Original material channelled by Julie Soskin
Cover illustration & design by Rupert Soskin, Creative Consultants, Hampton, Middx
Printed and bound in the UK by Cromwell Press, Broughton Gifford, Wilts
Alignment To Light
First edition 1992 (Reprinted 1993 )
ISBN 1-85588-512-3
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This "Original Edition" is taken from the unedited transcripts of Julie Soskin's channelling, and is reproduced here verbatim in its entirety, save for corrections made by the author.
The first two books in Julie's trilogy, "The Wind of Change" and "The Cosmic Dance" (both published by Barton House), were edited in a style which rendered these works easily accessible to a wide readership, including those who were previously unfamiliar with channelled material.
It was the Author's wish, however, that "Alignment to Light", a more advanced work, should be published in its original form, as this would retain the exact meaning and essential poetry of the work, both of which would inevitably have been altered if this work had been subjected to the normal editing process.
There is a stillness entering the hearts and souls of man. We welcome you and we give thanks for this occasion to speak with you.
Man has journeyed very far in his myriad experiences. He has grown, he has been tortured and he has suffered, but the torturing and the suffering was mans' own idea, it was never God's. It was, in your words, an experiment. An experiment in material manifestation for the growth and the wellbeing, not just of this Earth planet, but for all the cosmos, because the experiences of man have helped the energy forces of all.
This is the time of great change and great transition never known before in mans' history, and it is only possible that man can exist because of the progress that he has made. He has generally freed himself from the karmic influences, and as we speak to you in your time, your year of 1992, we can say to you that you are already in the changing period. It is no longer some nebulous idea for the future, it is here today - now. Sensitive ones have recognised this. You have worked on yourselves from the physical, psychological, mental and emotional levels to create a toughness within. This rock-like energy within allows you to shake off your cloak of karma, and many of you are experiencing what you would calla 'new age' and 'clean age' in your lives.
There is a process where you walk through a doorway. This has been referred to as 'initiation' in the past. As you walk through this doorway into Light, you will throw off the cloak of karma and you will then have a clean page on which to work. We have spoken of this before. We have also spoken of the necessity to clear the astral planes and
the astral body of its negativity. As well as all the good thoughts, meditations, heightened consciousness work that is being done on the Earth, there is as much work being done on the astral planes. Many of you have access to a group energy on the higher level of the astral. This, some of you refer to as the master ray. This master ray, or the teachers, or professors, whatever you want to call them, are a group that can communicate easily to you, and are here for your benefit. They have a deva counterpart. Their deva counterpart is what you can refer to as the angelic beings of Light. These angelic beings help with the energy, while the professors, the masters, help with the intuition, the wisdom and the knowledge.
One or two of you here have recognised there is a point in man's growth where he ceases to want to know, because he is so complete with the whole that specific information is no longer necessary for his intellect. He just becomes. He just is. This is the stillness to which we refer -the stillness of knowing that all is well no matter what is going on outside yourselves. All is well, dear friends of Light. We say to you very clearly today, all is very well!
It is not strictly true to speak of this planet as an experiment. That makes it sound harsh, and it is not so. But if we were, for a moment, to speak of it as an experiment, we could truly say to you that the experiment has worked and has excelled any expectations. This may perplex you when you still see trouble in your world, when you are aware of violence and suffering. This violence and suffering is coming up to the surface to be dispelled. Only by its revelation can it be dissipated. You will see, unfortunately, some pockets of very violent situations this year, but they will only be pockets and they will not even affect the near vicinity. They are being, as it were, collected in a pile, just as you collect your dust into a little pile before you clear it. This particular kind of negativity is the kind that has been
affected over the years by the astral negativity, and only by It coming into pockets can it be cleared, up to and through the astral. The astral plane is not a separate dimension, but is a dimension that has always overlapped your own physical being. So when you speak of the spirit being above you, you are actually incorrect, because the spirit is all around you, is with you. As man has grown he has been able to see and hear and perceive the astral forces. It is within those astral forces that you have, what some of you still refer to as, 'guides'. There has never been a time where man has been alone, never, nor will there ever be.
Many of you want to know the future. Some of you still have some reticence about the information and about the feelings that you have of the violence and the trouble in store. It would be untrue of us to say that there would be no trouble, because there will. We ask you again, when it occurs, when you see it in the media, around you, do not dwell upon it. Put it in Light. Circle it in your mind in Light. All is being worked through. Of every description there has been of this period, the most accurate is the one that says it is the clearing time. The clearing time is here, and when it is finished, which in your terms is a very short period of time, man will be so different in consciousness he will not even be asking the same questions you ask today. That is not so easy for you to imagine, but as perception and consciousness alters, man will have far less need to want to know.