Learn French I
Parallel Text
Easy Stories
English | French
Copyright 2015
Polyglot Planet Publishing
Polyglot Planet
About this Book
Learning French with parallel text is the most rewarding and effective method to learn a language. Existing vocabulary is refreshed, while new vocabulary is instantly put into practice. The French grammar easily sinks in through our cleverly written and well formatted stories. Formatted for the eReader: Each sentence has been translated line by line making it easy to follow.
Recommended for beginners-, intermediate level learners of French and as a refreshers course. It is so easy and enjoyable even absolute beginners with no prior knowledge can start learning.
While we feel anyone at any level can work with these stories, a basic understanding of French would be recommended to achieve the maximum learning effect and pleasure. Our entertaining stories contain European culture and characters. Our stories are fun to read so you maintain concentration and learn from motivation.
Other Books part of the Learn French Parallel Text Series:
Learn French - Parallel Text
Easy Stories
Learn French II: Parallel Text
Easy Stories (English - French)
Learn French III: Parallel Text
Short Stories (Intermediate Level)
Learn French IV: Parallel Text
Easy Stories
Business French - Parallel Text
Short Stories
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Les Etats-Unis en roulant
United States...on wheels
Je mappelle Susana et jai vingt-huit ans.
My name is Susana and I am twenty-eight years old.
Jhabite dans une ville de Catalogne, Grone.
I live in a city in Catalonia, Girona.
Cest au nord de Barcelone, juste une heure de voiture.
It is in the north of Barcelona, just an hour to drive by car.
Cest lune des villes les plus magnifiques, paisibles et vieilles de Catalogne.
It is one of the most beautiful, quietest and oldest cities of Catalonia.
Si vous avez la chance de la visiter, noubliez pas le centre-ville: on croirait toujours vivre au Moyen ge!
If you have the chance to visit it, do not miss to visit the center: it seems like we are still living in the Middle Ages!
Jaime voyager, mais jai ma propre entreprise, je ne peux pas frquemment voyager.
I love to travel, but as I run my own business, I cannot travel frequently.
Cest dommage, mais je dois toujours me concentrer sur mon entreprise.
Its a pity, but I always have to pay attention to my firm.
En fait, il sagit dun petit commerce familial: un restaurant.
Well, actually it is a small family business: a restaurant.
Le restaurant a t ouvert par mes grands-parents il y a plus de soixante ans, incroyable nest-ce pas?
The restaurant was founded by my grandparents over sixty years ago, incredible, isnt it?
Cependant, jai t chanceuse lanne dernire et jai pu fermer le restaurant quelques jours aprs lt.
However, last year I was lucky and was able to close the restaurant some days after the summer.
Enfin jallais avoir mes vacances bien mrites!
Finally I should have my deserved vacation!
Mais avec tant de destinations intressantes et incroyables O aller?
Now, with so many interesting and wonderful destinations where to go?
Lun de mes rves tait de parcourir lOuest Sauvage en Amrique.
One of my dreams was to get to know the Wild West of America.
Quand jtais petite fille, mes grands-parents soccupaient de moi au restaurant et me mettaient des films de Western la tlvision aprs le djeuner.
When I was a little girl, my grandparents took care of me in the restaurant and used to put Western films on the TV after lunch.
Je les regardais tous et y prenais beaucoup de plaisir tout en faisant mes devoirs scolaires ou en prenant une collation
I watched them all and had a lot of fun while doing my homework or having a snack...
Cest pourquoi jai dcid daller dans louest des Etats-Unis.
Thats why I decided to go to the West of the United States.
Javais beaucoup damis qui taient dj alls l-bas et jtais jalouse de toutes leurs histoires, mais leurs conseils mont t trs utiles.
I had a lot of friends who had already been there and I was jealous of all their stories, but their advice were very useful to me.
Ma meilleure amie Marta pouvait aussi y aller avec moi.
My best friend Marta could also come with me.
Elle est enseignante et ctait un miracle que nous ayons des vacances au mme moment de lanne!
She is a teacher and it was a miracle that we had vacation at the same time that year!
Grce linternet, il est vraiment facile aujourdhui de prparer un voyage vers louest des Etats-Unis.
Thanks to the internet, today it is really easy to prepare a trip to the west of the United States.
Si vous parlez espagnol, il y a quelques sites internet qui sont trs utiles pour prparer des voyages, mon prfr est losviajeros.
If you talk Spanish, there are a few websites which are very useful to prepare trips, my favourite one is losviajeros.
Pourquoi est-ce que je laime tant?
Why I like it so much?
Parce que cest un forum o les voyageurs qui ont visit les destinations partagent leur exprience, laissent des commentaires, donnent leurs opinions, leurs astuces et leurs conseils Cest trs utile.
Because its a forum where real travellers who have visited those destinations share their experience, make comments, give their opinion, tricks and advice... Thats very useful.
Jai prpar le voyage et ai tout rserv pendant une semaine entire: les htels, les motels et bien sr les vols.
I was preparing the trip and booking everything during a whole week: hotels, motels and the flights, of course.
Je naime pas conduire et mon amie Marta non plus, alors jai essay de rserver des billets de train, de bus et dautres moyens de transport pour voyager dun site lautre
I dont like driving and my friend Marta neither does, so I tried to book tickets for trains, busses and other means of transport to travel from one site to another...
Ctait vraiment difficile!
Now that was really difficult!
Ensuite jai lu sur un forum que la meilleure manire de se dplacer aux Etats-Unis est la voiture!
Then I read in a forum that... The best way to move across the United States is driving!
A ce moment-l notre voyage semblait tomber leau.
In that moment our trip seemed to fail.
Marta et moi-mme tions de terribles conductrices.
Marta and I were terrible drivers.
Que devions-nous faire?
What were we able to do?
Marta a dit que ce ntait absolument pas un problme.
Marta said that it wasnt a problem at all.
Elle tait sre quensemble nous pouvions mme nous amuser en conduisant une voiture.
She was sure that together we could even have fun when driving a car.
Mais, juste au cas o, nous nous sommes entranes quelques jours avant notre voyage.