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Sharon L. McAllister - Awakening Your Crystals: Activate the Higher Potential of Healing Stones

Here you can read online Sharon L. McAllister - Awakening Your Crystals: Activate the Higher Potential of Healing Stones full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 1 Oct 2019, publisher: Earthdancer Bks, genre: Science fiction / Religion. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Awakening Your Crystals: Activate the Higher Potential of Healing Stones: summary, description and annotation

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A full-color guide to programming crystals and harnessing their full potential Explains how to program crystals and gemstones with specific healing intentions as well as how to cleanse and charge your crystals and prepare your own energy field Provides detailed instructions for working with 8 key crystals, as well as healing and programming guidance for more than 60 well-known and important crystals Includes vibrant photographs to convey each crystals individual powersIn this vibrantly illustrated crystal guide, experienced holistic therapist and crystal-healing teacher Sharon McAllister offers an introduction to programming crystals and gemstones to harness their full potential. She explains how crystal programming combines the powerful instrument of intention setting with the healing energies of stones. She details how to cleanse and charge your crystals and prepare your own energy field before programming and provides a collection of intention-setting statements and programming recipes for personal healing as well as therapeutic use.Unveiling the light that each crystal radiates vibrationally and spiritually, Sharon reveals how each crystal is a living being that can be awakened to emanate its purest and strongest energy in alignment with specific healing purposes. She explains the dormant state of stones when they are still inside the earth, their activated state when extracted by humans, and their ignited state, when they are called into direct service with a programmed focus, which leads them to unfold their full healing potential.Focusing on 8 key crystals, including rose quartz, amethyst, and citrine, Sharon shows how these 8 stones can combine to form a powerful toolkit with a wide range of healing applications. She provides an in-depth chapter on each of the 8 key crystals, offering deep insight into their energies and healing properties. She also covers more than 60 additional crystals along with guidance on their healing uses and programming potential.Taking your crystal healing experience to a higher level, this guide shows how each crystal has its own life plan just like human beings and when a crystal enters your life it is never by coincidence.

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For J O Stuart Cameron Angus and Ruaraigh Acknowledgments There are many - photo 1

For J O Stuart Cameron Angus and Ruaraigh Acknowledgments There are many - photo 2

For J, O, Stuart, Cameron, Angus and Ruaraigh


There are many beings I would like to thank for assisting me with this book. I am deeply indebted to them all, particularly my teachers for the crystal wisdom they have gifted to me. My greatest hope is that this book honors the way that they, themselves, would have wished this knowledge to be passed on. Many people, over time, have helped me arrange this crystal wisdom into Awakening Your Crystals; please know that I am truly grateful to each one of you.

I thank my immediate family for their patience, love, support, and practical help; thank you to Cameron McAllister for the additional photography of crystals and illustrations, thank you also to Stuart McAllister for your inspirational assistance.

Awakening Your Crystals would never have been completed without all of you. I thank each one of you from the depths of my heart.

Sharon L. McAllister


I sincerely hope you enjoy all the practical crystal wisdom that is contained in this book. If you have any health concerns, I recommend that you consult with your doctor prior to beginning the crystal applications outlined. Medical intervention has saved my life on more than one occasion, therefore I have nothing but the greatest gratitude and respect for the medical treatment afforded to us all by doctors. My vision of hope, however, is that we find a way, on our planet, to embrace more wholeheartedly all aspects of the human energy field, particularly in our health challenges, healthcare, and any subsequent treatments required, and that care of the human energy field can partner advancing medical practice.

Crystals are noninvasive and therefore may be used positively alongside your medical treatment; however, for your own reassurance, always check with your doctor first. Crystals positively change, charge, and enhance the human energy field. Dis-ease begins in the energy field; unchecked, it can track into the physical body and establish there. It can take time for dis-ease to evolve in the physical body, and often our only choice is to seek the quick fix of drug medication. This may or may not be a help; however, with crystals there will always be some kind of change, charge, and enhancement of energy flow taking place. And if dis-ease has become entrenched in the physical body beyond the tipping point, too far for a person to make a return to a healthy, fully flowing energy, please be assured that the crystals will have caused some positive energetic shift, even if the person using the crystals is not destined to get physically better, or perhaps may even be near the end of their life journey. That person will still have received an energy cleansing, together with a charge of energetic positivity that will enhance them and their energy field as they progress on their individual soul journey, whether that is in the direction of greater physical health or of soul completion.

Please do not combine crystal use with recreational drugs and/or alcohol. Positive use of crystals seeks to balance the four lower bodies and loading the body/energy field with toxins is counterproductive. I hope this clarifies the safe and positive use of crystals.

Sharon L. McAllister

Awakening your crystals Awakening Your Crystals is a practical introduction to - photo 3

Awakening your crystals

Awakening Your Crystals is a practical introduction to programming crystals in order to use their healing properties in an everyday way to keep you, your family, your home, and your environment positive and energetically free-flowing, promoting and enhancing your own health and well-being together with that of everyone around you.

Whether you are a beginner with regard to crystals, or a seasoned practicing holistic therapist, Awakening Your Crystals offers crystal programming suggestions that are alternative holistic healing solutions for a variety of everyday family health and well-being challenges.

If you have ever wished there was an alternative way to tackle a headache or backache, for example, or to help you and your child have a more peaceful nights sleep, or if you have ever wondered how to energetically protect your home, or wished you could begin to raise the positivity of your neighborhoodin other words, to remedy all the challenging stuff that life throws at usthen please consider the use of crystals to help you; there are many transformative crystal programming solutions offered within these pages.

This book is also for anyone who has held or seen crystals and pondered their role and existence. Where have they come from? How old are they? What do they do? Why do they do that? How can they do that? Why are we so fascinated by them? Why do children love them so much? Can they really help me and if so, how?

Awakening Your Crystals is a book for everyone. Even if you have never seen or handled crystals before, I believe that, after reading this book, you will feel confident to use them with the degree of respect and care appropriate to what you require of them. If you are a seasoned therapist, perhaps already well versed in your use of crystals, I believe there is additional useful information within these pages that can enhance your further development.

I hope that through this book, Awakening Your Crystals, we can all appreciate with greater understanding that a crystal is not just a pretty little rock, but rather a being, full of life, Light, and positive energy. I hope you find much to help your health and well-being within these pages.

I wish you well on your journey.
Sharon L. McAllister

Common questions asked about crystals

As we begin to look at how crystals evolved from the Earth and into our consciousness, I would like to make a suggestion. I appreciate that some crystal-aware readers may prefer to skip this chapter and head directly to the Crystal Programming section for help with alleviating a current problem such as a headache or backache. This is how I would like you to use this book, and I can well understand why you would wish to go straight to the information you need right now. If that is your aim at this moment, what I would say is that, as soon as you have some time, please come back and take a look at this chapter, because you may be surprised at some of the information about crystals that is contained here.

For those of you who are crystal therapists, developing your practice and further experience, you may feel that you are about to go over familiar ground. However, again, I would urge you not to skip this chapter, as I am sure there will be insights that will add to your bank of knowledge and be useful to you in your crystal work.

Whatever your future connection to crystals, hopefully you will enjoy having them around you and become confident to use them in your life to begin healing yourself, your family, your home, and your environment, as well as using them to enhance your personal journey of soul discovery.

What is a crystal?

A crystal is a physical manifestation of Light energy. A pure quartz crystal is a myriad of vibrations of Light and has many healing qualities. A rose quartz, for example, carries a specific vibration of Light, made physical, to embody and emit the Light of peace, healing, and unconditional love. Crystals are Light beings, just like us.

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