The Cosmic Dance
A record of Spiritual Dialogues
Channelled by Julie Soskin
With a Foreword by
Sir George Trevelyan
Barton House Publishing
Original material channelled by Julie Soskin.
Edited by Jane Chrzanowska, David Bowles & Michael Dean.
Cover design by Rupert Soskin, Creative Consultants, Hampton, Middlesex. Book design and type setting by David Bowles, Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire. Printed and bound in Great Britain by BPCC Wheaton Ltd, Exeter, Dewon. First Edition 1991
ISBN 1-85588-507-7
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Acknowledgments | |
Foreword | |
Introduction | |
Ode to the Barth | |
I. | Opportunity | |
II. | Energies and Magnetism | |
III. | Jumping the Vortex | |
IV. | Initiations | |
V. | Gateways | |
VI. | The Mind of God | |
VII. | The Laws of the Universe | |
VIII. | Silent Co-operation | |
IX. | Pathmakers | |
X. | The Final Cleansing | |
XI. | The Cosmic Breath | |
XII. | New Birth | |
Grateful thanks to all who helped and supported me with this book: Anna, Jane, David, Michael, my fellow traveller Jenny, and to my cosmic dancers at home - Rupert, Damien and Alex.
by Sir George Trevelyan
Julie Soskin has channelled this statement from a high spiritual, source, which urges us to face and accept drastic earth changes with courage and joy, knowing that Planet Earth is to be cleansed and a new epoch begun.
This book is for all who have grasped the reality of the spirit realms and can see that we are privileged to take part in the cleansing of the planet in the coming years. It is so grand a picture that it puts our individual troubles and problems into true perspective. I urge you to read it and grasp that you have incarnated to take part in this momentous change. The Beings on the higher plane call on us to go forward with courage and joy, knowing that "death" is the great illusion.
Julie has done a fine deed in giving us this book. It is like a clarion call for spiritual activity as we approach the new millennium.
The man at the bottom of the mountain sees a very different view from the one at the top, or even the one in between. All swear they are right. I will not swear, but will endeavour to describe my view.
Up until three years ago, I connected to spirit as a medium with total submission, and was completely happy to do so. I had been taught that way and it felt right. One day, with very little warning, I had an experience which I cannot describe in words but the result was a change in awareness and it was because of this change that I asked my good friend and colleague Jenny Grant to help me find some answers. We asked to be connected to the highest source of light available to us. It described itself as "a synthesis of energy, Original Thought". After six sessions of being given personal information, we were told that a book would be dictated. "The Wind of Change" was that book. The ease with which it became published was my confirmation that it was right. When the manuscript was handed over to the publishers, I abdicated responsibility - it never was a part of me anyway. This incidentally is why it is difficult to answer questions on the text. However, I do try and would like to thank all the people who have written to me with their good wishes.
My work as a medium continues, but the usual evidence of survival rarely comes. With most sitters, what have been described as the hierarchy guides come through with spiritually based information. They will not allow us to lean on them, and indeed my information is that they are the last astral link before the connection to the Source. This connection can only be made by the individual who unfolds the many layers covering their soul light, and as a teacher I endeavour to open doors for students to contact this light. When connection is made, there is automatic access to the "main computer", so to speak! All the answers are within: now is the time to listen to your own truth.
As that energy becomes stable and grows, there is a point of connection of consciousness whereby all other souls of similar vibration automatically link. This is the point where man ceases to think he wants to help - he just does.
It is my greatest joy to see the power of the human spirit at work, and the soul awakening, pulling us into realisation. We are also seeing the perceptions of man, opening us up to accommodate the different dimensions. There will always be those who cannot see, but in every walk of life there are more who can. Once the soul has been touched, even if only for a moment, the progress of that individual is assured.
Wishing you all great joy.
Oh you green Earth, you vibrant soul,
You alone have held the key to lies and truth; You alone have freed the captive heart within your globe,
You alone have been the school of knowledge, With its special laws and circumstances.
We have watched and learned much from your pain,
We tell you now it is coming to a close;
The trumpets ring out, heralding the new beginnings,
The forces of want and desire are fleeing your pleasant lands.
But oh, dear children of the green planet Earth, You never did appreciate the realms of experience At your touch, the smell, the sights and sound, Your perfectly balanced Earth, the green light of love