Zionism, Islam and the West
Kerry Bolton
Zionism, Islam and the West
by Kerry Bolton
Copyright 2015 Black House Publishing Ltd
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Table of Contents
I n international relations the clash of civilizations thesis seems to have replaced the ideological battle of the Cold War period. This thesis was originally proposed in 1990. In 1993 an article appeared in the Foreign Affairs magazine which was developed as a book in 1996 to guide the U.S. foreign policy makers advocating the hypothesis. Then 9/11 attacks occurred to support the hypothesis. Did the Zionists play any role in these developments? It is very difficult to assert because, as Kerry Bolton has rightly suggested, Zionists often operate to push sundry agendas in the name of attractive thoughts. Sometimes these ideas include noble dreams such as democracy, human rights etc. With the rise of Muslim extremism throughout the world it is very important that Muslims read this valuable work.
Some Zionist-Orientalist scholars, who are well versed in Muslim history and culture, know very well the weak-points of 14 centuries of Muslim history. They are capable of pressing the right button at a right time to provoke strong reaction among Muslims. That is why Muslims must know Zionism and Orientalism very well and Kerry Bolton has made a valuable contribution in exposing Zionism. I strongly recommend this book to every student of contemporary Muslim cultural and political history.
Dr. Abdullahil Ahsan,
Professor and Deputy Dean,
International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization, International Islamic University Malaysia
B ank, Lodge, Synagogue are concepts that prolific author Kerry Bolton, in this his 11th book, attempts to elucidate in a sweeping in-depth review of world events.
But those who attempt to make sense of world events know how difficult a task this is. Never mind reflecting on historical events, just think of the difficulty faced by anyone who attempts to make any sense of the current 2014 global disturbances the on-off greenhouse effect / global warming / climate change campaigns that threaten the imminent end of civilization if a global tax is not imposed on every household, the Ebola crisis and before that the swine and bird flu, etc., the countless wars on terrorism both local and international, the unnecessary famines and resultant flood of refugees to Europe and to other so-called first-world countries, and the ever recurring looming global financial crash? I think Bolton has grasped the nettle of all because the use of the above concepts certainly offer an in-depth understanding of what malignant, if not outright evil forces are at work that always hypocritically claim to be doing good for all of humanity.
Bolton succeeds in clarifying how a mindset, which uses the Talmudic-Marxist dialectic process with which to subvert those values it hates, then claims a God-given right to kill anyone who opposes it. The most dramatic illustration of this in recent times is the 9/11 terrorism attack on the USA.
Although set in legal concrete through insurance payouts and victim compensation claims, the official narrative of the tragedy that befell the USA on 11 September 2001 is fatally flawed. Anyone who has given the matter a cursory glance will know that buildings do not implode in the way the official narrative states the events happened. When recently I met a gentleman who firmly believed the official story I asked about Building 7 and how it is supposed to have imploded into its own footprint. He stated that for hours there was a fire burning in the building. I asked him what kind of fire. He said it was a paper fire. Upon that I reminded him that he now should patent this new method of controlled demolition technique and that he would be a popular person amongst the engineers who need to spend many days setting up a building for controlled demolition. All that is needed to bring down such huge structures is to start a paper fire! He then realized what he had said was utter nonsense and then began the usual personal attack by calling me a conspiracy theorist.
The 9/11 event also set a new global dialectic by replacing the old post-World-War Two Communism-Capitalism dialectic, which had broken down on account of the economic paralysis that the Talmudic-Marxist dialectic materialism ideology had generated within the society upon it was inflicted through brute force.
It surprises me that to this day there are Marxists-Trotskyites who still aim to impose their ideology upon the world. Again, this is where Kerry Boltons book helps to clarify what is going on, and he clearly elucidates how the Jewish-Zionist-Neocons in their openly formulated agenda to shape the 21st century are falling back on the power inherent in the banks, the lodges and the synagogues.
Oswald Spengler and Jacques Barzun are quite right in their works when they postulate the western world is in cultural decline; in the formers work: Der Untergang des Abendlandes - The Decline of the West / The Downfall of the Occident, and in the latters biting comments made in his book: From Dawn to Decadence: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life, 1500 to the Present (2000). Samuel P Huntingtons 1993 essay The Clash of Civilizations?, which in 1996 became a book but without the question mark, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, postulates there will be a clash between the West and Islam.
And it is here where the world of Islam comes into focus. Besides the 9/11 initiated nonsense of scapegoating against the world of Islam through brute force by the global Kleptocracys agents the Anglo-American-Nato military machine thanks to the Internet it has become transparent where the master-servant slave mentality resides and how ruthless it sets down its own rule-of-law in regions where natural resources are to be acquired, such as gold, diamonds, drugs and oil.
Millions of local lives are lost to its vicious exploitative conquests, and all is relativised for the sake of bringing to such regions the virtues and values of western liberalism expressed in the now empty concepts of freedom and democracy. Those who refuse to bend to the dictates of its further proxies, the World Bank and the IMF for example, are then through public humiliation labelled murderous dictators and assassinated. Any nationalist leader who dares to liberate his country from internationally imposed borrowing, who dares to repay his countrys debt in full in order to be free of debt-enslavement, will be liquidated. Just think of how Libya was destroyed on such a pretext.
And the foreign occupation and exploitation commences amidst the flourishing imperative/value of compound interest, the definitive characteristic of western-global consumerism, where the only freedom left for individuals is the freedom to go shopping, then to self-destruct!
If we look at World War One and World War Two, the pattern repeats itself all too clearly, something Bolton, again, illustrates so well. Remember how Slobodan Miloevi was hauled before the International Court of Justice for war crimes, then because Nato and its co-conspirators realized the Russian legal defence teams arguments were beyond reproach, Miloevi had to be terminated, which he was on 11 March 2006 while imprisoned in The Hague, Netherlands.
This tactic is so reminiscent of what was applied to the Germans who fronted the IMT at Nuremberg, or who had to be eliminated before the trials began. After all, we all know that Heinrich Himmler was in charge of the concentration camps and we all know what happened there. According to the IMT judgements extracted confessions and extant documents proved beyond a doubt that Germans used homicidal gas chambers to murder millions of Jews so the official narrative, which to this day is legally protected in a number of countries.
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