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Theitic - The Witches Almanac 2021-2022 Standard Edition: The Sun – Rays of Hope

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Theitic The Witches Almanac 2021-2022 Standard Edition: The Sun – Rays of Hope
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    The Witches Almanac 2021-2022 Standard Edition: The Sun – Rays of Hope
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    The Witches Almanac
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The Witches Almanac 2021-2022 Standard Edition: The Sun – Rays of Hope: summary, description and annotation

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Founded in 1971 by Elizabeth Pepper, the art director of Gourmet magazine for many years, The Witches Almanac is a witty, literary publication that appeals to general readers as well as hard-core Wiccans. At one level, it is a pop reference that will fascinate anyone interested in folklore, mythology, and culture; but at another, it is the most sophisticated and wide-ranging annual guide available today for the mystic enthusiast.

Modeled after the Old Farmers Almanac, it includes information related to the annual Moon Calendar (weather forecasts and horoscopes), as well as legends, rituals, herbal secrets, mystic incantations, interviews, and curious tales of good and evil. Although it is an annual publication, much of the content is both timely and timelessnon-specific to the date range of each issue.

The theme of Issue 40 (Spring 2021Spring 2022) is The SunRays of Hope. The following articles are also included:

  • Mithras: Comrade of the Sun, Savior of Soldiers
  • Tell the Bees
  • Exploring and Embracing the Fluid Gender and Sexuality of Witch-Gods
  • Bringing Fairies Back to Your Home
  • And much more
  • Theitic: author's other books

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    Address all inquiries and information to THE WITCHES ALMANAC LTD PO Box - photo 1

    Address all inquiries and information to THE WITCHES ALMANAC LTD PO Box - photo 2

    Address all inquiries and information to THE WITCHES ALMANAC LTD PO Box - photo 3

    Address all inquiries and information to
    P.O. Box 1292
    Newport, RI 02840-9998

    All rights reserved

    13-ISBN: 978-1-881098-76-8 The Witches AlmanacClassic
    13-ISBN: 978-1-881098-74-4 The Witches AlmanacStandard
    E-Book 13-ISBN: 978-1-881098-75-1 - The Witches AlmanacStandard

    ISSN: 1522-3184

    First Printing July 2020

    Printed in USA

    Established 1971 by Elizabeth Pepper


    The Witches Almanac 2021-2022 Standard Edition The Sun Rays of Hope - image 4

    Celebrating a year of the Sun we have much to be looking forward to Although - photo 5

    Celebrating a year of the Sun, we have much to be looking forward to. Although we go through periods of pain and strife, there is always a light at the end of a trial. Sometimes it is resolution; sometimes it is the wisdom of the experience.

    It is apparent that in a world of health concerns, social unrest and financial instability, society begins to question where we are and where we are going. Well, it is always important to know where we are. Where we are going is a matter of where we would like to be. As Witches and magicians, we have choices. And, these choices come from opportunities that are spawned from change. We must never stay in a state of stagnation or disease. We strive to make ourselves stronger and the world an improved place. Opportunities dont rise up from the wells of comfort and lethargy.

    A Witch knows how to ride the strong wind and land in fertile soil, as opposed to clinging on to the rock so as not to be moved by the wind. Accept change. Seize your power. Embrace the wind. Ad astra per aspera!

    Spring 2021 to Spring 2022 March 20 Vernal Equinox April 1 All Fools Day - photo 6

    Spring 2021 to Spring 2022

    March 20Vernal Equinox
    April 1All Fools Day
    April 30Walpurgis Night
    May 1Beltane
    May 8White Lotus Day
    May 26Vesak Day
    May 29Oak Apple Day
    June 5Night of the Watchers
    June 21Summer Solstice
    June 24Midsummer
    July 23Ancient Egyptian New Year
    July 31Lughnassad Eve
    August 1Lammas
    August 13Dianas Day
    August 17Black Cat Appreciation Day
    September 10Ganesh Chaturthi
    September 22Autumnal Equinox
    October 31Samhain Eve
    November 1Hallowmas
    November 16Hecate Night
    December 16Fairy Queen Eve
    December 17Saturnalia
    December 21Winter Solstice
    January 9Feast of Janus
    February 1Chinese New Year
    February 1Oimelc Eve
    February 2Candlemas
    February 15Lupercalia
    March 1Matronalia
    March 19Minervas Day

    Art DirectorGwion Vran
    AstrologerDikki-Jo Mullen
    ClimatologistTom C. Lang
    Cover Art and Design.Kathryn Sky-Peck
    SalesEllen Lynch
    BookkeepingD. Lamoureux
    FulfillmentCasey M.

    Executive Editor

    Associate Editor

    Copy Editor

    News from The Witches Almanac Glad tidings from the staff Wand Making The - photo 7

    News from The Witches Almanac
    Glad tidings from the staff

    Wand Making
    The Forage of Sacred Rowan

    Baba Yaga
    The Wild Witch of the Woods

    The Solar System
    Heliocentric Astrology

    Kitchen Magic
    Summer Solstice Sippin

    La Lechuza
    Evil Spirit of the Night

    Notable Quotations
    The Sun

    Aesops Fable
    The Dog, the Cock and the Fox

    An Astrological Overview
    Dion Fortune

    Wild Swan
    Taking Flight

    2021 Sunrise and Sunset Times
    Providence, San Francisco, Sydney, London

    The Fixed Stars

    Getting to the Bones of Witchcraft
    Looking in The Magic Mirror

    Clear Crystal Quartz
    The King of Crystals

    Sunspots, Starspots
    Solar Flares, Winds, Coronal Loops, Prominences, Mass Ejections, Reconnection Events and Storms.

    A Voice from the Heavens
    Ancestor Veneration and the Egungun Masquerade

    The Ankh

    Rethinking the Cup and the Knife
    Decoupling Gender from the Practice of Witchcraft

    A Curious Pilgrim Book of Remedies

    Merry Meetings
    An interview with Ray Buckland

    The Geomantic Figures

    A Magicians Only Essential Tool: Their Own Human Body
    Notes Toward a General Theory of Magic, Part 5

    Anatomy of a Witch
    A Symbolic Exploration of the Witchs Body

    Sites of Awe
    El Mercado de Juarez

    Hear golden Titan whose eternal eye with broad survey illumines all the sky - photo 8

    Hear golden Titan, whose eternal eye with broad survey, illumines all the sky.

    Self-born, unwearied in diffusing light, and to all eyes the mirrour of delight:

    Lord of the seasons, with thy fiery car and leaping coursers, beaming light from far:

    With thy right hand the source of morning light, and with thy left the father of the night.

    Agile and vigrous, venerable Sun, fiery and bright around the heavns you run.

    Foe to the wicked, but the good mans guide, oer all his steps propitious you preside:

    With various founding, golden lyre, tis mine to fill the world with harmony divine.

    Father of ages, guide of prosprous deeds, the worlds commander, borne by lucid steeds,

    Immortal Jove, all-searching, bearing light, source of existence, pure and fiery bright

    Bearer of fruit, almighty lord of years, agil and warm, whom evry powr reveres.

    Great eye of Nature and the starry skies, doomd with immortal flames to set and rise

    Dispensing justice, lover of the stream, the worlds great despot, and oer all supreme.

    Faithful defender, and the eye of right, of steeds the ruler, and of life the light:

    With founding whip four fiery steeds you guide, when in the car of day you glorious ride.

    Propitious on these mystic labours shine, and bless thy suppliants with a life divine.

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