Cents From the Heart Journal Tinuke Aweda Copyright 2012 Tinuke Aweda All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. WestBow Press books may be ordered through booksellers or by contacting: WestBow Press A Division of Thomas Nelson 1663 Liberty Drive Bloomington, IN 47403 www.westbowpress.com 1-(866) 928-1240 Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them. Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only. Certain stock imagery Thinkstock.
ISBN: 978-1-4497-4548-6 (sc) Library of Congress Control Number: 2012905983 Printed in the United States of America WestBow Press rev. date: 4/25/2012 Contents Seyi & Bimbo: Love leaves a memory no one can steal Mum & Dad: You have dared mighty things and won glorious triumphs Wumi & Bisi: The contrary winds drive our roots deeper She sat in her chair on her porch Watching as the sun set and the moon took its place Rocking..RockingRocking her chair Her eyes were opened but I could tell she saw nothing Her mind had wandered again I watched and waited wandering what story she had today Finally, after a thin smile played across her lips My grandmother broke the silence and said Where did the world go? That was all she said... I was left alone to answer her question I could not but wander what world she meant To me the world has always been around us So what did she mean I would never forget the pain in her eyes as she walked away Still deep in thought One thing was sure She was not talking about this world I see So what world did she mean? And where did it go? What is brighter than the sun? What is steeper than a mountain top? The world with all its glory and splendor dont compare To the eternal beauty that radiates Radiates with every smile Every embrace Every wink of the eye That is how I know you stand alone in your class And you have chosen me to be the object of your affection I walk with my head high everyday Knowing that with you by my side and your approval in everything I do, there is no stopping me And so I reach farther, I search deeper trying to know why you have chosen me Chosen me to lavish this affection on The only answer I get each time I ask, is that the reason for my selection is that I was born Not because I have a sweet voice Not because I can sing or write Just because I was born That is why the father has chosen to shower me with so much love What more can I ask for Knowing that the master and owner of the universe has my best interest at heart If I could, I would pick a star to give your eyes a glow If I could, I would take a picture of you smiling That is all I need to bring hope to a dying child If I could I would write your name on the sands of time That way, the world will always remember you came If I could, I would sit by you all night to watch you sleep Watching as the first ray of sunlight touches your face; PRICELESS But I cant. So I have to be content with watching you from afar Wishing and praying that you will notice my presence, my stare Praying that one day, as the elevator gets to the 4th floor And you step out, your face will turn to mine Praying, just praying that my prayers will be answered If I could, I would give anything for that moment That one moment when the whole world would stand still when you say to me Where have you been all my life Theres a thin line between knowing and not knowing Seeing and not seeing Hearing and not hearing Feeling and not feeling So thin is the line that once you cross it there is no going back You always want to know, see, hear and feel Its like a whirlpool It drags you in deeper and deeper Even when you know you should not go any further But, like gravity you cant help yourself It pins you down like a spiders web on its prey Only a miracle A miracle as it is called is what brings you out And once you come out of that web You have to live with the scars for the rest of your life Knowing, that theres a thin line between knowing and not knowing Seeing and not seeing Hearing and not hearing Feeling and not feeling And once you cross that line Theres no going back Sway to the left Sway to the right Lift your hands, close your eyes Feel the melody, dance to the beat The drums rolling bringing out music Like magic to the eyes and medicine to the heart The night is young just as you are So dance, laugh, clap, jump Feel the rhythm, feel the beat Dance till your limbs hurt Dance till all left is joy and laughter And when the music stops and the dance is over Keep the memories of the night forever Keep the memories of the music, of the dance, of the laughter So on the day there is no music to liven the heart You can reach within to memories of time past Memories of laughter and dance Memories of rhythm so sweet it touches the heavens In it find the strength to laugh again In it find the courage to dance again Till another night comes and fresh memories are stored to be kept forever To be remembered at all times I have always thought that life will always create the opportunity for you to achieve your dreams I got that from many people around me But soon I realized that you are your life Living in your space and observing your nature Your life is what you make of it No one will hand over the reins to lead your life to you The reins to lead your life is the air you breathe Once you have it You can achieve anything you want Anytime you want So keep breathing People say sages are very wise people that walk the face of the earth I think so too But what turns a man into a sage Is it his ability to see what others dont see? Is it his boldness to say what others cant say? Is it his courage to go where others cant go? Is it his tenacity to endure what others cant endure? WHAT After thinking through, Ive come to this conclusion A sage is a man that turns opportunities into achievements That sees farther than the eyes can see That speaks words carefully woven together by mastery That dares to go beyond the finish line That is a sage Where can he be found He is in every heart He is in every brain He is in every soul But only the brave dares to bring him out Are you brave?
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