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Dolores Cannon - Conversations with Nostradamus His Prophecies Explained: Volume 3

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Dolores Cannon Conversations with Nostradamus His Prophecies Explained: Volume 3
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Conversations with Nostradamus His Prophecies Explained Volume Three BY - photo 1

Conversations with Nostradamus

His Prophecies Explained

Volume Three



Table of Contents

1992, Dolores Cannon

Portions of Prophecies of Nostradamus by Erika Cheetham 1975 by Erika Cheetham

Reprinted by permission of The Putnam Publishing Group

Portions extracted from The Prophecies of Nostradamus, 1973 by Erika Cheetham. Published by Corgi Books, a division of Transworld Publisher.; Ltd. Permissions granted, all rights reserved.

All rights reserved. No part of this book, in part or in whole, may be reprinted, transmitted or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic, photographic of mechanical, including photocopying , recording , or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc. except for brief quotations embodied in literary articles and reviews.

For permission, or serialization, condensation, adaptions, or for our catalog of other publications, write to Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 754, Huntsville, AR 72740 Attn: Permission Department.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-publication Data

Cannon, Dolores, 1931 -

Conversations with Nostradamus by Dolores Cannon

Communication from Nostradamus via several mediums through hypnosis, supervised by Dolores Cannon. Includes the Prophecies of Nostradamus, in Middle French with English translation.

l. Nostradamus, 1503-1566 2. Prophecies 3. Hypnosis 4. Reincarnation therapy 5. Astrology.

I. Cannon, Dolores, 1931 - II. Nostradamus, 1503-1566, Prophecies English & French III. Title

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 92-60547 - ISBN : 0-9632776-3-4

Second printing, 1994; Third printing, 1996; Fourth printing, 2000, Fifth printing, 2001; Sixth printing, 2011

Cover Design: Joe Alexander.

Computer Enhancement: Jenelle Johannes

Book set in: Times New Roman and Andalus

Book Design: Kris Kleeberg

Published by:

Conversations with Nostradamus His Prophecies Explained Volume 3 - image 2

Ozark Mountain Publishing, Inc.

P.O. Box 754

Huntsville, AR 72740


Printed in the United States of America

Section One
The Search
Chapter 1
The Adventure Will Not Cease

I FELT THE DISAPPOINTMENT DEEPLY when it appeared that my connections with Nostradamus were severed in late 1987. I had come to enjoy my visits with the learned man. I felt like a tyro-student sitting at the feet of the great master. Feeling totally inadequate to comprehend even a portion of the knowledge within him, I at least grasped at straws and tried to ask questions that would help impart some of that knowledge to others. Instead of becoming enlightened by my participation in this project, I more often than not felt like a struggling schoolgirl being chastised by a stern yet loving schoolmaster. I found that he possessed a wonderful sense of humor, although at times his wit could become biting and almost cruel. He had great impatience with ignorance or what he perceived to be stupidity. Several times I had the impression that he felt out-of-place in his own time period. He had unintentionally isolated himself because his interests were so far beyond those of his peers that it was difficult to find anyone he could share anything with. Maybe this was why he found solace with the beings of the future. At least we could understand that many of his visions and predictions would have caused him great harm or even death if he voiced them in his time. He said that some of his students understood a portion of what he was trying to impart. But he was also isolated from them because he was a man out-of-place, a man with an intellect and ability far ahead of his time. I sometimes felt a sadness coming from the man because he knew no one would ever truly understand. But at least I felt we were helping him, allowing him an outlet, a way to express his emotions and fears across the expanse of time. Maybe we were helping him in this way as much as he was helping us.

But now that all seemed to have come to a close. In my work as a hypnotist-regressionist the information does not come from my own mind. It must come from others, subjects that have the stories of past lives locked within their subconscious. Or in the case of Nostradamus, subjects who have the ability to enter a deep trance level and follow his instructions to locate him beyond the portal of time. Once there they also must have the ability to translate complex symbolism into images we can understand. All of these traits were not easy to find. I had been fortunate to have accomplished this with three subjects, but I still considered this more luck than expertise. In each case events in their lives had taken precedence and I was only able to work with these people in passing. Our lives touched briefly and they then went in other directions. My work was never their main interest or concern-their own life was. And this is as it should be. The finding of three people who were able to contact Nostradamus was against all laws of coincidence. I should have been satisfied with that. How many times did I expect to accomplish the impossible? I had been given enough material to complete two books. The stories of these contacts were told in Volume One and Two. I would have to close the door on this adventure and continue with my myriad of other projects. I was still working with many subjects, following various stories that claimed my interest and which I felt would evolve into books at some time in the future. I was certainly not at a loss for something to write about. But in the back of my mind was the nagging feeling of leaving a task uncompleted. I had promised Nostradamus I would help with the translation and interpretation of his quatrains into modern English, and the job was only half-done. Maybe there was nothing new in the remaining 500 untranslated quatrains. Maybe he had conveyed the essential story to us and we would have to be satisfied with that. Maybe this was all that had ever been expected of me and my job was finished. Maybe, but then why did I have the feeling I was letting him down? I knew I had no choice in the matter. Without a suitable subject to work through the project was in limbo and I had to consider that door closed.

My first contact had been made in 1986 through the mature Elena, artist and mother of ten children. She had been the key, the primary catalyst or bridge, when it was discovered through an ordinary past-life regression that she had been a student of Nostradamus in France during the 1500s. This surprise revelation led to Nostradamus speaking directly to me and handing me the assignment of translating his quatrains or prophecies. He wanted people to understand them and be warned about what the future held for our world. But this communication was cut short when Elena moved back to Alaska. It was obvious from the beginning that she had not consciously instigated this project because it frightened her and she was glad to have an excuse to be free of the obligation. It was not so easy for me because my curiosity had been sparked, and I became determined to try to reestablish communication with Nostradamus.

Brenda, a college music student, became the second contact in 1986. By following Nostradamus' instructions I was able to locate him again through the vastness of time. He had been waiting and was confident that our link would not be broken. He knew our connection would be repeated through another subject. He had told me that once the communication had been established I would never lose contact with him. He said he would come through anyone I worked with. That was a tall order because I work with so many people. I had attempted it through Brenda because during my work with her I had found her to be an excellent somnambulistic subject who was willing to participate in experimentation. Volume One told the story of how all of this came about and contained the results of translating over 300 of the quatrains in six months. Abiding by Nostradamus' instructions and because of space limitations, I concentrated on the prophecies pertaining to our immediate future.

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