Laura Steffens &
Adina M. Kring
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Copyright 2019 Laura Steffens & Adina M. Kring.
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ISBN: 978-1-5127-9930-9 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2017912945
WestBow Press rev. date: 03/22/2019
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I dedicate this book to my husband Trevor, who never let go of my hand,
to my daughter Claire, who taught me how to love,
and to the Grace to the Nations family, who prayed me through.
Adina Kring
Chapter One
In The Beginning
Chapter Two
The Incident
Chapter Three
The Waiting Game
Chapter Four
We Are Family
Chapter Five
Do The Sick No Harm
Chapter Six
Heaven Can Wait
Chapter Seven
Hell In A Handbasket
Chapter Eight
The Upper Room
Chapter Nine
The Directors Cut
Chapter Ten
The Machine
Chapter Eleven
Miraculous Inspiration
As there are far too many wonderful people to thank, we will not try to name them all individually to ensure we forget no one. But we do want every one of you who contributed to the creation of this book to know how much you are appreciated, valued and loved. We thank you for all your sacrifice and service. May the Lord always richly bless you!
My husband, Jody and I pulled up to our friends house on Sunday afternoon, February 5 th , 2012, to watch the Super Bowl. A lot of our church family were getting together to watch the game and celebrate our friends daughters birthday. At that moment, I received a phone call from my friend, Rae O, Pastor of Grace to the Nations in Tucson, Arizona. She was calling to let me know that Adina, one of my precious spiritual daughters, was lingering between life and death. Hearing Pastor Raes frightened and tearful voice describe what had happened to Adina, caused my heart to sink as I realized we may not have Adina even through the end of that very day if God did not do a miracle! Jody and I sat in the car and prayed and then went into the party to let our church family know. Most everyone there knew Adina. She and Trevor, her husband, would come to visit us at Fountain of Life at various times for special events. Prayer for Adina started at that Super Bowl party and continued around the clock at our church for several days. Like so many who were impacted by this event, I had to make a conscious choice to position myself in faith and lay aside the what ifs with their accompanying fears.
The following day, my daughter, Melanie, and I drove to Tucson to pray for Adina and encourage Trevor and our friends at Grace. When we walked into the hospital, we were stunned to see the crowd of faithful friends and family all holding prayer vigil outside the ICU. Immediately, Pastor Rae and Trevor came to us and gave us the latest update. The prognosis was grim. Yet, I saw such determination in both of them as the others gathered round. Trevor took us into Adinas room and gave us a few minutes with her. The sight of my spiritual daughter who is so vivacious and bubbly lying there so lifeless was almost more than I could stand. Something inside of me was stronger than the emotions I felt. The Holy Spirit gave me a glimpse into the truthnot the factsand my spirit began to agree with His Word. I cant remember what I spoke to Adina, but I do remember I reminded her of His Word and His plans for her life. Melanie took Adina by the hand and said Youre not done here. Theres much more you are supposed to accomplish. I know you dont want to come back, but you must!
One of the most remarkable things I witnessed was the depth of God that flowed from Trevors heart. Trevor was like a gallant warrior with fire and fight in his eyes one minute and a gracious, compassionate host the next. He fought for Adinas life with resolve and courage when he prayed and interceded. Then, he would bring calm and confidence to the friends and family when he would announce to them her latest status. I told him God had clearly anointed him to walk through this valley of the shadow of death without wavering. He had an assurance that only heaven can give to someone who knows Jesus.
Besides reading the inspirational and intriguing story shared here of Adinas miraculous experience in Heaven and her recovery to normal life, you will be challenged in your own walk with God. The true test of our faith in God and the work of His Word in our lives comes during the fiery furnace of affliction. As you read, my prayer is that your life will be changed, not just inspired. Life brings to us many good things. However, there are also times we go through that can cause us to become bitter and angry, or mold us more and more into His character and nature. This is what I have seen happen in Trevor and Adina. Their walk with God is so much sweeter and so much deeper than before this happened. As well, they have His compassion that longs for all to be saved and for none to perish. How does one prepare for such times as what this couple walked through? The times when unexpected, unwanted, world-rocking kind of events threatens to destroy our lives are the times when we will be dependent on what we have stored up in our hearts of God and His Word. This is when we must know Him!
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