About the Author
Richard Webster was born in New Zealand in 1946, and most of his earliest memories relate to animals of various sorts. As he grew up, he had a constant succession of pets, including dogs, cats, goats, rabbits, mice, turtles, tortoises, lizards, frogs, and fish. Currently, Richard and his wife have just two cats, a rabbit, and three fish. They also have three children and three grandchildren, all of whom share Richards love of animals.
Richard has written many books, mainly on psychic subjects, and also writes monthly magazine columns. He would write more, but his pets tell him when it is time to stop and play.
Llewellyn Publications
Woodbury, Minnesota
Copyright Information
Is Your Pet Psychic? Developing Psychic Communication with Your Pet 2002 by Richard Webster.
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First e-book edition 2012
E-book ISBN: 9780738703756
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Llewellyn Publications
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For my good friend
Ken Ring
: The Amazing Natural Talents of Animals
: The Mysterious Cat
: Mans Best Friend
: The Noble Horse
: Animals Tall and Small
: Communicating with Your Pet
: Ghost Animals
: Pets Who Find Their Way Home
: Your Psychic Self
: Communicating with Your Pet in Dreams
Animal lovers have always known the beneficial effects of owning a pet. However, it was not until 1975 that two English researchers, R. A. Mugford and J. G. MComisky, put it to the test. They gave caged birds to twelve pensioners, and gave another twelve a potted plant. Three months later, they found that the pensioners who had been given a bird both had a more positive outlook on life and a better attitude toward others than the pensioners who had been given a plant. Five years later, a study of people with heart disease found that pet owners were much more likely to be alive one year later than patients without a pet. The research showed that ownership of a pet was the strongest single factor. It made no difference if the person was rich or poor, married or single, surrounded by friends or entirely alone. This confirms the belief of the Native Americans that without animals men would die from great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beast also happens to man...
Pets often serve as psychologists and counselors for their human owners. By listening empathically, and responding to their owners body language and thoughts, they surround their humans with a healing energy that takes away pain and hurt. This is even more powerful when the owners stroke and coddle their pets while talking to them.
There are more than two thousand programs in the United States where volunteers bring their pets to hospitals, retirement homes, and hospices to cheer and comfort the people there. These animals are frequently known as PAT (pets as therapy) animals. I have also heard of similar programs in some prisons. The inmates who receive animal visitors are less aggressive and less likely to take drugs or commit suicide.
Pet owners are often accused of being fanatical about their pets. A British survey appears to confirm this, as it found that 64 percent of pet owners would rather cuddle their pet than their partner. Another survey found that 50 percent of pet owners considered their pets to be better looking than their partners.
In the early 1980s, it was estimated that forty million households in the United States contained dogs and twenty-three million homes contained cats. If this figure is correct, it means that there is one dog for every six human beings. Dr. Stanley Coren, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia and author of several books on dogs, believes that there is one dog for every four families in North America. In 1994, Dr. Bruce Fogle estimated that 38 percent of the homes in the United States contained at least one dog, and 30 percent of all homes contained at least one cat. In 1998, it was estimated that there were 70 million cats and 57 million dogs in the United States. Thirty-four percent of the population owned at least one cat, and 37.8 percent owned at least one dog; 15.9 percent owned at least one cat and one dog.
My mother frequently told me that only nice people have pets. I am sure there must be plenty of wonderful people in the world who do not have a pet, but by and large, I agree with my mothers comments. Pet owners are special people who enjoy a close, loving relationship with their animal friends. It is not surprising to me that many of them are in regular intuitive communication with their pets.
People decide to own pets for many reasons, usually for companionship or protection. No matter what the initial reason was, they soon find themselves inside an incredibly close and special relationship. Many people live rewarding lives solely because of the love they share with their pets. The healing effects that animals have on their owners are well-known.
Invariably, pet owners discover that their pet has abilities far beyond what they anticipated. Consequently, it is not surprising that sooner or later most animal-lovers wonder if their pet is psychic. Sometimes it is hard to know if an animals behavior has a normal or paranormal explanation.
My daughter Charlotte works for a television station and has irregular hours. However, we always know when she is due home because her cat, Clyde, sits down at the front door ten minutes before she arrives. Over the years, people have come up with a variety of explanations for this not-uncommon behavior. Maybe Clyde senses that she is due home by picking up reactions from people in the house. This is not likely, as usually we have no idea when she will be arriving. Maybe Clyde hears her car coming. It would be surprising if he could hear her car when it was still ten minutes from home, but it is possible. However, this possibility was refuted the day Charlotte bought a new car. Ten minutes before she arrived home to show us her new car, Clyde was sitting in his usual spot waiting for her. I am certain there is a special telepathic bond between Clyde and Charlotte, and this enables him to know intuitively when she is due.
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