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Michael X. Barton - The Nazi Flying Saucer Story: My Contact With Advanced Technology of the Third Reich

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Michael X. Barton The Nazi Flying Saucer Story: My Contact With Advanced Technology of the Third Reich
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The Nazi Flying Saucer Story



Michael X. Barton

This is a fact-oriented book on the subject of Germanys little-known role in - photo 1

This is a fact-oriented book on the subject of Germanys little-known role in successfully developing and flying Saucer-shaped Aircraft -- Flying Discs -- just prior to the end of World War II. The Scientific data revealed herein is derived from credible sources known to be factually reliable. The Publishers however, make no claim as to what the information cited might do in any given case, and are not responsible for the opinions expressed or implied.

By Futura Press 5949 Gregory Avenue Los Angeles Calif 90038 This - photo 2


Futura Press 5949 Gregory Avenue Los Angeles Calif 90038 This eBook was - photo 3

Futura Press

5949 Gregory Avenue

Los Angeles, Calif. 90038

This eBook was posted by AlenMiler on AvaxHome!

Many New eBooks in my Blog: https://avxhm.se/blogs/AlenMiler

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Copyright 1968 by Futura Press

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form without written consent of the author.

By the Same Author We Want You - Is Hitler Alive Flying Saucer Revelations - photo 4

By the Same Author:

We Want You -
(Is Hitler Alive?)

Flying Saucer Revelations

The Incredible Search
for Dr. Halsey (the
missing UFO researcher)

Time No More

Secrets of Higher Contact

ISBN-13: 978-1517070274

ISBN-10: 1517070279

This eBook was posted by AlenMiler on AvaxHome!

Many New eBooks in my Blog: https://avxhm.se/blogs/AlenMiler

Mirror: http://avxhome.in/blogs/AlenMiler

This Book is Dedicated to:





The four aerodynamic scientists who recognized in the principle of the Greek Discus, not merely a whirling round plate, but a superior mode of flight for Man... and then, with an indomitable spirit and against terrific odds, built and demonstrated successfully their incredible Discus-shaped FLYING MACHINES.

The Nazi Flying Saucer Story My Contact With Advanced Technology of the Third Reich - image 5

With Special Thanks to


for enabling me
to tell the story!

The Nazi Flying Saucer Story My Contact With Advanced Technology of the Third Reich - image 6

This eBook was posted by AlenMiler on AvaxHome!

Many New eBooks in my Blog: https://avxhm.se/blogs/AlenMiler

Mirror: http://avxhome.in/blogs/AlenMiler


Dear Reader:

This is the German Saucer Story.

The Discular Craft we are going to reveal herein obviously do not hail from some far off star, but instead are Earth-built flying machines put together with amazing ingenuity by flesh-and-blood Earthmen.

Yet, I think it would be a mistake to classify these particular flying machines among the generally known areas of human knowledge. For the plain fact is, and this is also one important reason why this book was written, practically nobody knows anything about these secret saucers made by the Germans. Nobody, that is, with the exception of those persons who were personally involved with this Secret Project during World War II, namely the scientists and Secret Service agents of the German government. And of course, those to whom they revealed the story. That story is within these pages.

Germanys experimental test flights with carefully constructed and precisely engineered Flying Discs, has been a well-guarded secret ever since 1945. Important discoveries have been concealed. But happily, they have not been lost. And in this researchers opinion, it will prove the part of wisdom in the long run, if we do our best to gather these facts together now, before they are lost to us and our fellow human beings.

It is my hope and expectation that you will correlate The German Saucer Story with certain aspects of the current world-wide UFO phenomena that have mystified our worlds people since 1947. Chapters in this book, such as The Smoky Saucers, Hitlers Wildest Weapons, etc., will arm you with facts which you have not had presented to you, perhaps, in exactly this manner before.

I am not claiming, nor need the reader infer, that the world-wide UFO riddle is solved on the basis of German secret devices. Pre-1947 sightings, many of which date back to ancient history, make such a position untenable. However, German secret developments -particularly in the area of Flying Disc invention -- do explain an important phase of the mystery insofar as the Secret Flying Machines are concerned. By recognizing this phase, much of the subtle intrigue seen since 1947 is likely to be better understood.

THE GERMAN SAUCER STORY also leads quickly into unsuspected areas of reality, by showing for the first time, a pattern of very hidden and very earthly arrangements. These arrangements can only be hinted at in this book, for obvious reasons. The important thing to be realized, is that these have been -- and logically still are -- HIDDEN arrangements. This does not make them any less REAL.

My sincere feeling as a UFOlogist, is that this book ought to be required reading by all saucer buffs, if for no other reason than that it will at once orient anyone (as it did yours truly) to the discoveries actually made by German scientists and the Italian Bellonzo, in the practical methodology of Flying Disc design, construction, and flight requirements. Upon these basic findings will doubtless come further break-thrus as regards design, motive power and performance. To think otherwise is to imagine that the universe itself is a closed-end kind of structure, which of course, it is not.

Earthman is, however, quite often confused in regard to things which ought not to cause confusion. And he or she who is not aware of certain facts such as you will learn herein, may all too easily develop an imbalanced perspective on the subject of UFOs, and thereby overlook the incredible but real part played by secretly-manufactured Earth-made Saucers and their very human pilots.

Since 1960, when I wrote We Want You, which deals with Adolph Hitlers purported escape at wars end to a secret hideout or Shangri-La in South America, a sequel to that story was inevitable. This is it. Youll find several references herein to Patagonia and the Nazis but despite this, we are NOT chasing Nazis. We are simply chasing Truth for its own sake, and what it will mean to us in the long run for having gotten at truth rather than fables or lies. The truth is, those Flying Discs designed, built and flown by the German engineers, are products of a trained knowledge and preciseness that may prove useful to all of us. As practical examples of superb flying machines they are in a class by themselves...far above conventional helicopters in my opinion... and can open a new era in Aviation for man as soon as this knowledge of Discoid Aerodynamics becomes widespread.

For the sake of my more timid readers, who may be more preoccupied with chasing Nazis rather than aerodynamic science, let me point out that Adolph Hitlers Third Reich is defunct, and has been so for some years. The first Flying Discs built by the Germans were, of course, financed by the then-in-power Nazis, under Hitler. However, not ALL Germans saw things Hitlers way -- especially the scientists. A true scientist places truth above all isms (Naziism, Communism, Capitalism, etc.) and much prefers infinite order to militant power and world chaos.

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