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Amelia Kinkade - The Language of Miracles: A Celebrated Psychic Teaches You to Talk to Animals

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Amelia Kinkade The Language of Miracles: A Celebrated Psychic Teaches You to Talk to Animals
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More Praise for The Language of Miracles Amelia Kinkade is wicked smart - photo 1
More Praise for The Language of Miracles

"Amelia Kinkade is wicked smart, wicked funny, can write like crazy, and has an amazing ability to take the most complicated workings of the universe and make them seem clear and simple, even to those who may be a little science- or miracle-challenged. If you have a pet or love animals, this book is a real treat. But even if animals aren't your thing, and even if healthy skepticism is, it's still a treat. Why? Because The Language of Miracles isn't just about communicating with critters - it's actually a crash course in love."

- Raphael Cushnir, author of Setting Your Heart on Fire and The One Thing Holding You Back

"Move over, Dr. Dolittle. Welcome, Amelia Kinkade! The Language of Miracles shows us how easy it is to open our minds and hearts to the spirit and soul of animal beings. This wonderful and long-awaited book is a mind-bender that shows that we can indeed talk to and with other animals if we respect who they are, what they know, and what they feel. Animals have a point of view just as we do, and Kinkade's lively text and deep caring show that timeworn and demeaning views of these individuals really don't work. We need close interconnections with animals, and in their absence we lose our sense of place and our wholeness."

- Marc Bekoff, professor of biology at the University of Colorado, author of Animal Passions and Beastly Virtues, and editor of the Encyclopedia ofAnimal Behavior

"Amelia Kinkade has written a book that will make believers out of those who don't know it is possible to communicate with animals. Her straightforward, engaging style and wealth of experiences enable anyone to enter the portal and discover what animals are thinking and feeling. As sentient species, animals inhabited our planet long before humans. Now we can all become proficient in speaking and listening to the language of the animal world. What an enlightening and delightful way to gain ageless wisdom!"

- Allen and Linda Anderson, founders of the Angel Animals Network and authors of Angel Dogs, Angel Cats, and Rainbows & Bridges

"The Language of Miracles is a celebration of inspiring stories that help us navigate our way through the human-animal communication experience. Regardless of our circumstances, Amelia Kinkade shows us how to honor the sacred presence and beauty in all things."

- Gary Quinn, bestselling author of May the Angels Be with You and Living in the Spiritual Zone

"Amelia Kinkade has a beautiful and clear vision of a world where all sentient beings are able to communicate directly. I have seen her work with animals and watched her teach this skill to others. She is able to do both in a kind and loving way that gets immediate responses from all around her. In The Language ofMiracles, there are many wonderful and amazing stories of human-animal communication, as well as guided exercises to help readers learn this skill for themselves. This is a must-read for anyone interested in opening and exploring the unspoken world between humans and animals. I highly recommend it.

- John G. Myerson, PhD, coauthor of Riding the Spirit Wind: Stories of Shamanic Healing

"Those of us who love Amelia know that she has cracked open the frontiers of communication with our animal friends, and she has generously shared this precious gift for us humans through her books, seminars, and ongoing listening and talking to the animals. She has improved and often saved the lives of countless animals. She has given us the tools to have deeper, happier, more loving relationships with our animal companions. But more than anything, what is beautiful is Amelia inside and outside. Amelia is pure compassion, goodness, and joy."

- Nadia Sutton, founder of PAWS (Pets Are Wonderful Support) LA

"Amelia Kinkade is already recognized worldwide as a lucid and compassionate animal communicator. In this informative, deeply moving, and immensely entertaining book, she proves to be an accomplished human communicator as well."

- Linda Kohanov, author of The Tao of Equus and Riding between the Worlds

The Language
of Miracles


Straight from the Horse's Mouth: How to Talk to Animals and Get Answers

The Language
of Miracles
A Celebrated Psychic Teaches
You to Talk to Animals

Amelia Kinkade

The Language of Miracles A Celebrated Psychic Teaches You to Talk to Animals - image 2

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This book is dedicated to two little boys. In the early 1940s, one looked up at the stars in the West Texas sky and said, "Mama, when I grow up, I'm going to walk on the moon."About the same time, a boy his age, across the country in Brooklyn, New York, tugged on his mother's apron and said, "Mother, when I grow up, I'm going to find a cure for cancer."I love a man who is true to his word. This book is not just a tribute to Dr. Edgar Mitchell and Dr. Bernie Siegel and the icons they became - but to the little boys inside them they never let die, who can still look at the world and its animals with eyes filled with awe and wonder.



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I have written this book with the desire to help you learn to communicate with your nonhuman loved ones. This book isn't intended as a substitute for medical care or the expert diagnosis of a trusted veterinarian. Please take care to cross-reference your intuitions with professional opinions and diligently seek feedback from your veterinarians.

I have disguised the names and identifying characteristics of some of my animal friends (such as Captain Harris) to protect their privacy. However, most of my most treasured students/friends have generously granted me permission to use their real names in the stories. You will find a list of the animal communicators I've trained in the back of this book.

What Would Amelia Do I BECAME A BELIEVER IN OUR ABILITY to communicate with - photo 9
What Would Amelia Do?
I BECAME A BELIEVER IN OUR ABILITY to communicate with animals after Amelia - photo 10

I BECAME A BELIEVER IN OUR ABILITY to communicate with animals after Amelia Kinkade, while sitting in California, told me via email that she was seeing through the eyes of our lost cat, Boo Boo, who had disappeared from our son's home in Connecticut. Amelia described in detail the house and yard and told me where the cat was hiding. The next morning, I went out and rescued Boo Boo from the exact place Amelia had described to me.

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