id recommend a quick select back to Main Menu and Play Movie. The road trip was the end of David Foster Wallaces Infinite Jest book tour, when, as a reporter, I asked and he told me the story of his life. David had a caffeine social gift: He was charmingly, vividly, overwhelmingly awakehe acted on other people like a slug of coffeeso theyre the five most sleepless days I ever spent with anyone. (The last day, we crossed three states by air, shot down another 140 miles of highway, and I thought it was still midnight. Thats what your watch says? David snorted. Its two twenty, dickbrain.) Then it was over, and we were standing still again, and it was hard and sad to leave. And youll see me trying to cook up reporting jobs in order to hang around.

It has the feel of a highway conversation. Late at night, the only car in the world, on icy morning roads, yelling at the other drivers. It has the rhythms of the road: grouchiness, indefensible meals, and the sudden, front-seat connectionsreciting high points from movies, the right song and a good view sending the radio into soundtrack, a statement that gives you the bright, runway lift of knowing that another person has experienced life the way you dothat are the stuff you go on trips for.

When you skip ahead, you should know its early afternoon, March 5, 1996. The air has the gray, erased-blackboard quality of weather tightening itself for a storm. David has just stepped out of his little brick one-story house. He has his hands in his jean pockets, his two black dogs are running thrilled tours of greet and patrol. Hes wearing round glasses. The look beneath them says two more or less clear words: now this. Ive got some treasured beliefs about my own emotional tone. Id like to think its grittily complex, penetrating, understanding, and deeply individual. Its pretty obviously: please be impressed by me. At our first big conversationour first stunning meal: Chicago-style pizza, the cheese mound and topping landslidehell tell me he wants to do a profile of the reporters whove come stamping through, doing profiles about him. Itd be a way for me to get some of the control back, hell say. Because if you wantedI mean, youre gonna be able to shape this essentially how you want. And that to me is extremely disturbing. It would have been one of the deluxe internal surveys he specialized inthe unedited camera, the feed before the director in the van starts making cuts and choices. The comedy of a brain so big, careful, and kind it keeps tripping over its own lumps. Thats what this book would like to be. Its the one way of writing about him I dont think David would have hated.

So its two in the afternoon. Ive just dropped my bag on his living room carpet, which is a mess, but the mess feels hospital cornered, curated. (Whatever reassurance and encouragement the decorations give him is going to be tagged and sifted, for what it might explain publicly.) Weve addressed the two womens magazines on his counter. (David is a Cosmopolitan subscriber; he says reading Ive CheatedShould I Tell? a bunch of times a year is fundamentally soothing to the nervous system.) Ive also been surprised to find the towel of Barney, the purple dinosaur and befriender of children, subbing as a curtain in his bedroom, and the big poster of complaint singer Alanis Morissette on his wall. Ive just unpeeled and loaded a Maxell cassette into my recorder. Always a pleasant, blameless moment to the journalist; a round in the chamber, boots polished, reporting for duty. I got up at five this morning, hailed a cab at the New York hour when the city is still drifting through sleep, the streets rolling over and steam drizzling upward out of the manholes. Then I flew two hours to Chicago, signed and initialed for the rental car, drove another two here: If you were putting us in a comic book panel, youd draw motion lines coming off my body. And thered be black scrunches over Davids head. Hes been touring for two weeks, reading, signing, promoting. Hes walking toward me over the clumps and vines of unsorted travel memories, signaling from behind the hurricane fence of someone whos become bewilderingly famous.

Im thirty years old, hes thirty-four. We both have long hair. Ive just placed the tape recorder on top of his magazines. Hes made a request. What with all the travel, hed like the right to retract anything that might come off awkward or nasty. (Hes about to say a hundred unbelievably honest, personal things. The one place hell get cold feet is where he feels hes been a little uncharitable to poetry. The form will touch readers again once it focuses on nine-to-five and couples who spend a marriage in the same bed. The verb he used was meatier.) Otherwise, this book runs from the minute I turn on the recorder, through five days of diners, arguments, on-ramps, friends, a reading, a faraway mall, his dogs, up to the last word David said to me. Its a word that meant a great, complicated amount to him. After he died, I read through this week again. I was surprised and movedit seemed very much like himto see that he used it in the context of a dance.


Because Id like to clear the set as quickly as possible, the rest of what I have to say about David Ive put in the afterwordimportant stuff: what he looked like, how he died, how his friends saw him, the people we both were when we met. Hed just come off a success so giant-sized it was going to shade and determine the rest of his life, and were going to talk a lot about that. (Four years later, after reporting on the 2000 election, hed ask his agent to send the piece to his editor, to show that Im still capable of good work [my own insecurities, I know].) Ive published two books, am about to publish another, but Ive never had a success (the experience has been all near misses, standing in a crowd while people around me are pegged by golden bullets), and that professional position has led to an interesting social approach: I believe that if I cant impress people by how much Ive accomplished, I can maybe be impressive with how practical my ambitions are, how little I expect. So Im always reminding Davidwhile he jumps ahead to big and speculative thingsabout the small reliable pleasures. A good night of TV, a closed deal, a morning coffee. Thats one of our arguments: He wants something better than he has. I want precisely what he has already, and also for him to see how unimprovable his situation is. Thats all in the afterword. David will make a funny remark about how books work toward the end of our time together. Re Infinite Jest, hell say, Its divided into chunks, there are sort of obvious closures or last linesthat make it pretty clear that youre supposed to go have a cigar or something, come back later. When you hit one of those cigar breaks, read the afterword. Because I love Davids work, what I like best about these five days is that it sounds like Davids writing. He was such a natural writer he could talk in prose; for me, this has the magic of watching a guy in a business suit, big headphones, step into a gym and sink fifty foul shots in a row. This is what David was like at thirty-fourwhat he calls all the French curls and crazy circlesat one of the moments when the world opens up to you.

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