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The Quantum Magician
Enhancing Your Magick with a Parallel Life
Copyright Information
Copyright 2015 by Kadmon, Baal
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Kadmon, Baal
The Quantum Magician Enhancing Your Magick with A Parallel Life
1st ed
Printed in the United States of America
Cover image: 66571244 - Space TIme and Quantum Physics - rolffimages
Book Cover Design: Baal Kadmon
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The Text a n d or A u d io in th is series a r e c o p yrig h ted 2015
Table of Contents
This book is an experiment and you and I are the test subjects. I have used this technique several times and found it quite effective and increasingly more interesting as I delve deeper into it. Now, I am introducing it to you. Nothing like this has been written to date. These concepts have never been melded in such a way before. In this book we will be experimenting with a phenomenon called quantum jumping. You have probably heard of this before and yes, some elements of quantum jumping will be in this book but that is where the commonalities end. In this book we will be performing magick but not in the way I have explained in my 19 other books. In this book we will be performing magick to influence our lives today but performing your ritual in a parallel universe. You will find your magician doppelgnger whose magick is always effective and you will meld with him or her. I know this sounds absolutely outlandish and in many ways it is. Despite the oddness of it, It is truly revolutionary. If you do not gain benefit you can always return this book to Amazon. One thing is for certain, you will experience magick in a brand new way, you will experience magick on a new level, and you will experience magick like you never have before.
Let us explore your quantum magician.
What Is A Quantum Jump?
If you have been around as long as I have you have probably come across some very unique modalities of self-help and Magick. Some are quite practical and easy to understand, that is the kind of magick I like to teach and perform. Then there are modalities and magickal systems that are so outlandish that it is often hard to believe they exist much less that they will be of any use to the aspiring or advanced magician. One modality which seems rather outlandish is the concept of Quantum Jumping. Although Quantum jumping as a scientific principle is known, (i.e. how one electron jumps to another position within an atom). This usage of the term quantum jumping is altogether different.
I was first introduced to Quantum Jumping through the work of Burt Goldman, an eccentric, grandfatherly teacher who has some very interesting material. He has a very matter of fact attitude and is very laidback. Despite his disarming demeanor, he is quite powerful. He has decades of spiritual knowledge and practice under him. He worked with the great Guru Paramahansa Yogananda as well as Jose Silva of the famed Silva Method. Since Burt Goldmans release of the Quantum Jumping program, others have also added their 2 cents. Unfortunately, it appears they have not credited Burt for the tremendous work he has done bringing this powerful technique to light.
Quantum jumping is essentially a visualization technique, but here is the difference. Instead of visualizing yourself preforming magic or whatever it is you want to achieve; you tap into alternative versions of yourself that exist in parallel universes. This might sound farfetched, but it is far more effective than traditional visualizations and who is to say if you are not truly jumping into another universe in your mind when you do a quantum Jump? If you look online you will see that several hundred thousand people have used quantum jumping and many of them have achieved their lifelong goals, many have developed talents they previously did not have, all by tapping into an alternative self that already possessed those talents. Do you see how this could be of use to you? I ask that you try the exercises in this book before you pass judgments. If you feel it is not of any use, you may return this book to amazon.com. In the next chapter, I will go over some of the scientific information that exists for the existence of parallel universes.
The Theory of the Multiverse and Its Implications
The concept of the existence of the multiverse, or multiple universes has been around for a long time. The concept is very interesting and has implications far beyond anything I could cover in a single book or even a series of books. I will attempt, in this chapter to give you an idea of what the multiverse theory is and its implications for magickal purposes.
As the theory goes, the multiverse concept states that there is an infinite amount of universes in which every single permutation of our lives is either taking place or has taken place. Even the minutest details are captured here. For example, you are reading this book and this particular chapter; in an alternative universe every single aspect of your current state is the same but in it, you are several paragraphs ahead. Yes, even such minor differences can simultaneously exist, now multiply these by infinity and you will see just how mind numbing this could be. Infinitesimal changes exist until eternity. On a grander scale this also means that at one point you were a king or a queen. Since some multiverse theories posit the existence of infinite possibilities, you were the president of the United States or prime minster of Britain. You were Genghis Kahn or Cleopatra. Within the context of the multiverse, all this is possible. Since infinity does not know time, there is another life right now in which you are those very people I just stated. Some have said that deja vu experiences are, in fact, experiences you tapped into in a parallel universe in which you are experiencing the same event and you simply clicked into the parallel for that moment.
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