It's the journeys in life that we travel into and out of...
These journeys make us, they celebrate us and they help us to grow at important moments of transition and translation. Thank you to the brave soul above for helping me through my transition and translation from one person into another... You are treasured greatly and are more powerful than what you will ever know. Be brave be strong and be powerful all your life... For this book is devoted to you.
I've been using Auric-Streaming for years to influence myself and others to help to change their attitudes, their minds, their hearts and ultimately their lives. Everything that I have done with Auras has been done in the context of improving human values and human life. I believe that nothing productive can be done for the majority of humanity until they improve their human values and their human lives thus improving too the situations it experiences.
Auric-Streaming seeks to prove and improve upon the experiences we have in our lives, making its methods known throughout this book. Indeed, this book is important because it discusses the effect and affect of the human aura in a variety of real life situations. Depending upon the situation and context you are personally likely, after learning the simple process of how to stream be able to use Auric-Streaming as a technology in a variety of real-life contexts such as in Intimacy & Seduction, Selling, Healing yourself and others, in Magick and its arts, within Business to close contracts and most of all for Fun.
I personally believe that Auric-Streaming is one of the most important methodologies a person can use in their lives in order to help them get what they want, knock out or remove any impeding forces/competition, improve relations with others while increasing your vibration and resonant frequency. Such a change to your vibration and resonant frequency can be felt around others and when correctly embraced and experienced with the streaming methods taught in this book - Will help you to accelerate and resonant to the most harmonic of frequencies in your environment... Fulfilling your desires.
In the fulfilment of your desires, however I will do well to warn the reader of this and other books I release, that this will be one of the most far out technologies and concepts I have re-discovered and explored yet. YET!!! What I have written down in this book is true, only if you want to believe it!!! I therefore recommend that before you dismiss or fully embrace this technology as the be-all and end0all that you attempt to try out the methods discussed in this book for yourself and record the results of your actions.
Like most of human actions, I have found that most of the people we call in the composition of humanity do not practice anything or worthwhile method taught. Further when they do not practice what is taught to them as a form of remedy or acceleration in the success of their lives, they will further claim that these methods do not work. Please do not be so foolhardy to believe either way that because a method listed in a book has worked for someone else that it will work the same way for you. A book, an author or a teacher can only be a guide and once the guide has left, you are left with what they have guided you, what they have taught you and what you have to read after they have written it down. REMEMBER THIS, remember too that I write this book for quality, not quantity...
Another reason why I write, is to also change people's beliefs. In particular as to what they believe they can and cannot do. As such if you do not believe what I have written down in this book to be verbally "true" and "serious" than do the methods listed herein anyway.
If you believe that these methods work, either by hearing about them from someone else or on sheer belief alone, then - Do them anyway... Remember, fiction or non-fiction that stories are metaphors and metaphors are stories... One cannot do without the other, neither can it be forgotten in the same tone that methods require actions and actions require methods. Which will it be, you decide through the use of both your actions and methods undertaken through these actions and vice versa.
But be warned again, in your decisions on this matter there are no games when it comes to screwing around with energies of yourself and other people. People including yourself are sovereign individuals and they have the right to be free, for and of themselves. As such I am not one to screw around hurting others, unless they first hurt me. But by screwing around, if you are to help others or to change their minds or attitudes on a particular subject in their lives then go for it. Life on all levels is an experiment.
You don't have to totally believe that above statement in order to realize that it's true, false and a belief at the same time. I personally like to live life as an experiment, sometimes I have successes other times I make mistakes and learn from them. Most people do not experiment in their lives, this is why they have issues and problems. These problems go away when you become a practitioner of Auric-Streaming because you begin to experiment in how to improve the circumstances of your own and others lives.
Indeed, w hen you work within the psychic or energetic realms throughout the duration of your life, expect high strangeness, weirdness and experimentation to occur when you work in these areas. Expect too that other people's lives around you will radically alter and change as much if not more so - Remembering that these changes come from this technology at work and you are the instigator and practitioner in use of this technology as it operates.
To sum up my warning of this technology in operation I will state the following three facts for your important consideration they are:
When things change it is because the technology of Auric-Streaming is at work, and that;
That when something works or happens to you or another person, causing change then you are the instigator of this change... This leads you to;
Expect change to happen, in as much as you expect no change to happen in your life... and then see what happens. To expect change to happen is exactly like expecting change not to happen as both are directed towards your own will and lust of result. To just do the activity of streaming in this book for the sake of streaming and streaming only, then and only then will you see change in your environment.
Finally and while not a point, it is best to remember that while you are the instigator of change and that it is also the technology of Auric-Streaming at work - That while ultimately the changes in your life using Auric-Streaming may be fun, THEY ARE NOT A GAME!
You have been warned,
Count. Daniel John: Fogarty, 2013
How to Use the Auric-Streaming Method on Yourself?
The use of Auric-Streaming is easy and starts with the process of you selecting a colour from the Colours to Use in Auric-Streaming chapter and do the following step by step:
Visualise the colour that you want from the Colours to Use in Auric-Streaming Chapter .