Under the Crimson Sky Neha Taneja Copyright 2018 by Neha Taneja. Photos by: Noel Foning and Amrita Ghanty ISBN:Softcover978-1-5437-0282-8 eBook978-1-5437-0281-1 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them. www.partridgepublishing.com/india Contents Thoughts before meeting her: Should I take a rose? Or read a love prose.
Or simply take her for a walk on a woodland road. Sepia shadows walked in the moonlit boulevard Sensual love was made. Dream was broken by the vintage velvet sheets Which she had clutched. She swayed into the ballroom wearing red heels Her kohl rimmed eyes met his. Followed his lead swirled in passion Bold moves burned the floor. Once upon a time the melody of romance filled the air The fragrance of flowers led her to his liar.
Love stung they were, Weeks slipped into months. Now the desolate house is surrounded, by The forgotten garden. The same roads we walked together Same things we talked. Neither knew that time would slip away Never to meet again. Took the same road again Only to notice times have changed. Vigorous climbers cover the path leaving it to be discovered again.
Lying beside you on a shimmery night Counting the diamonds till sleep filled our eyes. Dont want the sun to arise To ruin the perfect night. Across the mountains and the moors All of the bridges are burnt Reaching out till I find you to the end of the road. Far from the mundane life Where no one can watch us. We steal moments together And dance on the rhythm of love. In the crimson dreamscape Our only unbothered escape.
Promise to walk along Uphill along winding paths. Walk with me forever into light or dark. Remenents of the last tea Dried flowers, Neruda, letters and love quotes Only treasure of old love. Beneath the flowery boughs Where the twilight tip toes To kiss the ground Was waiting for her To say I am yours. Handkerchiefs of his Lay in the drawer of my closet All stolen during the lovely visits My secret dirty addiction. Waiting by the brook My love knows no rush With the brush of fate will meet you anywhere Even in the parallel world.
Old tin box Held memories together Perfumed letters of his. She tip toed from behind And covered my eyes. All I wanted was to turn around and kiss. The alarm rang, woke up and realized It all happened in my dreams. Walking along noticed you sipping coffee, Lost in your own chaos. Now walk by everyday to catch a glimpse of yours.
No matter where you are Will reach out to you From the darkest dungeons To the deepest oceans I will crawl to you. Like a meteor came your love Fast and engulfing lighting my entire universe But short lived it was. Met you in the library Eyes met across the hall. Love confession was needed So looking for quotes thats all. Keats, Shelly and Wordsworth All were there But I was lost behind words. Left a message in a bottle That could reach him Across the seas Wishing it returns with A message saying Love returned and received.
When you wrap your love The joy it brings Soothes my soul like a balm. The tight brace against your chest Can only calm. On a car ride By the roadside See the beds of flowers Some bloomed Some about to Sign of love The fields of hope. Reading through your letters Finding the words of love Burn them one by one And gradually feel out of love. To rescue me from your Bitter loving grip Had to let go every part of you. Captivating smile of yours The killing smile of yours Wish to meet again.
But Where? Chances are at the bar Where you captured my heart. Our story of joy Sorrows and pain. Our story never to told again. Only to be found in the pages Of book of love of mine. Sunset on the beach Cant figure out how to say. With the brush of hands It became easy Love followed the way.
It rained and the flowers bloomed The rain soaked petals Reminded me of you. The bouquets, walks and conversations Which were now without you. The curious crimson sun Before it bids us night Wants to know the stories Of all lovers waiting by the riverside. Along the yellow grass Casting shadows of love Walked a couple Hand in hand. Years of memories gathered in the suitcase Signs of you remain here Postcards with frayed bends Love notes where the love ends. Beauty of the day Strutted across the Parking lot.
Eyes with emotions Gazing at the street. Vougish she dressed To slay the hearts around. I am still looking for her but she is nowhere to be found. Thought it to be a piece of art But it was a puzzle you had left for me. Took me a while to figure out How the different passages lead to your heart. The enigma is indeed a clever proposal art.
In a field full of dandelions Hope to meet you again Like the old times When you blew them Off their stems. I would make a wish Hoping it would come true The wish to be forever with you. Leaving notes as trail To lead me to you Favourite way of yours. Sometimes leaving a scarf Was a secret code of love. Beyond the same old stream Beneath the bougainvillea shade Will wait for you Every day at the same time Hoping we would meet again. We met as buds With love in our hearts Then we bloomed So did the love Now we are flowers In lifes garden.
Its been a long journey In the winding lanes With myriad colours Looking for that balcony Where you stood And waved at me. Last evening you just walked in It was an unremembered thing Which you always did Long time back. Emerged a crisp new day Next to me curled up you lay Your shoulder my refuge. In the haphazard grid Of life where I stand now. I am occasionally alive When I read your old text. It keeps the faith intact That you would call tonight.
She lives here In my heart She is both Pain and love. Date night it was Black dress and pink lipstick Eagerness in hazel eyes. Tracing fingers on the glass rim Only she thought of him. With every breath she took She remembered him. There he was with the flowers And the ring. No worries and take care Post-Its which I leave around Have deeper meaning.
Read in between the lines Reminding you always Am there always Waiting for you. In a sky full of stars Spotted a shooting star Made a wish to meet again. Here we stand on the boughs of time fated to love. The yellow green grass In between lay the cobbled path Leading to the home on the bay. The sunrise and the sunset Adding colours each day. With a smile on the face And pain in the eyes.
He would weep in the Rain To hide his tears. She wore her scars Like medals And walked with elan On undulating paths. Entwining fingers Eyes saying it all Its time that we part. No promised tomorrows Thy love brings the sorrow Alas! We part to say goodbye. Heart is empty like the cauldron With the walls scathed of Wounds of love sticking around. No matter how many rains of love come None can fill it and wash The pain and wounds down.
In the blindling sandstorm She fought to walk Covering the expanse of the desert Looking for him. It was a mirage she followed And this was a dream. She awoke feeling The smoothness of the Satin sheets on her skin. On a moonlit night When you held me close Near the riverside. With the violin tunes Setting the mood right. The glowworms too Danced on symphony of love.
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