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Kerry Boltons new book is a continuationof his long-term work on the study of Russia. It does not repeat, butcomplements and deepens his previous publications about the peculiarities ofthe Orthodox world, the secrets of the Bolshevik revolution, the historicalrole of Stalin and Putins modern policy.
The encyclopedic scope of knowledge, thepossession of the cultural heritage of the right thinkers, the use of themethods of theology, dialectical philosophy, conspiracy, geopolitics, sociologyand psychology transform the author into a knight of the spiritual sword. Alltogether this allows Kerry Bolton to understand the dramatic nature of globalchange, and in this regard - the world mission of Russia, which makes his workextremely relevant, and the author himself put on a par with such Westernthinkers as Walter Schubart, Francis Parker Yockey, Guillaume Faye.
The book will be especially useful to thosewho share the ideals of the New Right, revolutionary conservatives, supportersof the original Third Way in the name of the revival of our race, consciouslyopposing the aggressive dictatorship of the New World Order led by the UnitedStates of America.
Dr. Pavel Tulaev
12 May 2018.
Dr. Tulaev has taught at the Moscow StatePedagogical Institute, lectured on Russian Culture and Civilization at UticaCollege, Syracuse University, USA; and at Moscow State Linguistic University. Heis an art patron and curator, and has been the recipient of numerous awards forcultural and scholarly activities, including honorary diplomas from theInstitute of Latin America of the USSR Academy of Sciences, SlavicParliamentary Union, and All-Slavic Council. He has developed numerous coursesand textbooks including: The Newest History of Foreign Countries, TheRussian World in Historical Development, History of the Fatherland, andFundamentals of Slavic Studies. Dr. Tulaev is presently Professor of Historyat the International Slavic Institute.
Foreword by Aleksandr Mezentsev
One of the most remarkable intellectualachievements of Kerry Bolton is his understanding of Russian History in its continuity.Here he differs from Solzhenitsyn, who saw the USSR as anti-Russia per se andthe entire Soviet period as a radical break from normal historical evolution.While Solzhenitsyn insisted that the Soviet Union was a bloody occupation ofRussia by the International Communism, Bolton solves the problem in a much morescientifically correct way, invoking the topic of National Bolshevism andconsidering the politics of Iosif Stalin and his faction inside the Sovietregime as a real National Counter-Revolution against the cosmopolitanBolshevism of Trotsky and the so-called old Leninists.
A look at the Soviet system as either ahealthy alternative to the decaying West or, at least, as a reliable partnerand even an ally, not the enemy, was and remains surprisingly widespread amongboth the foreign and Russian Right. The list would be very long. We may justmention such names as Tsarist General Potapov and famed Libertarian MurrayRothbard, the great Tory Enoch Powell and the Third Reich hero Major GeneralOtto Remer, Cossack Nationalist Pavel Kudinov and Reaganite Paul Craig Roberts,famous New Rightist Alain De Benoist and Australian nationalist Dr. JimSaleam, the Arab Nationalists, and both General Juan Peron and his enemies fromthe Junta Military of 1976 1983, and so on.
Indeed, modern anti-globalists,nationalists and Rightists should study the Soviet period in order to learnabout its true achievements and not to repeat its real faults, which lead tothe greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century, as Putin describedthe collapse of the Soviet Union. In this particular regard Kerry Bolton`sbooks and essays would serve perfectly well.
Aleksandr Mezentsev
May 2018
Aleksandr Mezentsev, a resident of NorthOssetia, undertook his diploma in history under the supervision of the eminentRussian historian Dr. Vladimir Degoev, continued post-graduate studies, and haslectured at universities in Vladikavkaz. He is presently on the staff of theNational Library (Vladikavkaz).
The USA is the end of something old. It isthe product of transplanting rationalism and materialism onto the New World,which became the end of something already centuries in decline. While Americaposes as the leader of The West, it is the leader of the dregs of acivilisation whose culture has long since ossified and is on a downward spiralinto decadence and decay. The USA animates a corpse whose diseases contaminateall corners of the world in the name of globalisation. What remains of Westernculture is no more than a faade hiding the decay. The faade isthe glitter of Hollywood, MTV, hip hop, fast food, the narcosis of consumerism.This pathogen is heralded as the epitome of human aspiration. Its historianssuch as Dr. Francis Fukuyama, proclaim the victory of the American worldrevolution against all tradition as the end of history, beyond which there isnothing more for humanity to achieve. Despite the spiritless character ofAmerican civilisation the roots are in its founding religions Puritanismand Deism. Both provided the USA with a messianic mission to build what isinscribed on their Great Seal since 1782: Novus ordo seclorum : neworder of the ages. The Puritanism of the USA founding colonies provided aworld-view that elevated profit into a beneficence from God, and commerce asthe epitome of godly living, in contrast to traditional societies thatsubordinate economics. Deism made revolution an expression of an undefined butall-seeing godhead that would destroy traditional faiths. The Founding Fathersof the USA were from the start conscious of their messianic world mission,Thomas Paine writing:
The cause of America isin a great measure the cause of all mankind... Tis not the concern of a day, ayear, or an age; posterity are virtually involved in the contest, and will bemore or less affected, even to the end of time, by the proceedings now.
This doctrine at the USAs founding has notdeviated. The Jacobins of 1789 had fed from the same philosophical trough asthe American revolutionaries, with interconnections through eminences in bothcounties, such as Lafayette, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin. TheJacobins declared their revolution to be universal, as did the Americans, andlater the Bolsheviks. All these sought to change the world, in the name ofprogress and human rights and create a universal order. All three plungedthe world into a mountain of debris of the shattered remnants of tradition, andpools of blood of the best strata of society in the name of equality. Aftertwo world wars the USA emerged triumphant over the ruins of the old Europeanempires of both allies and enemies.
However, Russia, full of promise for U.S.and other oligarchs during the first phases of revolution, soon resorted, evenwhile still under Lenin, to the traditional impress of its own messianicmission, even if now called Bolshevism, to redeem mankind spiritually whileenduring martyrdom. The wartime alliance with the USSR against Fascism wasbrief, as Stalin rejected the USAs offer for Russia to become a junior partnerin a post-war world order, and a Cold War ensued. However, even after the fallof the Soviet bloc, with Russia again showing such promise under the very briefinterregnum of Boris Yeltsin, she reverted to type under Putin, and againbecame the primary obstacle the