Love, Attention, and Affection JAMES R. DIXON
LOVE, ATTENTION, AND AFFECTION Copyright 2015 James R. Dixon. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. iUniverse 1663 Liberty Drive Bloomington, IN 47403 1-800-Authors (1-800-288-4677) Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid.
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and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only. Certain stock imagery Thinkstock. ISBN: 978-1-4917-8155-5 (sc) ISBN: 978-1-4917-8156-2 (e) Library of Congress Control Number: 2015918350 iUniverse rev. date: 11/19/2015 Contents Love, Attention, and Affection is a three-part story elaborating on my trials and tribulations in relationships. As I wade through the murky waters of relationships, Ive received each of the three components intermittently, but never together.
Love is what I want. Attention is what I need. However, affection is what I receive. With this book I aspire to ignite healthy conversations with people as to what components are necessary in order to obtain and maintain a successful relationship. Love, Attention, and Affection is comprised of three individual stories. But, collectively the three stories combine to tell one ultimate story.
Each individual story is represented by a particular color that generalizes the emotions and sentiments of the story. Love is represented by red. Attention correlates to yellow. Affection is strongly associated with purple. There is a wide array of poetic styles that are used to tell various stories. The poetic styles that are used include, but are not limited to diamante, cinquain, quinzaine, ode, and free verse.
What makes this book relatable to readers are the various plot twists that create an emotional rollercoaster-like feeling. Love can be strongly associated with the color red. Fire and blood are ignited by the color red. Red is affiliated with spontaneity, fortitude, vulnerability, aggression, and sovereignty. Red can also represent infatuation, desire, and love. Red is a fierce color.
It represents warning and danger as it provides the human mind the ability to make sudden decisions. It raises blood pressure due to its high visibility, rich density, and thin texture. In the same way, it resembles the infatuation, desire, and love humankind may have for someone, or something through emotions. Red is one of various colors resembling the color of love. It is the most versatile color in the color spectrum. For this reason, it is the most popular color used on the internet to portray sales and clearance signs.
Red is used a lot in advertising as well. It is the one common color embedded on the flags of many countries in the world to display strength, courage, and honor. Finally, red is the color most commonly used by mankind to elicit amorous feelings (red lips, lady in red, red-light districts, etc). Other color variations of red include: light red, pink, dark red, brown, and reddish-brown. Light red represents enthusiasm, sensuality, infatuation, sympathy, and affection. Pink signifies courtship, fondness, and friendship.
It denotes feminine qualities and disinterest. Dark red is associated with vitality, firmness, resentment, fury, authority, audacity, bitterness, and acrimony. Brown suggests cohesion and denotes masculine qualities. Reddish-brown is correlated with harvest and fall. Angel In My Dreams What I Cant Have The One First Date Conversations Someday Second Date What Is Love Those Three Words Honeymoon Phase Enchanted Love When Shes With Me The First Time The Peak What Happened Phenomenal woman who commands my undivided attention Youre a witness to your personality serving as the center of my weakness Your essence has me spinning in a whole other direction I never opened up to you because I felt Id be disrespecting When I look into my kaleidoscope I see your reflection Expecting you to show me your true feelings Maybe that was just me wishfully thinking Or was I thinking wishfully while suffering in my own misery I received the news about you having your second baby While thats beautiful for you, thats bad news for me Besides you having your first child, then getting married Thats the third sign a relationship with us will never be Brokenhearted I felt; so I had to make you a distant memory While dying from a broken heart, hearing from you became my remedy Mission accomplished, but I still havent officially let you go Nor will I ever; so Ill continue to hold that small strand of hope Call it whipped, sprung, or whatever you want Im done hiding my feelings; I was dying to give you what you wanted At the lowest point in my life you were with me To let me know love is in sight and for that I wanted you near me Your husband might develop bad feelings, or see me as a threat This shows how much I dont care otherwise I wouldve kept it a secret But, simultaneously I need you to read this as the message is true The angel in my dreams was brought to life in the form of you With it being too late now, I have to live with the thought of not having you Tossing and turning in my sleep; you cant imagine how this is affecting me Some nights I find myself questioning if the angel in my dreams was real The answers came to mind as I thought of your sex appeal I guess the angel in my dreams was just a fantasy; what a tragedy Just when I was ready to wipe and dine you your majesty Another dream turned into reality; I felt it had to be Hopefully we can remain friends; I would never want you mad at me You asked of me to always wish you the best; I answered yes gladly I felt my heart deteriorating in my chest when you walked away sadly I had no worries because I knew you would be okay Because of you, I pray for a strong woman to enter my life every day Why is it that I always want what I cant have I wanted to give you Everything he gave you and more Liter ally! Imagine me rushing home From a low paying, dead end night job To take care of you Doing the things your husband And father of your children Wouldnt dare do Massage your scalp, rub your feet Cook and clean Learn Spanish as a second language To communicate with you More effectively I wouldve traded it all For an opportunity To stand across from you At the altar To proclaim you my wife To start our own life To impregnate you twice Share kisses with you Until my feelings suffice How far be it for me to Lust over a former friends wife Stabbing him in the back Though he didnt give me the knife Needless to say, her love wasnt up for grabs Why is it that I always want what I cant have Senryu Intermis sion I once stooped to an all time low to find love. Was I that desperate? True love can be hard to find.
That is if you search for it. However, I felt it can come to me in the most mysterious ways. One way was pursuing an old friends wife. Pursuing her was negligence on my behalf. Or was it? Seeing as to how she once showed a similar interest in me. When will I find the one? The one who excites my five senses The one who is humble and pretentious The one who utilizes her strengths to help the weak The one who optimizes the essence of me When will I find the one? The one who Im infatuated with The one who Im relentless in making love with The one whose love for me can fill an ocean The one whose passionate feelings for me are open When will I find the one? The one who helps me to be a better man The one who is courageous and understands The one she has in front of her and isnt too blind to see The one she has loves her as much as she loves me When will I find the one? The one who isnt afraid to give me her heart The one I can build a bond with that no one can tear apart The one who my family cares about The one who I love and cant live without When will I find the one? Meeting her online as opposed to in person was perfect.
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