Nostradamus For Dummies
by Scarlett Ross
Nostradamus For Dummies
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About the Author
Scarlett Ross is a writer (and English teacher) who has spent 18 years actively participating in and researching the New Age and Metaphysical movement. She has worn many hats over the years, including personal guide, community leader, and chef of the heart. She has developed and supported spiritual events, including building a school for kids to see the next stage of humanitys growth toward enlightenment.
For fun, Scarlett has developed and presented workshops on personal spirituality in the everyday (dishes and all), connecting with the divine, personal responsibility, symbolism in spiritual growth, divination, prophecy, and dreams because these are the things that fascinate and motivate her to look at the world with a tilted head and a questioning look. Teaching high school English and literature interpretation in two out-of-the-box schools hasnt hurt that tendency. A lifelong student of language, wordplay, and symbolism, Scarlett takes her workshops to a variety of locations throughout the eastern United States and has published Dreams of the Goddess (New Page Press), a guided personal journal workbook for spiritual dreaming.
Off time is very precious when it comes, and Scarlett is most likely to be found behind a good book whether its reading, scrapbooking, or telling stories to teach the next generation. Her favorite activities include cooking for anyone wholl sit still, dancing, black-and-white photography, camping with friends, and hopefully, keeping up with her young son, cat, and, family.
To the guiding lights whove taught me to fly and breathe deeply my husband, John; my sunshine and son, Ian; my best friend, Brian; and the rest of my heart family that have been unbelievable and supportive (even pushy) when I doubted. From my heart to your hearts, I offer you thanks and blessings
To my mother and Jere, who have taught me the meaning of perseverance, following my own path, and living life fully. Live without regrets.
To you, the reader, for reminding me that everybody needs a little bit of prophecy. I hope Nostradamus and I can shed some light for your future.
Authors Acknowledgments
A hearty thank you and nod of appreciation to those research-assistant mice who scrambled quietly in the background, including Lee Watts, Rebecca Emberger, Joe Hancammon, Clove Tolbert, Professor Puckett, and Alexander Baghira.
Sandy Blackthorn gets the Coffee Cup Award of Patience and Sanity for her overwhelming support and coaching.
To the writers whove encouraged me and walked the hard road before me, my thanks to Carl McColman and the writers who continually inspire me including Trish Telesco, Dorothy Morrison, and MR Sellers.
In the end, there are the behind-the-scenes busy bees at Wiley; I appreciate the patience of acquisitions editor Tracy Boggier, project editor Mike Baker, copyeditor Trisha Strietelmeier, technical reviewer Troy Guthrie, and the rest of the staff whove helped design and guide this book.
Thanks to my agent Ron Formica at New England Publishing Associates for the guidance and help in reaching my goals and keeping sanity.
Publishers Acknowledgments
Were proud of this book; please send us your comments through our Dummies online registration form located at
Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
Acquisitions, Editorial, and Media Development
Publishers Acknowledgment: Sandy Blackthorn, Consultant
Project Editor: Mike Baker
Acquisitions Editor: Tracy Boggier
Copy Editor: Trisha Strietelmeier
Editorial Program Assistant: Courtney Allen
Technical Reviewer: Troy Guthrie
Editorial Manager: